Learn how to create a web application with Map Components and Calcite Components using Vite developer build tools.
In this tutorial, you will:
- Load and display a pre-configured web map stored in ArcGIS Online with a LayerList widget.
- Create an application layout and user interface with Calcite Components
- Add a map and a layer list leveraging Map Components
- Learn how to use the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript to interact with the View, Map, and layers.
- The most recent LTS Node.js runtime environment.
- A text editor to edit files.
- A terminal to enter commands.
Create a new project using Vite
- Download the inital Vite vanilla Javascript project to your local machine.
- Unzip the downloaded file.
- Open the unzipped folder's files in your text editor.
- Navigate to the unzipped folder in your terminal.
Install dependencies
Install Map Components in the terminal as a dependency.
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy npm install @arcgis/map-components
Later in this tutorial we will need to know which version of
was installed as a dependency of@arcgis/map-components
, run this command in the terminal window to find the correct version.Use dark colors for code blocks Copy npm list @esri/calcite-components
Start the Vite development server.
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy npm run dev
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173, this webpage will be empty, however, it will update as we proceed through the remaining steps.
Import functions to define the custom HTML elements from the Map Components and Calcite Components libraries in
. You will need to use an alias, because the imported function from each library has the same name,define
.Custom Elements main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks import "./style.css"; import { defineCustomElements as defineMapElements } from "@arcgis/map-components/dist/loader"; import { defineCustomElements as defineCalciteElements } from "@esri/calcite-components/dist/loader";
Define the custom elements on the window using the Calcite Components distribution build. You will use CDN-hosted assets. When using the CDN-hosted assets, you need to keep the version number in the path the same as the version of
found in step two.main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks import "./style.css"; import { defineCustomElements as defineMapElements } from "@arcgis/map-components/dist/loader"; import { defineCustomElements as defineCalciteElements } from "@esri/calcite-components/dist/loader"; defineCalciteElements(window, { resourcesUrl: "https://js.arcgis.com/calcite-components/2.11.1/assets" });
Next, use the Map Components distribution build to define and lazy load the custom map elements.
main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks import "./style.css"; import { defineCustomElements as defineMapElements } from "@arcgis/map-components/dist/loader"; import { defineCustomElements as defineCalciteElements } from "@esri/calcite-components/dist/loader"; defineCalciteElements(window, { resourcesUrl: "https://js.arcgis.com/calcite-components/2.11.1/assets" }); defineMapElements(window, { resourcesUrl: "https://js.arcgis.com/map-components/4.30/assets" });
Add styles
, import the@arcgis/core
light theme.style.cssUse dark colors for code blocks @import "https://js.arcgis.com/4.30/@arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/light/main.css";
Add CSS styles to make the
elements the full width and height of their parent containers.style.cssUse dark colors for code blocks @import "https://js.arcgis.com/4.30/@arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/light/main.css"; html, body, arcgis-map { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
Add components
To create an application layout and user interface for your app add
components toindex.html
.index.htmlUse dark colors for code blocks <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,=" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Tutorials: Create a web app using components</title> </head> <body> <calcite-shell> <calcite-navigation slot="header"> <calcite-navigation-logo slot="logo"></calcite-navigation-logo> </calcite-navigation> </calcite-shell> <script type="module" src="/main.js"></script> </body> </html>
Next, add the
components.index.htmlUse dark colors for code blocks <calcite-shell> <calcite-navigation slot="header"> <calcite-navigation-logo slot="logo"></calcite-navigation-logo> </calcite-navigation> <arcgis-map item-id="e691172598f04ea8881cd2a4adaa45ba" zoom="4"> <arcgis-layer-list position="top-right"></arcgis-layer-list> </arcgis-map> </calcite-shell>
Add a Legend to the LayerList
to reference theSelector() arcgis-layer-list
component and then add an event listener for the component'sarcgis
event.Layer List Ready main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-layer-list").addEventListener("arcgisLayerListReady", (event) => { });
Get a reference to the
component from theevent.target
object.main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-layer-list").addEventListener("arcgisLayerListReady", (event) => { const arcgisLayerList = event.target; });
Add a
to the LayerList. This function will add a Legend in the ListItemPanel for all layers except group layers.Item Created Function main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-layer-list").addEventListener("arcgisLayerListReady", (event) => { const arcgisLayerList = event.target; arcgisLayerList.listItemCreatedFunction = (event) => { const { item } = event; if (item.layer.type !== "group") { item.panel = { content: "legend" }; } }; });
Interacting with the the View, Map, and layers
to reference theSelector() arcgis-map
component and then add an event listener for thearcgis-map
event.View Ready Change main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-map").addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => { });
Create a variable for the map's PortalItem instance.
main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-map").addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => { const { portalItem } = event.target.map; });
Next, in the
you will dynamically add a heading, description, and thumbnail to your app's UI using the PortalItem. To do so, setcalcite-navigation-logo
, andthumbnail
properties to the PortalItem'stitle
properties.Url main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-map").addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => { const { portalItem } = event.target.map; const navigationLogo = document.querySelector("calcite-navigation-logo"); navigationLogo.heading = portalItem.title; navigationLogo.description = portalItem.snippet; navigationLogo.thumbnail = portalItem.thumbnailUrl; });
Find the accidental deaths layer in the
collection.main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-map").addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => { const { portalItem } = event.target.map; const navigationLogo = document.querySelector("calcite-navigation-logo"); navigationLogo.heading = portalItem.title; navigationLogo.description = portalItem.snippet; navigationLogo.thumbnail = portalItem.thumbnailUrl; const layer = event.target.map.layers.find((layer) => layer.id === "Accidental_Deaths_8938"); });
Modify the layer's PopupTemplate title.
main.jsUse dark colors for code blocks document.querySelector("arcgis-map").addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => { const { portalItem } = event.target.map; const navigationLogo = document.querySelector("calcite-navigation-logo"); navigationLogo.heading = portalItem.title; navigationLogo.description = portalItem.snippet; navigationLogo.thumbnail = portalItem.thumbnailUrl; const layer = event.target.map.layers.find((layer) => layer.id === "Accidental_Deaths_8938"); layer.popupTemplate.title = "Accidental Deaths"; });
Run the application
- Start the application from your project directory by running npm run dev in a terminal window. It should launch and be visible in your browser at http://localhost:5173.