
AMD: require(["esri/smartMapping/raster/renderers/shadedRelief"], (rasterShadedReliefCreator) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as rasterShadedReliefCreator from "@arcgis/core/smartMapping/raster/renderers/shadedRelief.js";
Object: esri/smartMapping/raster/renderers/shadedRelief
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.20

This object contains helper methods for generating a RasterShadedReliefRenderer to render elevation values in raster layers (i.e. ImageryLayer, ImageryTileLayer).

The createRenderer method in this module generates a renderer that may be applied directly to the input layer.

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Generates a RasterShadedReliefRenderer to render elevation data.


Method Details



Generates a RasterShadedReliefRenderer to render elevation data.

params Object

Input parameters for generating a shaded relief visualization. See the table below for details of each parameter.


The input layer for which the renderer is generated.

renderingRule RasterFunction

Deprecated since 4.27. Use rasterFunction instead.

rasterFunction RasterFunction

Specifies the function for how the requested image should be processed. When rasterFunction is applied, the server returns updated service information that reflects custom processing as defined by the raster function. If not provided, the output renderer is created using the layer's rasterFunction.

hillshadeType String

The preferred hillshade type. See RasterShadedReliefRenderer.hillshadeType for more information.

Possible Values:"traditional"|"multi-directional"

scalingType String
Default Value: none

Applies a constant or adjusted z-factor based on resolution changes. The shaded result is scaled dynamically by adjusting the z-factor using one of two options. See RasterShadedReliefRenderer.hillshadeType for more information.

Possible Values:"none"|"adjusted"


The color ramp to apply to the renderer. By default, the color ramp is grayscale.


Allows for cancelable requests. If canceled, the promise will be rejected with an error named AbortError. See also AbortController.

Type Description
Promise<RasterShadedReliefResult> Resolves with an object containing a RasterShadedReliefRenderer that can be set on the input renderer.

Type Definitions


Type Definition

The result object of the createRenderer() method. See the table below for details of each property.


The RasterShadedReliefRenderer renderer to apply to the input layer.

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