How to enable and test the REST SOE on a service

Enabling and testing the REST SOE on a service

Once your server object extension (SOE) and property page are registered, you can enable the SOE on a service. In this section of the walkthrough, you’ll publish a map service from the Yellowstone sample data in the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK. You’ll enable the SOE on the map service and test the SOE using the Services Directory.

The following instructions explain how to package the Yellowstone map into a service definition and publish that service definition using Manager. These steps are included because they support a variety of potential server architectures under which you might be trying this walkthrough.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro (Make sure ArcGIS Enterprise connection is added in ArcGIS Pro) and create new blank project.
  2. Click on New Map. Remove topographic basemap from map.
  3. Click in Add Data. Browse to Yellowstone folder, which is located at \<ArcGIS Enterprise SDK install location>\Samples\
  4. Add the veg layer available inside veg.gdb. Symbolize the "veg" layer with primary symbology "Unique Values" and field1 as "PRIMARY_"
  5. Right-click the "veg" layer, Sharing -> Share as Web Layer.
  6. Enter a Name, a Summary, a Tags inside the item details section of the "Sharing As Web Layer" pane.
  7. Inside the Data section choose the option Copy all data and inside the Layer Type section make sure the Map Image option is selected.
  8. In the Sharing With section choose Everyone.
  9. In configuration pane of the Sharing as Web Layer window, inside the capabilities section, choose SpatialQueryREST. In the properties window, ensure that the LayerName is veg and that the FieldName is PRIMARY_.
  10. Click on the Publish button inside the Finish Sharing section, to publish the service. Your SOE is now enabled and it's properties are set. You can easily test it using the Services Directory.
  11. Access your directory by opening https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/rest/services in a web browser.
  12. Click on map service (which is created in above steps), scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click SpatialQueryREST. You’re now at the root resource page of your SOE.
  13. Click the one operation available, SpatialQuery. You can test this operation by adding some simple JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parameters in the input boxes.
  14. Type {x:544000,y:4900000} in the location box.
  15. Type 5000 in the distance box.
  16. Click the SpatialQuery (GET) button.

You can also enable the SpatialQueryREST SOE for a map service in ArcGIS Server Manager or Portal Home application, for more information please reference Enable Extensions.

You should see a long JSON response containing the clipped polygon geometries from the spatial query. Scroll to the bottom of the response and you’ll see a list of the total areas for each vegetation type. This information structure isn’t easy to read for a human, but it’s great for a web browser or application programming interface (API). In the next section of the walkthrough, you’ll learn how to put this information in maps and tables in a web application.

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