
AMD: require(["esri/geometry"], (geometry) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as geometry from "@arcgis/core/geometry.js";
Object: esri/geometry
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.6
Deprecated since version 4.32. Use unionTypes to import union types, or individual modules to import classes.

A convenience module for importing Geometry classes when developing with TypeScript. For example, rather than importing geometries one at a time like this:

import Point from "esri/geometry/Point";
import Polygon from "esri/geometry/Polygon";
import Polyline from "esri/geometry/Polyline";

You can use this module to import them on a single line:

import { Point, Polygon, Polyline } from "esri/geometry";

This module also allows you to implement type guards on geometries, making your code smarter.

import { GeometryUnion } from "esri/unionTypes";

function logGeometry(geometry: Geometry): void {
  if (geometry.type === "point") {
    // new at 4.6, the compiler knows the geometry is a Point instance
    console.log("point coords: ", geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z);
  else {
    // the compiler knows the geometry must be a `Extent | Polygon | Multipoint | Polyline`
    console.log("The value is a geometry, but isn't a point.")

Type Definitions


Type Definition
Extent Extent
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import Extent directly instead.



Type Definition
Geometry Extent |Multipoint |Point |Polygon |Polyline |Mesh
Deprecated since version 4.32. Use GeometryUnion instead.

Geometry types.


Type Definition
Multipoint Multipoint
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import Multipoint directly instead.



Type Definition
Point Point
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import Point directly instead.



Type Definition
Polygon Polygon
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import Polygon directly instead.



Type Definition
Polyline Polyline
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import Polyline directly instead.



Type Definition
SpatialReference SpatialReference
Deprecated since version 4.32. Import SpatialReference directly instead.

Spatial Reference.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
