esri.renderer.Renderer |_esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer
Name | Summary |
new esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer(defaultSymbol, attributeField, attributeField2?, attributeField3?, fieldDelimiter?) | Creates a new UniqueValueRenderer object. |
new esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer(json) | Creates a new Unique Value Renderer. |
Name | Type | Summary |
attributeField | String | Attribute field renderer uses to match values. |
attributeField2 | String | If needed, specify an additional attribute field the renderer uses to match values. |
attributeField3 | String | If needed, specify an additional attribute field the renderer uses to match values. |
backgroundFillSymbol | FillSymbol | A symbol used for polygon features as a background if the renderer uses point symbols, for example for bivariate types & size rendering. |
colorInfo | Object | Deprecated. |
defaultLabel | String | Label for the default symbol used to draw unspecified values. |
defaultSymbol | Symbol | Default symbol used when a value or break cannot be matched. |
fieldDelimiter | String | String inserted between the values if multiple attribute fields are specified. |
infos | Object[] | Each element in the array is an object that provides information about the unique values associated with the renderer. |
legendOptions | Object | An object containing a title property that describes the variable driving the visualization. |
opacityInfo | Object | Deprecated. |
rotationInfo | Object | Deprecated. |
sizeInfo | Object | Deprecated. |
valueExpression | String | An Arcade expression evaluating to either a string or a number. |
valueExpressionTitle | String | The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. |
values | String[] | Deprecated at v2.0, use infos instead. An array of values defined for the renderer. |
visualVariables | Object[] | This property allows you to define how to render values in a layer. |
Name | Return type | Summary |
addValue(valueOrInfo, symbol?) | None | Adds a unique value and symbol. |
getColor(graphic, options?) | Color | Gets the color for the Graphic. |
getOpacity(graphic, options?) | Number | Returns the opacity value for the specified graphic. |
getRotationAngle(graphic, options?) | Number | Returns the angle of rotation (in degrees) for the graphic calculated using rotationInfo. |
getSize(graphic, options?) | Number | Return the symbol size (in pixels) for the graphic, calculated using sizeInfo . |
getSymbol(graphic) | Symbol | Gets the symbol for the Graphic. |
getUniqueValueInfo(graphic) | Object | Returns rendering and legend information (as defined by the renderer) associated with the given graphic. |
getVisualVariablesForType(type) | Object[] | Returns the visual variable of the specified type. |
hasVisualVariables() | Boolean | Indicates if the renderer has defined visualVariables. |
removeValue(value) | None | Removes a unique value. |
setColorInfo(info) | Renderer | Deprecated. |
setOpacityInfo(info) | Renderer | Deprecated. |
setRotationInfo(info) | Renderer | Deprecated. |
setSizeInfo(info) | Renderer | Deprecated. |
setVisualVariables(visualParams) | None | Sets the renderer with the specified visualVariables. |
toJson() | Object | Converts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation. |
and attributeField3
.< > defaultSymbol |
Required | Default symbol for the renderer. This symbol is used for unmatched values. This parameter is required but can be null or an empty object. |
< > attributeField |
Required | Specify either the attribute field the renderer uses to match values or starting at version 3.3, a function that returns a value to be compared against unique values. If a function is specified the renderer will call this function once for every graphic drawn on the map. This can be used in cases where you want the unique values to be compared against a computed value that is not available via the attribute fields. At version 3.0 the Class Breaks renderer can be used to render feature layer tracks. Specify the layer's trackIdField as the attributeField. |
< > attributeField2 |
Optional | If needed, specify an additional attribute field the renderer uses to match values. |
< > attributeField3 |
Optional | If needed, specify an additional attribute field the renderer uses to match values. |
< > fieldDelimiter |
Optional | String inserted between the values of different fields. Applicable only when more than one attribute field is specified for the renderer. |
var renderer = new esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer(defaultSymbol, "SUB_REGION");
var renderer = new esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer(defaultSymbol, function(feature){
return feature.attributes.POP07_SQMI;
< > json |
Required | JSON object representing the UniqueValueRenderer. |
var uvrJson = {"type": "uniqueValue",
"field1": "SUB_REGION",
"defaultSymbol": {
"color": [0, 0, 0, 64],
"outline": {
"color": [0, 0, 0, 255],
"width": 1,
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSNull"
"type": "esriSFS",
"style": "esriSFSNull"
"uniqueValueInfos": [{
"value": "Pacific",
"symbol": {
"color": [255, 0, 0, 128],
"outline": {
"color": [0, 0, 0, 255],
"width": 1,
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSSolid"
"type": "esriSFS",
"style": "esriSFSSolid"
}, {
"value": "Mtn",
"symbol": {
"color": [0, 255, 0, 128],
"outline": {
"color": [0, 0, 0, 255],
"width": 1,
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSSolid"
"type": "esriSFS",
"style": "esriSFSSolid"
var renderer = new esri.renderer.UniqueValueRenderer(uvrJson);
> attributeFieldattributeField
> attributeField2String
> attributeField3FillSymbol
> backgroundFillSymbolObject
> colorInfovisualVariables
property. colorInfo
>< > colors |
Required | An array of colors defining the color ramp. The first color will be used to render minimum data value, and the last color will be used to render maximum data value. At least two colors are required. If there are three or more colors, the intermediate colors will be placed proportionally between the first and the last to create a multi-color ramp. Note: Specify either colors or stops to construct the color ramp. |
< > field |
Required | Name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value. |
< > legendOptions |
Optional | An object providing options for displaying the color ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions below. |
< > maxDataValue |
Required | Maximum data value. |
< > minDataValue |
Required | Minimum data value. |
< > normalizationField |
Optional | Name of the feature attribute field by which the data value will be normalized. |
< > stops |
Optional | An array of objects defining the color ramp. Each object defines a stop on the color ramp. At least two stops are required.
colors or stops to construct the color ramp. If you use stops, then you do not need minDataValue and maxDataValue .
{ |
< > type |
Required | This value must be colorInfo . |
< > valueExpression |
Optional | An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables. |
< > valueExpressionTitle |
Optional | The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding color ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property. |
>< > showLegend |
Optional | Indicates whether to show the color ramp in the legend. |
< > title |
Optional | Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding color ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle . |
field: "M086_07",
minDataValue: 0,
maxDataValue: 100,
colors: [
new Color([255, 255, 255]),
new Color([127, 127, 0])
> defaultLabelSymbol
> defaultSymbolString
> fieldDelimiterObject[]
> infosEach element in the array is an object that provides information about the unique values associated with the renderer. The object has the following properties:
<String> value | The unique value. |
<Symbol> symbol | The symbol used to display the value. |
<String> label | Label for the symbol used to draw the value. |
<String> description | Label for the symbol used to draw the value. |
> legendOptionsfieldAlias
or valueExpressionTitle. (Added at v3.19)Object
> opacityInfovisualVariables
property. opacityInfo
object. (Added at v3.11)legendOptions
>< > showLegend |
Optional | Indicates whether to show the opacity ramp in the legend. |
< > title |
Optional | Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding opacity ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle . |
>< > field |
Required | Name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value. |
< > legendOptions |
Optional | An object providing options for displaying the opacity ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions above. |
< > maxDataValue |
Required | Maximum data value. |
< > minDataValue |
Required | Minimum data value. |
< > normalizationField |
Optional | Name of the feature attribute field used to normalize the data value. |
< > opacityValues |
Required | An array of opacity values. Each value must be a number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. The first value is used for features with minimum data value (or lower), the last value is used for features with maximum data value (or higher). At least two values are required. If there are three or more, the intermediate ones are applied proportionally between the first and last values. You need to specify either opacityValues or stops. |
< > stops |
Required | An array of objects, each with two properties: value and opacity. At least two stops are required. You need to specify opacityValues or stops. If you specify stops, then you do not need minDataValue and maxDataValue . |
< > type |
Required | This value must be opacityInfo . |
< > valueExpression |
Optional | An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables. |
< > valueExpressionTitle |
Optional | The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding opacity ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property. |
var opacityInfo = {
normalizationField: "normalizationField",
minDataValue: 0, maxDataValue: 100,
// stops: [
// { value: 10, opacity: 0 },
// { value: 39, opacity: 0.5 },
// { value: 68, opacity: 1 }
// ]
// OR, you can specify alphaValues using:
opacityValues: [ 0, 1 ]
> rotationInfovisualVariables
property. rotationInfo
>< > field |
Required | Name of the feature attribute field that contains the angle of rotation. Or a function that returns the angle of rotation. A function is useful in cases where the angle of rotation is not available in an attribute field but needs to be computed using a mathematical expression or formula. For example, you can specify a function to compute wind or current direction when the underlying data is stored as U or V vectors. View example below. |
< > rotationType |
Optional | Defines the origin and direction of rotation depending on how the angle of rotation was measured. Can be one of the following:
The default value is "geographic". |
< > type |
Required | This value must be rotationInfo . |
< > valueExpression |
Optional | An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables. |
> sizeInfovisualVariables
property. proportionalSymbolInfo
See the object specifications table below for a list of its available properties.
In addition, regardless of the type of data described above, you can map a range of data values to a range of symbol sizes.
For point features, maker size is varied in proportion to the data value. For line features, stroke width is varied.
(Added at v3.7)legendOptions
>< > customValues |
Optional | An array of numbers representing the values to use for the stops in the legend. For example, if the size stops in the legend are 13, 171, 286, 404, and 534, you can adjust the stops in the legend to use more rounded numbers by setting them to this property. For example, sizeInfo.legendOptions.customValues = [10, 150, 300, 400, 500] . See the example snippet below. |
< > showLegend |
Optional | Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend. |
< > title |
Optional | Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle . |
>< > expression |
Optional | Deprecated. As of v3.19 use valueExpression instead. Allows a size to be defined based on the scale. "view.scale" is the only expression currently supported. Added at 3.14 |
< > field |
Required | Required name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value. Or a function that returns the data value. |
< > legendOptions |
Optional | An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions above. |
< > maxDataValue |
Optional | Maximum data value. |
< > maxSize |
Required | Specifies the largest marker size to use at any given map scale. Note: This is required if valueUnit is set to "unknown".
In version 3.13, this could only be set as a number which represented the symbol size in pixels.
Beginning with 3.14, it now is an object that contains:
"maxSize": { |
< > minDataValue |
Required | Minimum data value (required if valueUnit is "unknown"). |
< > minSize |
Required | Specifies the smallest marker size to use at any given map scale. Note: This is required if valueUnit is set to "unknown".
In version 3.13, this could only be set as a number which represented the symbol size in pixels.
Beginning with 3.14, it now is an object that contains:
"maxSize": { |
< > normalizationField |
Optional | Name of the feature attribute field used for data normalization. The data value obtained from field is divided by the value obtained from normalizationField before calculating the symbol size. |
< > stops |
Required | Added at 3.14
An array of objects that define the size of the symbol. It takes the following properties:
var stops = |
< > type |
Required | This value must be sizeInfo . |
< > valueExpression |
Optional | An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables. |
< > valueExpressionTitle |
Optional | The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property. |
< > valueRepresentation |
Required | Specifies what the data value measures if it represents a real world distance (required if valueUnit is not "unknown"). The following values are supported:
< > valueUnit |
Required | Required unit of measurement if the data represents a real world distance quantity. Valid values are:
"unknown","inches", "feet", "yards", "miles", "nautical-miles", "millimeters", "centimeters", "decimeters", "meters", "kilometers", "decimal-degrees" .
If the data value represents a non-distance quantity (for example traffic count, census data) then valueUnit should be set to "unknown" . |
field: "tree_canopy",
valueUnit: "meters",
valueRepresentation: "diameter"
//ground area covered by trees measured in square feet.Specify
field: "GroundArea",
valueUnit: "feet",
valueRepresentation: "area"
and maxSize
to smooth out outliers.
Data representing a non-distance quantity.
field: "avg_daily_traffic",
valueUnit: "unknown",
minSize: 1000,
minDataValue: 8
to smooth out outliers.
Map a range of data values to a range of symbol sizes:
{To use legendOptions:
field: "avg_daily_traffic",
valueUnit: "unknown",
minSize: 1,
maxSize: 10,
minDataValue: 1000,
maxDataValue: 100000
field: "POP_PER_DOC",
minSize: 2,
maxSize: 20,
minDataValue: 100,
maxDataValue: 10000,
valueUnit: "unknown",
legendOptions: {
customValues: [100, 200, 300, 10000]
> valueExpression$feature
global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. This property is typically used as an alternative to attributeField. (Added at v3.19)String
> valueExpressionTitletitle
in the legendOptions property. (Added at v3.19)String[]
> valuesObject[]
> visualVariablestype
property of the visual variable object to colorInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the colorInfo object specification table.NOTE:This does not apply to VectorFieldRenderer
property of the visual variable object to sizeInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the sizeInfo object specification table.type
property of the visual variable object to opacityInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the opacityInfo object specification table.type
property of the visual variable object to rotationinfo. Then define the rest of the object using the rotationInfo object specification table.< > valueOrInfo |
Required | Value to match with. The value can be provided as individual arguments or as an info object. See the object specifications table below for the structure of the info object. |
< > symbol |
Optional | Symbol used for the value. |
>< > description |
Required | Description for the symbol used to draw the value |
< > label |
Required | Label for the symbol used to draw the value |
< > symbol |
Required | The symbol used to display the value |
< > value |
Required | The unique value. |
Specify the symbol and value using the info object.
renderer.addValue("KS", symbol);
value: "KS",
symbol: new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(),
label: "Kansas",
description: "The Sunflower State"
< > graphic |
Required | Graphic to get color from. |
< > options |
Optional | This optional parameter supports colorInfo . If none is provided, the Renderer.colorInfo will be used. |
< > graphic |
Required | Returns the opacity value appropriate for the given graphic. This value is calculated based on the opacityInfo definition. |
< > options |
Optional | This optional parameter supports opacityInfo . If none is provided, the Renderer.opacityInfo will be used. |
< > graphic |
Required | An input graphic for which you want to get the angle of rotation. |
< > options |
Optional | This optional parameter supports rotationInfo . If none is provided, the Renderer.rotationInfo will be used. |
. (Added at v3.7)Number
< > graphic |
Required | The graphic for which you want to calculate the symbol size. |
< > options |
Optional | This optional parameter supports sizeInfo . If none is provided, the Renderer.sizeInfo will be used.
< > graphic |
Required | Graphic to symbolize. Used when creating a custom renderer. |
< > graphic |
Required | The graphic whose rendering and legend information will be returned. |
< > type |
Required | The type of visual variable desired. Supported Values: colorInfo (does not apply to VectorFieldRenderer ) | sizeInfo | opacityInfo |
< > value |
Required | Value to remove. |
property. (Added at v3.8)Renderer
parameter. The info parameter is an object with the same properties as opacityInfo.
(Added at v3.11)Renderer
< > info |
Required | The info parameter is an object with the same properties as opacityInfo. |
var opacityInfo = {
normalizeField: "normalizeFieldName",
minDataValue: 0,
maxDataValue: 100,
// stops: [
// { value: 10, opacity: 0 },
// { value: 39, opacity: 0.5 },
// { value: 68, opacity: 1 }
// ]
// OR, you can specify alphaValues using:
opacityValues: [ 0, 1 ]
. (Added at v3.7)Renderer
< > info |
Required | An object with the same properties as rotationInfo. |
object has the same properties as sizeInfo
only applies if rendering sizeInfo using visualvariables. setProportionalSymbolInfo
< > visualParams |
Required | The specified visualVariables. |