Tutorial: Manage API key credentials

Learn how to manage to generate and manage their and item access.

API key credentials
The of API key credentials in a portal

API key credentials are a type of used in . You can manage the settings of your API keys from the of your API key credentials.

This tutorial shows how to manage in your to complete the following tasks:

  • Edit to enable access to the .

  • Edit item access to enable access to a private .

  • Regenerate an to apply the new privileges and item access rights.

  • Generate a secondary with a new expiration date.



Sign in to your portal

You use your portal to create and manage items, including API key credentials.

  1. In your web browser, go to https://location.arcgis.com, and sign in with your ArcGIS Location Platform account. In the dashboard, click My portal to go to your portal.

  2. In your portal, click Content > My content > New item.

  3. Click Developer credentials > API key credentials and click Next.

Find your API key credentials

are stored as an in your portal. Go to the of your credentials to manage their settings.

  1. Go to Content > My content.

  2. Search for the you created in the prerequisites step.

  3. Click on the developer credentials to go to its .

Edit privileges

The of are managed through the settings on their item page. Add privileges to your credentials to enable access to the .

  1. Go to Settings on the of your API key credentials.

  2. Under Application > Privileges, click the Edit privileges button.

    Edit credential privileges
    Edit privileges window
  3. Select new privileges for your API keys using the Edit privileges window. The privileges used in this scenario are:

    • Privileges: Location services > Geocoding > Geocoding (not stored)

    To view a list of all privileges available to , go to Privileges.

  4. Click Save. In the warning that appears, click Yes.

Edit item access

The your API key credentials are authorized to access are managed through the settings of their item page. Edit the item access of your API key credentials to enable access to a in your application.

  1. Go to Settings on the of your API key credentials.

  2. Under Application > Privileges, click the Edit item access button.

    Edit credential privileges
    Edit item access dialog
  3. From the Edit item access window, select the feature layers you created in the Prerequisites:

    • Trailheads
    • Trails
    • Parks and Open Space

    This will grant your API key credentials access to the layers.

  4. Click Save. In the warning that appears, click Yes.

Generate a new API key

Editing and will invalidate all existing API keys associated with the credentials. You must generate a new API keys to use it in your application.

  1. Go to Settings on the of your API key credentials.

  2. Under Application > API keys, click Generate API key.

    Generate an API key
  3. Copy the from the window that appears and store it in a safe location. You will not be able to see it again.

    Copy the API key

You can also generate a secondary API key using the same . This secondary key has identical privileges and item access to the first key with a new expiration date.

What's next?

Your now has the correct privileges to access the as well as your private . Use the key to complete one of the following tutorials:

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
