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Class: TextSymbol



(Added at v1.0)
Text symbols are used to add text on the graphics layer. Text symbols can also be used to define the symbol property of Graphic if the geometry type is Point or Multipoint.


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new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text)Creates a new TextSymbol object that includes only the text.
new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text, font, color)Creates a new TextSymbol object.
new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(json)Creates a new TextSymbol object using a JSON object.


ALIGN_ENDThe end of the text string is aligned with the point.
ALIGN_MIDDLEThe center of the text string is aligned with the point.
ALIGN_STARTThe beginning of the text string is aligned with the point.
DECORATION_LINETHROUGHText has a lined striked through it.
DECORATION_NONEText has no decoration.
DECORATION_OVERLINEText has a line along the top.


alignStringThe text alignment in relation to the point.
angleNumberText angle.
colorColorSymbol color.
decorationStringThe decoration on the text.
fontFontFont for displaying text.
haloColorColorThe halo color used for the text symbol.
haloSizeNumberThe size (in pixel units) used if setting a halo on a text symbol.
horizontalAlignmentStringHorizontal alignment of the text with respect to the graphic.
kerningBooleanDetermines whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string.
rotatedBooleanDetermines whether every character in the text string is rotated.
textStringText string for display in the graphics layer.
typeStringThe type of symbol.
verticalAlignmentStringVertical alignment of the text with respect to the graphic.

Vertical alignment is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 7-10.
xoffsetNumberThe offset on the x-axis in pixels from the point.
yoffsetNumberThe offset on the y-axis in pixels from the point.


NameReturn typeSummary
setAlign(align)TextSymbolSets the alignment of the text.
setAngle(angle)TextSymbolSets the angle of the text.
setColor(color)SymbolSets the symbol color.
setDecoration(decoration)TextSymbolSets the decoration for the text.
setFont(font)TextSymbolSets the text font.
setHaloColor(color)TextSymbolSets a halo color for the text symbol.

NOTE: Known limitations when working with the text symbol halo:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e.
setHaloSize(size)TextSymbolSets the size of the halo (in pixels) used for the text symbol.

NOTE: Known limitations when working with the text symbol halo:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e.
setHorizontalAlignment(alignment)TextSymbolUpdates the horizontal alignment of the text symbol.
setKerning(kerning)TextSymbolSets whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string.
setOffset(x, y)TextSymbolSets the x and y offset of the text.
setRotated(rotated)TextSymbolSets whether every character in the text string is rotated.
setText(text)TextSymbolSets the text string.
setVerticalAlignment(alignment)TextSymbolUpdates the vertical alignment of the text symbol.
toJson()ObjectConverts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation.
Constructor Details

new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text)

Creates a new TextSymbol object that includes only the text.
<String> text Required Text string for display in the graphics layer.

Create a new text symbol using the default values for color, size, etc.

var textSym = new esri.symbol.TextSymbol("Hello World");

Create a new text symbol and set new values for color, weight, font and angle.

var textSymbol =  new esri.symbol.TextSymbol("Hello World").setColor(

new esri.Color([128,0,0])).setAlign(esri.symbol.Font.ALIGN_START).setAngle(45).setFont(

new esri.symbol.Font("12pt").setWeight(esri.symbol.Font.WEIGHT_BOLD)) ;

new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text, font, color)

Creates a new TextSymbol object.
<String> text Required Text string for display in the graphics layer.
<Font> font Required Font for displaying text.
<Color> color Required Symbol color.

new esri.symbol.TextSymbol(json)

Creates a new TextSymbol object using a JSON object.
<Object> json Required JSON object representing the TextSymbol. View the Symbol Objects (Common data types in ArcGIS) for details on creating a JSON symbol. Note that when specifying symbol width and height using JSON the values should be entered in points, the JavaScript API then converts the point values to pixels. The TextSymbol does not support backgroundColor, borderLineColor, verticalAlignment or horizontalAlignment properties.
Property Details

<String> align

The text alignment in relation to the point. See the Constants table for valid values. Deprecated at v3.8. Use horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment instead.
Default value: ALIGN_MIDDLE
See also: setAlign()

<Number> angle

Text angle. 0 is horizontal and the angle moves clockwise.
Default value: 0
See also: setAngle()

<Color> color

Symbol color.

<String> decoration

The decoration on the text. See the Constants table for valid values. Deprecated at v3.8. Use Font.decoration instead.
Default value: DECORATION_NONE
See also: setDecoration()

<Font> font

Font for displaying text.
See also: setFont()

<Color> haloColor

The halo color used for the text symbol.

Known limitations:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e. fractional size such as 1.25px) renders inconsistently in various browsers.
(Added at v3.15)

<Number> haloSize

The size (in pixel units) used if setting a halo on a text symbol.

Known limitations:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e. fractional size such as 1.25px) renders inconsistently in various browsers.
(Added at v3.15)

<String> horizontalAlignment

Horizontal alignment of the text with respect to the graphic. (Added at v3.8)
Known values: "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify"
Default value: "center"

<Boolean> kerning

Determines whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string.
Known values: true | false
Default value: true
See also: setKerning()

<Boolean> rotated

Determines whether every character in the text string is rotated.
Known values: true | false
Default value: false
See also: setRotated()

<String> text

Text string for display in the graphics layer.
See also: setText()

<String> type

The type of symbol.
Known values: simplemarkersymbol | picturemarkersymbol | simplelinesymbol | cartographiclinesymbol | simplefillsymbol | picturefillsymbol | textsymbol

<String> verticalAlignment

Vertical alignment of the text with respect to the graphic.

Vertical alignment is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 7-10. Also, it is not supported when the graphics layer uses HTML Canvas to draw graphics. (Added at v3.8)
Known values: "baseline" | "top" | "middle" | "bottom"
Default value: "baseline"

<Number> xoffset

The offset on the x-axis in pixels from the point.
Default value: 0
See also: setOffset()

<Number> yoffset

The offset on the y-axis in pixels from the point.
Default value: 0
See also: setOffset()
Method Details


Sets the alignment of the text. Deprecated at v3.8. Use setHorizontalAlignment and setVerticalAlignment instead.
Return type: TextSymbol
<String> align Required The text alignment. See the Constants table for valid values.
See also: align


Sets the angle of the text.
Return type: TextSymbol
<Number> angle Required Angle value between 0 and 359.

See also: angle


Sets the symbol color.
Return type: Symbol
<Color> color Required Symbol color.

.setColor(new esri.Color([255,255,0,0.5]));


Sets the decoration for the text. Many browsers including Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Opera 9 do not support the decoration properties for text symbols. Deprecated at v3.8. Use Font.setDecoration instead.
Return type: TextSymbol
<String> decoration Required The decoration on the text. See the Constants table for valid values.
See also: decoration


Sets the text font.
Return type: TextSymbol
<Font> font Required Text font.

var font  = new esri.symbol.Font();



See also: font


Sets a halo color for the text symbol.

NOTE: Known limitations when working with the text symbol halo:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e. fractional size such as 1.25px) renders inconsistently in various browsers.
(Added at v3.15)
Return type: TextSymbol
<Color> color Required The color used for the text symbol halo.


Sets the size of the halo (in pixels) used for the text symbol.

NOTE: Known limitations when working with the text symbol halo:
  • IE 9 and below not supported.
  • Sub-pixel halo (i.e. fractional size such as 1.25px) renders inconsistently in various browsers.
(Added at v3.15)
Return type: TextSymbol
<Number> size Required The size (in pixels) of the text symbol halo.


Updates the horizontal alignment of the text symbol. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: TextSymbol
<String> alignment Required Horizontal alignment of the text with respect to the graphic. See horizontalAlignment property for the list of supported options.


Sets whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string.
Return type: TextSymbol
<Boolean> kerning Required Set to true for kerning.
See also: kerning

setOffset(x, y)

Sets the x and y offset of the text.
Return type: TextSymbol
<Number> x Required X offset value in pixels.
<Number> y Required Y offset value in pixels.
See also: xoffsetyoffset


Sets whether every character in the text string is rotated. Many browsers including Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Opera 9 do not support rotated for text symbols.
Return type: TextSymbol
<Boolean> rotated Required Set to true to rotate all characters in the string.
See also: rotated


Sets the text string.
Return type: TextSymbol
<String> text Required The text string.
See also: text


Updates the vertical alignment of the text symbol. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: TextSymbol
<String> alignment Required Vertical alignment of the text with respect to the graphic. See verticalAlignment property for the list of supported options.


Converts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation.
Return type: Object
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