
AMD: require(["esri/core/lang"], (esriLang) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as esriLang from "@arcgis/core/core/lang.js";
Object: esri/core/lang
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.0

Provides a utility method for deeply cloning objects with properties that are computed or have their own clone() method, such as Extent.

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Use this method to deeply clone objects with properties that are computed or have their own clone() method.


Method Details



Use this method to deeply clone objects with properties that are computed or have their own clone() method. For example, if you are creating an object that stores an initial extent and a spatial reference for your application, you can use esriLang.clone(initialProps) to clone this object so that the extent and spatialReference are properly cloned.

elem Object

The object to be cloned.

Type Description
Object A clone of the object.
require(["esri/core/lang"], function(esriLang) {
 let initialProps = {
  extent: appExtent, // app initial extent
  spatialReference: spatReference // app spatialReference
 // Creates a deep clone of the object
 let clonedInitialProps = esriLang.clone(initialProps);

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