Track widget simulation

This sample demonstrates tracking via the Track widget. It works using geolocation functionality which accesses the geographic location of the tracking device and displays it in the SceneView. Since this sample may be accessed on a desktop, it was written with hardcoded coordinate locations to simulate tracking. The view rotates according to the direction the tracked device is heading. A third party library is referenced for the geolocation API reference.

The Track widget is only supported on secure origins. To use it, confirm your application is using a secure origin, such as HTTPS, or localhost is considered "potentially secure" and can be used for easy testing in browsers that supports Window.isSecureContext.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

The developer dashboard has moved

You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

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Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
