
AMD: require(["esri/smartMapping/heuristics/binLevel"], (binLevel) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import binLevel from "@arcgis/core/smartMapping/heuristics/binLevel.js";
Function: esri/smartMapping/heuristics/binLevel
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25

Function that suggests a fixedBinLevel in a FeatureReductionBinning visualization.

Known Limitations

  • This function is not intended for use in 3D SceneViews.

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Function

Generates a suggested fixedBinLevel for a binning visualization based on the view scale at the time this method is called.


Method Details



Generates a suggested fixedBinLevel for a binning visualization based on the view scale at the time this method is called.

params Object

See the table below for details about parameters that may be passed to this function.

view MapView

The MapView where the layer will be rendered.

Type Description
Promise<Number> Resolves to the suggested fixedBinLevel to apply to the layer at the given view scale. Set this value to the FeatureReductionBinning.fixedBinLevel property.
const fixedBinLevel = await binLevel({ view });
layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "binning",
  //  ...otherBinningProperties

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