Navigate a scene view

You can navigate a scene view (a 3D map):

Built-in navigation

The scene view has a number of built-in gestures that allow you to navigate a scene (3D).

Basic navigation

Basic navigation for scene views is the same as navigation for map views:

NavigationUser Action
Zoom in                                                                        Two-pointer pinch open
Single-pointer double-tap
Zoom outTwo-pointer pinch close
Two-pointer single-tap
Continuous zoom in / outSingle-pointer double-tap, ending in a vertical up/down drag      
Move/PanSingle-pointer drag or flick
Rotate the sceneTwo-pointer rotate

Advanced navigation

Scene views have additional navigation not found in map views:

NavigationUser Action
Tilt the scene                                                               Two-pointer up-down drag (vertically aligned on the scene view)

Programmatically change camera position

Your applications can programmatically navigate a 3D scene by creating a new camera and setting it to the scene view. A camera defines the location from which you are viewing the scene.

Camera position for a scene view

The camera is shown in this image for illustration purposes; when you set camera settings (location, pitch), think of the camera class a real-life camera you're adjusting the position of.

Set the camera

For example, to point the camera to toward the Snowdon mountainside, as shown in the following code snippet and image, use these values:

  • For 3D location, use 53.06 latitude, -4.04 longitude, 1289 meters above sea level
  • For heading, use 295 degrees
  • For pitch, use 71 degrees
  • For roll, use 0 degrees

// add a camera and initial camera position (Snowdonia National Park)
val snowdonCamera = Camera(53.06, -4.04, 1289.0, 295.0, 71.0, 0.0);
Surface elevation applied to a scene

Now you have a new camera you can apply to your scene view. You can apply it immediately using setViewpointCamera as shown in the code below, or the camera can be animated to the new position using one of the asynchronous methods.


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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
