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Class: ReviewerAttributes



(Added at v3.14)
Encapsulates data used by the writeFeatureAsResult and writeResult methods of the ReviewerResults class. Properties (and their values) represent the attribute values that writeFeatureAsResult and writeResult insert into REVTABLEMAIN in a reviewer workspace.
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lifecycleStatusNumberRepresents the state of a reviewer result.
notesStringExtra information describing a result or feature.
resourceNameStringRepresents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer resource name.
reviewStatusStringA status value (any string) to write to the ReviewStatus field for the result or feature written to the reviewer workspace.
reviewTechnicianStringThe user name under which results or features are written to the reviewer workspace.
sessionIdNumberRepresents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer session ID, the numeric identifier of the session.
severityNumberRepresents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer severity value.
subtypeStringSubtype from the original feature that was checked and caused an error.


NameReturn typeSummary
toJSON()ObjectReturns a JSON representation of an instance of ReviewerAttributes.
Property Details

<Number> lifecycleStatus

Represents the state of a reviewer result.

<String> notes

Extra information describing a result or feature.

<String> resourceName

Represents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer resource name. Corresponds to the OriginTable in REVTABLEMAIN and ResourceName in REVCHECKRUNTABLE.

<String> reviewStatus

A status value (any string) to write to the ReviewStatus field for the result or feature written to the reviewer workspace.

<String> reviewTechnician

The user name under which results or features are written to the reviewer workspace.

<Number> sessionId

Represents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer session ID, the numeric identifier of the session.

<Number> severity

Represents an ArcGIS Data Reviewer severity value. Severity allows you to indicate the importance of a check's results.

<String> subtype

Subtype from the original feature that was checked and caused an error. The subtype is written as a string to REVTABLEMAIN. Subtype should be a valid subtype in the feature class specified in ORIGINTABLE field in REVTABLEMAIN.
Method Details


Returns a JSON representation of an instance of ReviewerAttributes.
Return type: Object
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