
AMD: require(["esri/rest/networks/support/ValidateNetworkTopologyResult"], (ValidateNetworkTopologyResult) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import ValidateNetworkTopologyResult from "@arcgis/core/rest/networks/support/ValidateNetworkTopologyResult.js";
Object: esri/rest/networks/support/ValidateNetworkTopologyResult
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.26

Class that holds the returned object after running the Network.validateTopology() method.

const extent = new Extent({
  xmin: 470789.0888,
  ymin: 3597733.2051,
  xmax: 531454.2759999996,
  ymax: 3639864.802100001,
  spatialReference: { wkid: 26911, latestWkid: 26911 }

const validateNetworkTopologyResult = await network.validateTopology({
  validateArea: extent

Property Overview

Name Type Summary Object

Returns dirty area count if using Utility Network Version 3, otherwise will return 0.


Contains information about the subnetworks that are marked as dirty during the validation process, along with the domain network and tier containing the subnetwork.


If maxRecordCount is configured for a layer, exceededTransferLimit will be true if a query matches more than the maxRecordCount features.


If the current feature service contains no dirty areas, full update will return true.


The date/timestamp (in UTC) when the validate process was executed.


The serviceEdits returns full features including the original features prior to delete, the original and current features for updates, and the current rows for inserts, which may contain implicit changes.


If error features are created during the validation process validateErrorsCreated will be true.


Property Details


dirtyAreaCount Number
Deprecated since version 4.28. Dirty area count was implemented in the original version of utility network, but as of schema version 4 of the utility network, this is no longer supported.

Returns dirty area count if using Utility Network Version 3, otherwise will return 0.


discoveredSubnetworks Subnetwork[]

Contains information about the subnetworks that are marked as dirty during the validation process, along with the domain network and tier containing the subnetwork.


exceededTransferLimit Boolean

If maxRecordCount is configured for a layer, exceededTransferLimit will be true if a query matches more than the maxRecordCount features. It will be false otherwise.


fullUpdate Boolean

If the current feature service contains no dirty areas, full update will return true.


moment Date

The date/timestamp (in UTC) when the validate process was executed.


serviceEdits ValidateServiceEdits[]

The serviceEdits returns full features including the original features prior to delete, the original and current features for updates, and the current rows for inserts, which may contain implicit changes.


validateErrorsCreated Boolean

If error features are created during the validation process validateErrorsCreated will be true.

Type Definitions


Type Definition
Subnetwork Object

The Subnetwork object represents the domain name, tier name, and subnetwork via fulfilling the promise returned from running the Network.validateTopology() function.

domain String

The domain name.

tier String

The tier name.

subnetwork String

The subnetwork name.


Type Definition
ValidateServiceEdits Object

ValidateServiceEdits represents the layerId and editedFeatures.

layerId Number

The layerId of the layer with ServiceEdits.

editedFeatures EditedFeatures

The editedFeatures object returns full features including the original features prior to delete, the original and current features for updates, and the current rows for inserts, which may contain implicit changes (for example, as a result of a calculation rule).

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