(Added at v2.6)
The Print widget simplifies the process of printing a map using a default or user-defined layout. The Print widget displays a simple button or a button combined with a dropdown list of user-defined layouts. After clicking the print button, a hyperlink to the print page appears in place of the button. If you need more fine-grained control over printing view the
PrintTask class.
- The Print widget requires an ArcGIS Server 10.1 Export Web Map Task.
- The print server does not directly print SVG symbols. Rather, they are converted to PictureMarkerSymbols for display.
- Make certain that any resources to be printed are accessible by the print server. For example, if printing a map containing PictureMarkerSymbols, the URL to these symbols must be accessible to the print server for it to work properly.
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samples that use this class.
esri/dijit/Print | Download source
esriPrint | Define the styles for the print widget's parent div. Can be used to modify the padding, background etc. |
esriPrintButton | Define the style of the print button. Commonly used to set the font or color. .esriPrintButton{
esriPrintout | Define the style for the print image hyperlink.
} |
destroy() | None | Destroys the print widget. |
hide() | None | Hide the print widget. |
printMap(template) | None | User can call this function so that it programatically print the map. |
show() | None | Set the print widget's visibility to true. |
startup() | None | Finalizes the creation of the print widget. |
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
All On Style event listeners receive a single event object. Additionally, the event object also contains a 'target' property whose value is the object which fired the event.
error | {
error: <Error >
} | Fired when an error occurs during the print request. |
print-complete | {
value: <Object >
} | Fired when the print job has succeeded. |
print-start | | Fired when the request is sent to the print service. |
Constructor Details
Creates a new Print widget.
<Object > params |
Required |
Parameters for the print widget. See the options table below for details on the parameters. |
<Node | String > srcNodeRef |
Required |
HTML element where the print widget button and drop down list will be rendered. |
<Boolean > async |
Optional |
Set to true if the print service is an asynchronous geoprocessing service. |
<Object > extraParameters |
Optional |
Additional parameters for the print service. When an arcpy script is published as a custom print service there may be additional parameters associated with the print service. To determine the extra parameters visit its ArcGIS REST Services Directory page for the custom print service. |
<Map > map |
Optional |
The map to print. |
<PrintTemplate[] > templates |
Optional |
An optional array of user-defined templates. If an array of templates is not specified or the array only has one item the Print widget will display as a button. If the template array contains more than one template the available templates are displayed in a drop-down list.templates: [{ label: "Map", format: "PDF", layout: "MAP_ONLY", exportOptions: { width: 500, height: 400, dpi: 96 } }, { label: "Layout", format: "PDF", layout: "A4 Portrait", layoutOptions: { titleText: "My Print", authorText: "esri", copyrightText: "My Company", scalebarUnit: "Miles", } }] |
<String > url |
Optional |
The url to an export web map task. Requires ArcGIS Server 10.1 |
Sample: var printer = new esri.dijit.Print({
map: map,
url: ""
}, dojo.byId("printButton"));
Method Details
Destroys the print widget. Call destroy() when the widget is no longer needed by the application.
Sample: printer.destroy();
User can call this function so that it programatically print the map.
Set the print widget's visibility to true.
Finalizes the creation of the print widget. Call startup() after creating the widget when you are ready for user interaction.
Sample: var printer = new esri.dijit.Print({
map: map,
url: " Web Map Task"
}, dojo.byId("printButton"));
Event Details
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
Fired when an error occurs during the print request. (Added at v3.6)
Fired when the print job has succeeded. (Added at v3.6)
Event Object Properties:
<Object > value |
An object that contains the url of the printed image: {url:the-print-url} . |
Sample: require([
], function( ... ) {
console.log('The url to the print image is : ' + evt.result.url);
Fired when the request is sent to the print service. (Added at v3.6)
Sample: require([
], function( ... ) {
console.log('The print operation has started');
Fired when an error occurs during the print request.
Fired when the print job has succeeded.
Event Object Properties:
<Object > value |
An object that contains the url of the printed image:
Sample: dojo.connect(printer,'onPrintComplete',function(value){
console.log('The url to the print image is : ' + value.url);
Fired when the request is sent to the print service.
Sample: dojo.connect(printer,'onPrintStart',function(){
console.log('The print operation has started');