require(["esri/layers/support/rasterFunctionConstants"], (rasterFunctionConstants) => { /* code goes here */ });
import * as rasterFunctionConstants from "@arcgis/core/layers/support/rasterFunctionConstants.js";
Various constant values used by different raster functions when setting ImageryTileLayer.rasterFunction or ImageryLayer.rasterFunction properties.
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Object |
Method name constants used by the band index raster functions. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The local cell statistics operations type constants. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Predefined raster color ramp name constants used for the Colormap raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Predefined raster color map name constants used for the Colormap raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Kernel type constants used for the Convolution raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Curvature type constants used for the curvature raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Hillshade type constants used for the hillshade raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The local arithmetic operations types. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The local conditional operations type constants. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The local logical operations type constants. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The local trigonometric operations type constants. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The missing band action constants available for the Extract band raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
The NoData interpretation constants used for the Mask raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Slope type constants used for the slope raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants | ||
Stretch type constants used for the stretch raster function. | rasterFunctionConstants |
Property Details
bandIndexType Objectreadonly
Method name constants used by the band index raster functions.
- Properties
userDefined Number
User defined method. When using the user defined method to define your band arithmetic algorithm, you can enter a single-line algebraic formula to create a single-band output. The supported operators are -,+,/,*, and unary -. To identify the bands, add B or b to the beginning of the band number.
NDVI NumberThe Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) method is a standardized index allowing you to generate an image displaying greenness (relative biomass). This index takes advantage of the contrast of the characteristics of two bands from a multispectral raster dataset—the chlorophyll pigment absorptions in the red band and the high reflectivity of plant materials in the NIR band.
NDVIRe NumberThe Red-Edge NDVI (NDVIre) method is a vegetation index for estimating vegetation health using the red-edge band. It is especially useful for estimating crop health in the mid to late stages of growth, when the chlorophyll concentration is relatively higher. Also, NDVIre can be used to map the within-field variability of nitrogen foliage to understand the fertilizer requirements of crops.
BAI NumberThe Burn Area Index (BAI) uses the reflectance values in the red and NIR portion of the spectrum to identify the areas of the terrain affected by fire. See BAI raster function.
NBR NumberThe Normalized Burn Ratio Index (NBRI) uses the NIR and SWIR bands to emphasize burned areas, while mitigating illumination and atmospheric effects. Your images should be corrected to reflectance values before using this index. See NRB raster function.
NDBI NumberThe Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) uses the NIR and SWIR bands to emphasize manufactured built-up areas. It is ratio based to mitigate the effects of terrain illumination differences as well as atmospheric effects. NDBI raster function.
NDMI NumberThe Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) is sensitive to the moisture levels in vegetation. It is used to monitor droughts and fuel levels in fire-prone areas. It uses NIR and SWIR bands to create a ratio designed to mitigate illumination and atmospheric effects. NDMI raster function.
NDSI NumberThe Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) is designed to use MODIS (band 4 and band 6) and Landsat TM (band 2 and band 5) for identification of snow cover while ignoring cloud cover. Since it is ratio based, it also mitigates atmospheric effects. NDSI raster function.
GEMI NumberThe Global Environmental Monitoring Index (GEMI) method is a nonlinear vegetation index for global environmental monitoring from satellite imagery. It's similar to NDVI, but it's less sensitive to atmospheric effects. It is affected by bare soil; therefore, it's not recommended for use in areas of sparse or moderately dense vegetation.
GVITM NumberThe Green Vegetation Index (GVI) method was originally designed from Landsat MSS imagery and has been modified for Landsat TM imagery. It's also known as the Landsat TM Tasseled Cap green vegetation index. It can be used with imagery whose bands share the same spectral characteristics.
PVI NumberThe Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI) method is similar to a difference vegetation index; however, it is sensitive to atmospheric variations. When using this method to compare images, it should only be used on images that have been atmospherically corrected.
Sultan NumberThe Sultan's process takes a six-band 8-bit image and uses the Sultan's Formula method to produce a three-band 8-bit image. The resulting image highlights rock formations called ophiolites on coastlines. This formula was designed based on the TM or ETM bands of a Landsat 5 or 7 scene.
VARI NumberThe Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) method is a vegetation index for estimating vegetation fraction quantitatively with only the visible range of the spectrum.
GNDVI NumberThe Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI) method is a vegetation index for estimating photo synthetic activity and is a commonly used vegetation index to determine water and nitrogen uptake into the plant canopy.
SAVI NumberThe Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) method is a vegetation index that attempts to minimize soil brightness influences using a soil-brightness correction factor. This is often used in arid regions where vegetative cover is low, and it outputs values between -1.0 and 1.0.
TSAVI NumberThe Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (TSAVI) method is a vegetation index that minimizes soil brightness influences by assuming the soil line has an arbitrary slope and intercept.
MSAVI NumberThe Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) method minimizes the effect of bare soil on the SAVI.
SR NumberThe Simple Ratio (SR) method is a common vegetation index for estimating the amount of vegetation. It is the ratio of light scattered in the NIR and absorbed in red bands, which reduces the effects of atmosphere and topography.
SRRe NumberThe Red-Edge Simple Ratio (SRre) method is a vegetation index for estimating the amount of healthy and stressed vegetation. It is the ratio of light scattered in the NIR and red-edge bands, which reduces the effects of atmosphere and topography.
MTVI2 NumberThe Modified Triangular Vegetation Index (MTVI2) method is a vegetation index for detecting leaf chlorophyll content at the canopy scale while being relatively insensitive to leaf area index. It uses reflectance in the green, red, and NIR bands.
RTVICore NumberThe Red-Edge Triangulated Vegetation Index (RTVICore) method is a vegetation index for estimating leaf area index and biomass. This index uses reflectance in the NIR, red-edge, and green spectral bands.
CIRe NumberThe Chlorophyll Index - Red-Edge (CIre) method is a vegetation index for estimating the chlorophyll content in leaves using the ratio of reflectivity in the NIR and red-edge bands.
CIG NumberChlorophyll index - Green (CIG) method is a vegetation index for estimating the chlorophyll content in leaves using the ratio of reflectivity in the NIR and green bands.
EVI NumberThe Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) method is an optimized vegetation index that accounts for atmospheric influences and vegetation background signal. It's similar to NDVI but is less sensitive to background and atmospheric noise, and it does not become as saturated as NDVI when viewing areas with very dense green vegetation. EVI raster function.
ironOxide NumberThe Iron Oxide (ironOxide) ratio method is a geological index for identifying rock features that have experienced oxidation of iron-bearing sulfides using the red and blue bands. It is useful in identifying iron oxide features below vegetation canopies and is used in mineral composite mapping. ironOxide raster function.
ferrousMinerals NumberThe Ferrous Minerals (ferrousMinerals) ratio method is a geological index for identifying rock features containing some quantity of iron-bearing minerals using the SWIR and NIR bands. It is used in mineral composite mapping. ferrousMinerals raster function.
clayMinerals NumberThe Clay Minerals (clayMinerals) ratio method is a geological index for identifying mineral features containing clay and alunite using two shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands. It is used in mineral composite mapping. See clayMinerals raster function.
NDWI NumberThe Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) method is an index for delineating and monitoring content changes in surface water. It is computed with the NIR and green bands. See NDWI raster function.
WNDWI NumberThe Weighted Normalized Difference Water Index (WNDWI) method is a water index developed to reduce errors typically encountered in other water indices, including water turbidity, small water bodies, or shadow in remote sensing scenes.
MNDWI NumberThe Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) uses green and SWIR bands for the enhancement of open water features. It also diminishes built-up area features that are often correlated with open water in other indices.
cellStatisticalOperation Objectreadonly
The local cell statistics operations type constants. This function calculates a statistic on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Refer to the Local raster functions for more info.
- Properties
majority Number
Determines the majority (value that occurs most often) of the inputs.
max NumberDetermines the maximum (largest value) of the inputs.
mean NumberDetermines the mean (average value) of the inputs.
med NumberCalculates the median of the inputs.
min NumberDetermines the minimum (smallest value) of the inputs.
minority NumberDetermines the minority (value that occurs least often) of the inputs.
range NumberCalculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value) of the inputs.
stddev NumberCalculates the standard deviation of the inputs.
sum NumberCalculates the sum (total of all values) of the inputs.
variety NumberCalculates the variety (number of unique values) of the inputs.
majorityIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the majority (value that occurs most often) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
maxIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the maximum (largest value) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
meanIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the mean (average value) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
medIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the median of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
minIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the minimum (smallest value) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
minorityIgnoreNoData NumberDetermines the minority (value that occurs least often) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
rangeIgnoreNoData NumberCalculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
stddevIgnoreNoData NumberCalculates the standard deviation of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
sumIgnoreNoData NumberCalculates the sum (total of all values) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
varietyIgnoreNoData NumberCalculates the variety (number of unique values) of the inputs. Only cells that have data values will be used in determining the statistic value.
colorRampName Objectreadonly
Predefined raster color ramp name constants used for the Colormap raster function.
- Properties
aspect String
blackToWhite StringBlack to White.
blueBright StringBlue Bright.
blueLightToDark StringBlue Light to Dark.
blueGreenBright StringBlue-Green Bright.
blueGreenLightToDark StringBlue-Green Light to Dark.
brownLightToDark StringBrown Light to Dark.
brownToBlueGreenDivergingBright StringBrown to Blue Green Diverging. Bright.
brownToBlueGreenDivergingDark StringBrown to Blue Green Diverging. Dark.
coefficientBias StringCoefficient Bias.
coldToHotDiverging StringCold to Hot Diverging.
conditionNumber StringCondition Number.
cyanToPurple StringCyan to Purple.
cyanLightToBlueDark StringCyan-Light to Blue-Dark.
distance StringDistance.
elevation1 StringElevation #1.
elevation2 StringElevation #2.
errors StringErrors.
grayLightToDark StringGray Light to Dark.
greenBright StringGreen Bright.
greenLightToDark StringGreen Light to Dark.
greenToBlue StringGreen to Blue.
orangeBright StringOrange Bright.
orangeLightToDark StringOrange Light to Dark.
partialSpectrum StringPartial Spectrum.
partialSpectrum1Diverging StringPartial Spectrum 1 Diverging.
partialSpectrum2Diverging StringPartial Spectrum 2 Diverging.
pinkToYellowGreenDivergingBright StringPink to YellowGreen Diverging. Bright.
pinkToYellowGreenDivergingDark StringPink to YellowGreen Diverging. Dark.
precipitation StringPrecipitation.
prediction StringPrediction.
purpleBright StringPurple Bright.
purpleToGreenDivergingBright StringPurple to Green Diverging. Bright.
purpleToGreenDivergingDark StringPurple to Green Diverging. Dark.
purpleBlueBright StringPurple-Blue Bright.
purpleBlueLightToDark StringPurple-Blue Light to Dark.
purpleRedBright StringPurple-Red Bright.
purpleRedLightToDark StringPurple-Red Light to Dark.
redBright StringRed Bright.
redLightToDark StringRed Light to Dark.
redToBlueDivergingBright StringRed to Blue Diverging. Bright.
redToBlueDivergingDark StringRed to Blue Diverging. Dark.
redToGreen StringRed to Green.
redToGreenDivergingBright StringRed to Green Diverging. Bright.
redToGreenDivergingDark StringRed to Green Diverging. Dark.
slope StringSlope.
spectrumFullBright StringSpectrum-Full Bright.
spectrumFullDark StringSpectrum-Full Dark.
spectrumFullLight StringSpectrum-Full Light.
surface StringSurface.
temperature StringTemperature.
whiteToBlack StringWhite to Black.
yellowToDarkRed StringYellow to Dark Red.
yellowToGreenToDarkBlue StringYellow to Green to Dark Blue.
yellowToRed StringYellow to Red.
yellowGreenBright StringYellow-Green Bright.
yellowGreenLightToDark StringYellow-Green Light to Dark.
colormapName Objectreadonly
Predefined raster color map name constants used for the Colormap raster function.
- Properties
random String
A random colormap.
NDVI Stringcolormap to visualize vegetation. Values near zero are blue. Low values are brown. Then the colors gradually change from red. to orange. to yellow. to green. and to black as the vegetation index goes from low to high.
NDVI2 StringA colormap to visualize vegetation. Low values range from white to green. Then the colors range from gray. to purple. to violet. to dark blue. and to black as the vegetation index goes from low to high.
NDVI3 StringA colormap to visualize vegetation. Values near zero are blue. Then the colors gradually change from red. to orange. and to green as the vegetation index goes from low to high.
elevation StringA color map that gradually changes from cyan to purple to black.
gray StringA color map that gradually changes from black to white.
hillshade StringA colormap to visualize a hillshade product. It has a color scheme that gradually changes from black to white depending on topography.
convolutionKernel Objectreadonly
Kernel type constants used for the Convolution raster function. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments. Laplacian filters are often used for edge detection. They are often applied to an image that has first been smoothed to reduce its sensitivity to noise. Line detection filters. like the gradient filters. can be used to perform edge detection. The Sobel filter is used for edge detection.
- Properties
userDefined Number
User defined kernel type.
lineDetectionHorizontal NumberHorizontal line detection. Line detection filters. like the gradient filters. can be used to perform edge detection.
lineDetectionVertical NumberVertical line detection. Line detection filters. like the gradient filters. can be used to perform edge detection.
lineDetectionLeftDiagonal NumberLeft diagonal line detection. Line detection filters. like the gradient filters. can be used to perform edge detection.
lineDetectionRightDiagonal NumberRight diagonal line detection. Line detection filters. like the gradient filters. can be used to perform edge detection.
gradientNorth NumberNorth gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
gradientWest NumberWest gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
gradientEast NumberEast gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
gradientSouth NumberSouth gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
gradientNorthEast NumberNorth east gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
gradientNorthWest NumberNorth west gradient detection. Gradient filters can be used for edge detection in 45 degree increments.
smoothArithmeticMean NumberSmooths the data by reducing local variation and removing noise. Calculates the average (mean) value for each neighborhood. The effect is that the high and low values within each neighborhood are averaged out. reducing the extreme values in the data.
smoothing3x3 NumberSmooths (low-pass) the data by reducing local variation and removing noise. Calculates the average (mean) value for each neighborhood. The effect is that the high and low values within each neighborhood are averaged out. reducing the extreme values in the data.
smoothing5x5 NumberSmooths (low-pass) the data by reducing local variation and removing noise. Calculates the average (mean) value for each neighborhood. The effect is that the high and low values within each neighborhood are averaged out. reducing the extreme values in the data.
sharpen NumberSharpens the date by calculating the focal sum statistic for each cell of the input using a weighted kernel neighborhood. It brings out the boundaries between features (for example. where a water body meets the forest). thus sharpening edges between objects.
sharpen2 NumberSharpens the date by calculating the focal sum statistic for each cell of the input using a weighted kernel neighborhood. It brings out the boundaries between features (for example. where a water body meets the forest). thus sharpening edges between objects.
sharpening3x3 NumberSharpens the date by calculating the focal sum statistic for each cell of the input using a weighted kernel neighborhood. It brings out the boundaries between features (for example. where a water body meets the forest). thus sharpening edges between objects.
sharpening5x5 NumberSharpens the date by calculating the focal sum statistic for each cell of the input using a weighted kernel neighborhood. It brings out the boundaries between features (for example. where a water body meets the forest). thus sharpening edges between objects.
laplacian3x3 NumberLaplacian filters are often used for edge detection. They are often applied to an image that has first been smoothed to reduce its sensitivity to noise.
laplacian5x5 NumberLaplacian filters are often used for edge detection. They are often applied to an image that has first been smoothed to reduce its sensitivity to noise.
sobelHorizontal NumberThe horizontal Sobel filter is used for edge detection.
sobelVertical NumberThe vertical Sobel filter is used for edge detection.
pointSpread NumberThe point spread function portrays the distribution of light from a point source through a lense. This will introduce a slight blurring effect.
none NumberNo kernel type is specified.
curvatureType Objectreadonly
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31rasterFunctionConstants since 4.26, curvatureType added at 4.31. -
Curvature type constants used for the curvature raster function.
- Properties
standard Number
Combines the profile and planform curvatures.
planform NumberIs perpendicular to the direction of the maximum slope. It affects the convergence and divergence of flow across a surface.
profile NumberIs parallel to the slope and indicates the direction of maximum slope. It affects the acceleration and deceleration of flow across the surface.
hillshadeType Objectreadonly
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31rasterFunctionConstants since 4.26, hillshadeType added at 4.31. -
Hillshade type constants used for the hillshade raster function.
localArithmeticOperation Object
The local arithmetic operations types. Refer to the Local raster functions for more info.
- Properties
plus Number
Adds (sums) the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
minus NumberSubtracts the value of the second input raster from the value of the first input raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
times NumberMultiplies the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
sqrt NumberCalculates the square root of the cell values in a raster.
power NumberRaises the cell values in a raster to the power of the values found in another raster.
abs NumberCalculates the absolute value of the cells in a raster.
divide NumberDivides the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
exp NumberCalculates the base e exponential of the cells in a raster.
exp10 NumberCalculates the base 10 exponential of the cells in a raster.
exp2 NumberCalculates the base 2 exponential of the cells in a raster.
int NumberConverts each cell value of a raster to an integer by truncation.
float NumberConverts each cell value of a raster into a floating-point representation.
ln NumberCalculates the natural logarithm (base e) of cells in a raster.
log10 NumberCalculates the base 10 logarithm of cells in a raster.
log2 NumberCalculates the base 2 logarithm of cells in a raster.
mod NumberFinds the remainder (modulo) of the first raster when divided by the second raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
negate NumberChanges the sign (multiplies by -1) of the cell values of the input raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
roundDown NumberReturns the next lower integer value. just represented as a floating point. for each cell in a raster.
roundUp NumberReturns the next higher integer value. just represented as a floating point. for each cell in a raster.
square NumberCalculates the square of the cell values in a raster.
localConditionalOperation Objectreadonly
The local conditional operations type constants. Refer to the Local raster functions for more info.
- Properties
setNull Number
Set Null sets identified cell locations to NoData based on a specified criteria. It returns NoData if a conditional evaluation is true, and returns the value specified by another raster if it is false.
conditional NumberPerforms a conditional If, Then, Else operation. When a Con operator is used, there usually needs to be two or more local functions chained together, where one local function states the criteria and the second local function is the Con operator which uses the criteria and dictates what the true and false outputs should be.
localLogicalOperation Objectreadonly
The local logical operations type constants. Refer to the Local raster functions for more info.
- Properties
bitwiseAnd Number
Performs a Bitwise And operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
bitwiseLeftShift NumberPerforms a Bitwise Left Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
bitwiseNot NumberPerforms a Bitwise Not (complement) operation on the binary value of an input raster.
bitwiseOr NumberPerforms a Bitwise Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
bitwiseRightShift NumberPerforms a Bitwise Right Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
bitwiseXOr NumberPerforms a Bitwise eXclusive Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
booleanAnd NumberPerforms a Boolean And operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
booleanNot NumberPerforms a Boolean Not (complement) operation on the cell values of the input raster.
booleanOr NumberPerforms a Boolean Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
booleanXOr NumberPerforms a Boolean eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
equalTo NumberPerforms a Relational equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
greaterThan NumberPerforms a Relational greater-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
greaterThanEqual NumberPerforms a Relational greater-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
lessThan NumberPerforms a Relational less-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
lessThanEqual NumberPerforms a Relational less-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
isNull NumberDetermines which values from the input raster are NoData on a cell-by-cell basis.
notEqual NumberPerforms a Relational not-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
localTrigonometricOperation Objectreadonly
The local trigonometric operations type constants. Refer to the Local raster functions for more info.
- Properties
acos Number
Calculates the inverse cosine of cells in a raster.
asin NumberCalculates the inverse sine of cells in a raster.
atan NumberCalculates the inverse tangent of cells in a raster.
atanh NumberCalculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.
cos NumberCalculates the cosine of cells in a raster.
cosh NumberCalculates the hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
sin NumberCalculates the sine of cells in a raster.
sinh NumberCalculates the hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
tan NumberCalculates the tangent of cells in a raster.
tanh NumberCalculates the hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.
acosh NumberCalculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
asinh NumberCalculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
atan2 NumberCalculates the inverse tangent (based on x,y) of cells in a raster.
missingBandAction Objectreadonly
The missing band action constants available for the Extract band raster function.
noDataInterpretation Objectreadonly
The NoData interpretation constants used for the Mask raster function. This refers to how NoData Values will impact the output image.
slopeType Objectreadonly
Slope type constants used for the slope raster function.
- Properties
degree Number
The inclination of slope is calculated in degrees. The values range from 0 to 90.
percentRise NumberThe inclination of slope is calculated as percentage values. The values range from 0 to infinity. A flat surface is 0 percent rise. whereas a 45-degree surface is 100 percent rise. As the surface becomes more vertical. the percent rise becomes increasingly larger.
adjusted NumberThe inclination of slope is calculated the same as DEGREE. but the z-factor is adjusted for scale. It uses the Pixel Size Power (PSP) and Pixel Size Factor (PSF) values. which account for the resolution changes (scale) as the viewer zooms in and out.
stretchType Objectreadonly
Stretch type constants used for the stretch raster function.
- Properties
none Number
If the stretch type is None. no stretch method will be applied. even if statistics exist.
standardDeviation NumberThe standard deviation stretch type applies a linear stretch between the values defined by the standard deviation (n) value.
histogramEqualization NumberThe histogram equalization stretch type.
minMax NumberThe minMax stretch type applies a linear stretch based on the output minimum and output maximum pixel values. which are used as the endpoints for the histogram.
percentClip NumberThe percent clip stretch type applies a linear stretch between the defined percent clip minimum and percent clip maximum pixel values.
sigmoid NumberThe Sigmoid contrast stretch is designed to highlight moderate pixel values in your imagery while maintaining sufficient contrast at the extremes.