
Class performs license authorization.


The AoAuthorizeLicense object can be used by developers to silently 'authorize' the ArcGIS Engine Runtime components on client systems.

If the end user of the standalone custom ArcGIS Engine application has no direct contact with ESRI, the application can either call the SoftwareAuthorization.exe or use the AoAuthorizeLicense object to unlock the functionality of ArcGIS Engine. The advantage of this method is that the software will be authorized silently and does not require the end user to enter registration information.

The developer would follows the steps below to deploy the ArcGIS Engine Runtime to the end user:

  1. Review and confirm the licensing requirments of the application.
  2. Purchase the necessary redistributable ArcGIS Engine Runtime product and any options (3DAnalyst, GeoDatabase Editing, SpatialAnalyst etc).
  3. Register the ArcGIS Engine product, and any options with ESRI.
  4. Receive a redistributable authoriztion file (.ecp)

The client would install the custom built ArcGIS Engine application. The installation would:

  1. Install the ArcGIS Engine Runtime software.
  2. Call the SoftwareAuthorization.exe or use the AoAuthorizeLicense object to unlock the functionality of ArcGIS Engine.
  3. At application start time the AoInitialize object is used to initialize the application with a license.

See the topics on licensing and deployment for more information on deploying the ArcGIS Engine Runtime.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IAuthorizeLicense Provides access to members that authorize Esri licenses.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
