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Esri Community
Ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with others on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.
Certification exam
Validate your skills and expertise on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. Demonstrate proficiency using the SDK for mapping, visualization, handling asynchronous events, and integrating with components.
Check out the Intro to GIS for Developers class on Pluralsight, designed for beginners in GIS and web development.
Stack Overflow
Join a large and growing community of developers to find the best answers to coding questions. When asking a question, remember to include the "ArcGIS" tag for others to find your questions about the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.
GIS Stack Exchange
A huge community of GIS professionals helping each other with Geographic Information System software questions.
Follow us on Twitter
@EsriDevs | JavaScript Maps SDK (Twitter list) | @odoenet | @yanncabon | @kiwirichie | @kekenes | @nicolaraluk | @agup | @JuliePowellGIS | @driskull | @bjorn_svensson | @kellyhutchins | @hgonzago | @lheberlie | @noashx