Vertically exaggerate terrain in a scene.
Use case
Vertical exaggeration can be used to emphasize subtle changes in a surface. This can be useful in creating visualizations of terrain where the horizontal extent of the surface is significantly greater than the amount of vertical change in the surface. A fractional vertical exaggeration can be used to flatten surfaces or features that have extreme vertical variation.
How to use the sample
Use the slider to update terrain exaggeration.
How it works
- Create an elevation source and add it to a new surface.
- An elevation source defines the terrain based on a digital elevation model (DEM) or digital terrain model (DTM).
- Add the surface.
- The surface visualizes the elevation source.
- Configure the surface's elevation exaggeration using
Relevant API
- Scene
- Scene.BaseSurface
- Surface
- Surface.ElevationExaggeration
3D, DEM, DTM, elevation, scene, surface, terrain
Sample Code
<esriUI:SceneView x:Name="MySceneView" />
<Border Style="{StaticResource BorderStyle}">
<TextBlock Text="Terrain exaggeration:" />
<Slider x:Name="TerrainSlider"
Minimum="1" Value="1" Maximum="3"