esriLicenseStatus Constants

Esri License Status Codes.

Constant Value Description
esriLicenseAvailable 10 The Product/Extension is licensed and available.
esriLicenseNotLicensed 20 This Product/Extension is not licensed.
esriLicenseUnavailable 30 The Product/Extension is licensed but unavailable.
esriLicenseFailure 40 There has been a licensing Failure.
esriLicenseAlreadyInitialized 50 The Product license has already been initialized. Initialization can only be performed once.
esriLicenseNotInitialized 60 The Product license has not been initialized.
esriLicenseCheckedOut 70 The Product/Extension has been checked out successfully.
esriLicenseCheckedIn 80 The Product/Extension has been checked in successfully.
esriLicenseUntrusted 90 The Product/Extension license is untrusted and needs to be repaired.

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