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Object: esri/geometry/normalizeUtils


(Added at v3.8)
Normalizes geometries that intersect the central meridian or fall outside the world extent so they stay within the current coordinate system. Only supported for Web Mercator and geographic coordinates.

When coding legacy (non-AMD) style, there is no need to require the module. All methods and properties are available in the namespace. For example, esri.geometry.normalizeCentralMeridian().


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NameReturn typeSummary
normalizeCentralMeridian(geometries, geometryService?, callback?, errback?)DeferredNormalizes geometries that intersect the central meridian or fall outside the world extent so they stay within the current coordinate system.
Method Details

normalizeCentralMeridian(geometries, geometryService?, callback?, errback?)

Normalizes geometries that intersect the central meridian or fall outside the world extent so they stay within the current coordinate system. Only supported for Web Mercator and geographic coordinates.
Return type: Deferred
<Geometry[]> geometries Required An array of geometries to normalize.
<GeometryService> geometryService Optional Specify a valid geometry service. If this is null and you've specified a geometry service using esriConfig.defaults.geometryService, that service will be used.
<Function> callback Optional The function to call when the method has completed. The callback returns an array of normalized geometries.
<Function> errback Optional An error object is returned, if an error occurs on the Server during task execution.
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