require(["esri/layers/support/RasterInfo"], (RasterInfo) => { /* code goes here */ });
import RasterInfo from "@arcgis/core/layers/support/RasterInfo.js";
Describes general raster data information exposed by the ArcGIS REST API for ImageryLayer, ImageryTileLayer and WCSLayer. RasterInfo contains information such band count, statistics, data type, dimensions and key properties.
- See also
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class |
The raster attribute table associated with an imagery layer. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster band count. | RasterInfo | ||
This property provides additional information for each band in the raster. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster colormap that can be used to display the imagery layer. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster data type controls how the data is rendered by default. | RasterInfo | ||
The name of the class. | Accessor | ||
The minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates of a bounding box containing all the raster data. | RasterInfo | ||
Indicates whether the source multidimensional data has been transposed. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster height (row count) in pixels. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster histograms return basic name-value pairs for number of bins, min and max bounding values, counts of pixels in each bin. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster key properties. | RasterInfo | ||
Returns the multidimensional information associated with the raster service referenced in an imagery layer. | RasterInfo | ||
The pixel value representing no available information. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster pixel size. | RasterInfo | ||
Pixel type for the raster data source. | RasterInfo | ||
The sensor information associated with an image service referenced by a layer. | RasterInfo | ||
The spatial reference of the raster. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster band statistics. | RasterInfo | ||
Raster width (column count) in pixels. | RasterInfo |
Property Details
attributeTable FeatureSet |null |undefined
The raster attribute table associated with an imagery layer. It returns categorical mapping of pixel values such as class, group, or category, or membership.
Examplelayer.when(function() { // accesses the raster attribute table of the layer let rasterAttributes = layer.serviceRasterInfo.attributeTable.features; });
bandCount Number
Raster band count.
bandInfos RasterBandInfo[]readonly
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.27RasterInfo since 4.12, bandInfos added at 4.27. -
This property provides additional information for each band in the raster. Raster products will include information such as the color name, wavelength range, the radiance gain, radiance bias, and solar irradiance. All other raster datasets will only contain the band index value.
Raster colormap that can be used to display the imagery layer. Each element in the array defines the pixel value and the red, green, and blue color values.
- See also
dataType Stringreadonly
Raster data type controls how the data is rendered by default.
Value Description generic Uses the application defaults for resampling and stretching. elevation Applies bilinear resampling and a Min-Max stretch. thematic Applies nearest neighbor resampling and a Deviation stretch. processed No stretch is applied. scientific Uses the blue to red color ramp to display the data. vector-uv Uses the U (magnitude component) and V(direction component) components in the vector field renderer. vector-magdir Uses the magnitude and direction in the vector field renderer. standard-time Uses the blue to red color ramp to display the data --- pixel value represents time encoded using OLEDate. Possible Values:"generic" |"elevation" |"thematic" |"processed" |"scientific" |"vector-uv" |"vector-u" |"vector-v" |"vector-magdir" |"vector-magnitude" |"vector-direction" |"standard-time"
The minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates of a bounding box containing all the raster data.
hasMultidimensionalTranspose Boolean
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25RasterInfo since 4.12, hasMultidimensionalTranspose added at 4.25. -
Indicates whether the source multidimensional data has been transposed. This only applies to ImageryTileLayer that references multidimensional image service.
height Number
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.15RasterInfo since 4.12, height added at 4.15. -
Raster height (row count) in pixels.
Raster histograms return basic name-value pairs for number of bins, min and max bounding values, counts of pixels in each bin.
- See also
keyProperties Object
Raster key properties.
- See also
multidimensionalInfo RasterMultidimensionalInfo |null |undefined
Returns the multidimensional information associated with the raster service referenced in an imagery layer. If defined, it contains an information on variables and dimensions associated with the service. Multidimensional data is stored as variables where each variable is a multidimensional array represents data captured in multiple dimensions like times and depths/heights.
You can filter the multidimensional data with one or multiple dimensional slices by setting the mosaicRule.multidimensionalDefinition property on an ImageryLayer or by setting the
property on an ImageryTileLayer or a WCSLayer.Example// update the statistics of the layer's stretch renderer. const renderer = layer.renderer.clone(); const dimensions = layer.rasterInfo.multidimensionalInfo; // get the salinity variable's statistics const salinity = dimensions.variables.find((variable) => === variableName); renderer.statistics = salinity.statistics; layer.renderer = renderer;
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.15RasterInfo since 4.12, noDataValue added at 4.15. -
The pixel value representing no available information. Can be a number (same value for all bands) or array (specific value for each band).
pixelSize Object
Raster pixel size. Specifies the pixel size being identified on the x and y axis. Defaults to the base resolution of the dataset when not specified.
pixelType String
Pixel type for the raster data source.
Value Range of values that each cell can contain unknown Pixel type is unknown s8 -128 to 127 s16 -32768 to 32767 s32 -2147483648 to 2147483647 u8 0 to 255 u16 0 to 65535 u32 0 to 4294967295 f32 -3.402823466e+38 to 3.402823466e+38 f64 0 to 18446744073709551616 Possible Values:"unknown" |"s8" |"s16" |"s32" |"u1" |"u2" |"u4" |"u8" |"u16" |"u32" |"f32" |"f64" |"c64" |"c128"
sensorInfo RasterSensorInfo |null |undefinedreadonly
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.27RasterInfo since 4.12, sensorInfo added at 4.27. -
The sensor information associated with an image service referenced by a layer.
spatialReference SpatialReferenceautocast
The spatial reference of the raster.
Raster band statistics. These include the minimum value in the raster, maximum value, mean of all values, and standard deviation.
width Number
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.15RasterInfo since 4.12, width added at 4.15. -
Raster width (column count) in pixels.
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class |
Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. | Accessor | ||
Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from an ArcGIS product. | RasterInfo | ||
Returns true if a named group of handles exist. | Accessor | ||
Removes a group of handles owned by the object. | Accessor | ||
Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. | RasterInfo |
Method Details
Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, addHandles added at 4.25. -
Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. The handles will be removed when the object is destroyed.
// Manually manage handles const handle = reactiveUtils.when( () => !view.updating, () => { wkidSelect.disabled = false; }, { once: true } ); this.addHandles(handle); // Destroy the object this.destroy();
ParametershandleOrHandles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]Handles marked for removal once the object is destroyed.
groupKey *optionalKey identifying the group to which the handles should be added. All the handles in the group can later be removed with Accessor.removeHandles(). If no key is provided the handles are added to a default group.
Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from an ArcGIS product. The object passed into the input
parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.Parameterjson ObjectA JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.
Inherited from AccessorSince: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, hasHandles added at 4.25. -
Returns true if a named group of handles exist.
ParametergroupKey *optionalA group key.
ReturnsType Description Boolean Returns true
if a named group of handles exist.Example// Remove a named group of handles if they exist. if (obj.hasHandles("watch-view-updates")) { obj.removeHandles("watch-view-updates"); }
Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, removeHandles added at 4.25. -
Removes a group of handles owned by the object.
ParametergroupKey *optionalA group key or an array or collection of group keys to remove.
Exampleobj.removeHandles(); // removes handles from default group obj.removeHandles("handle-group"); obj.removeHandles("other-handle-group");
Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() guide topic for more information.
ReturnsType Description Object The ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.
Type Definitions
RasterMultidimensionalInfo Object
RasterMultidimensionalInfo contains dimensions for each variable in the service describing information about the images collected at multiple times, depths, or heights.
- Properties
The multi dimensional variables. It stores information such as name, unit and dimensions. For example, a temperature variable can store temperature data and the salinity variable can store the salinity data measured daily at different depths.
- Specification
name String
Variable name.
optional Variable description.
optional Unit of the variable measured in.
A dimension may be used to represent real physical dimensions such as time or depth/height. It may also be used to represent more abstract quantities such as station id or station-time pair. For example, if your temperature data has a corresponding Date dimension field representing the day it was captured, and your salinity data has a Depth dimension field representing the depth at which it was measured, the Dimensions field for that variable would be Date and Depth.
- Specification
name String
Dimension name.
optional Dimension description.
optional Dimension unit.
optional An array of single values or tuples [min, max] each defining a range of valid values along the specified dimension.
optional Indicates if each dimension value is represented using a range.
optional Indicates if the dimension is recorded at regular intervals.
optional Indicates if the dimension is recurring, e.g. data with 12 slices each represents aggregated value per month over the years.
optional Dimension interval.
optional Dimension interval unit.
optional The extent of dimension values.
statistics RasterBandStatistics[]|null|undefinedVariable statistics.
histograms RasterHistogram[]|null|undefinedVariable histograms.
Example// update the statistics of the layer's stretch renderer. const renderer = layer.renderer.clone(); const dimensions = layer.rasterInfo.multidimensionalInfo; // get the salinity variable's statistics const salinity = dimensions.variables.find((variable) => === variableName); renderer.statistics = salinity.statistics; layer.renderer = renderer;