Take a map offline with ArcGIS Pro

allows you to consolidate your and data into a single file (.mmpk) that you can take . Each package can contain the maps and data necessary for your users to continue working when connectivity is poor or non-existent. Each mobile map package adheres to a common map definition, allowing you to transport your maps and data across ArcGIS.

With ArcGIS Pro 2.6 (or later), you can include online and in your map, such as traffic information, weather conditions, or a large company data-set. If your user's has network connectivity they can take advantage of these online layers and tables. If the connection is unavailable, users can continue to work with the maps and data that are stored locally in the .

Create an offline map

You have two options to create a with :

  • Use the Create Mobile Map Package tool.
    1. Locate the ArcGIS Pro tool called Create Mobile Map Package in the Data Management Toolbox. You can use this to create a mobile map package containing any number of .
    2. If needed, set an expiration date on the mobile map package. This is available with ArcGIS Pro 2.4 (or later) with the ArcGIS Publisher extension license.
    3. If you want to include online and in the maps, you need to check Reference online content. This is available with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 (or later).
    4. Save the package to , , or to a folder on your device.
  • Use the Package option on the Share tab.
    1. In ArcGIS Pro go to the Share tab, under Package and select Mobile Map. This will create a from the active . For more information, see Share a mobile map package.
    2. You can save the package to , , or to a folder on your device.

You can download the from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise directly onto your device using the ArcGIS Runtime API. Alternatively, you can copy the package directly to your device (or it).

Next steps

When the is on your device, you can:

  1. Ensure that the mobile map package has not expired and load it into your application. If any of the loaded contain online or , you may need to handle authentication.
  2. Display and interact with the maps, layers, and data, calculate using the package's transportation network files, and search for addresses using the package's files, if present.
  3. Finish using the by ensuring that all locks are fully released from the mobile map package.

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Your ArcGIS portal

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Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
