esriByteSwapDataType Constants

Data type to prform byte swapping on.

Constant Value Description
esriBSDTchar 0 Data type for byte swap = char
esriBSDTbool 1 Data type for byte swap = bool
esriBSDTunsignedint 2 Data type for byte swap = unsigned int
esriBSDTBYTE 3 Data type for byte swap = BYTE
esriBSDTBOOLU 4 Data type for byte swap = BOOL
esriBSDTUSHORT 5 Data type for byte swap = USHORT
esriBSDTSHORT 6 Data type for byte swap = SHORT
esriBSDTULONG 7 Data type for byte swap = ULONG
esriBSDTLONG 8 Data type for byte swap = LONG
esriBSDTULONGLONG 9 Data type for byte swap = ULONGLONG
esriBSDTLONGLONG 10 Data type for byte swap = LONGLONG
esriBSDTFLOAT 11 Data type for byte swap = FLOAT
esriBSDTDOUBLE 12 Data type for byte swap = DOUBLE
esriBSDTGUID 13 Data type for byte swap = GUID
esriBSDTWCHAR 14 Data type for byte swap = WCHAR

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