Create, update, and delete features to manage a feature layer.
Use case
An end-user performing a survey may want to manage features on the map in various ways during the course of their work.
How to use the sample
Pick an operation, then tap on the map to perform the operation at that location. Available feature management operations include: "Create feature", "Delete feature", "Update attribute", and "Update geometry".
How it works
- Create a
from a URL. - Get a
from theServiceGeodatabase
. - Create a
derived from theServiceFeatureTable
instance. - Apply the feature management operation upon tapping the map.
- Create features: create a
with attributes and a location using theServiceFeatureTable
. - Delete features: delete the selected
from theFeatureTable
. - Update attribute: update the attribute of the selected
. - Update geometry: update the geometry of the selected
- Create features: create a
- Update the
locally. - Update the
of theServiceFeatureTable
by callingapplyEdits()
.- This pushes the changes to the server.
Relevant API
- Feature
- FeatureEditResult
- FeatureLayer
- ServiceFeatureTable
- ServiceGeodatabase
Additional information
When editing feature tables that are subject to database behavior (operations on one table affecting another table), it's now recommended to call these methods (apply or undo edits) on the ServiceGeodatabase
object rather than on the ServiceFeatureTable
object. Using the ServiceGeodatabase
object to call these operations will prevent possible data inconsistencies and ensure transactional integrity so that all changes can be committed or rolled back.
amend, attribute, create, delete, deletion, details, edit, editing, feature, feature layer, feature table, geodatabase, information, moving, online service, service, update, updating, value
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'package:arcgis_maps/arcgis_maps.dart';
import 'package:arcgis_maps_sdk_flutter_samples/utils/sample_state_support.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ManageFeatures extends StatefulWidget {
const ManageFeatures({super.key});
State<ManageFeatures> createState() => _ManageFeaturesState();
class _ManageFeaturesState extends State<ManageFeatures>
with SampleStateSupport {
// Create a controller for the map view.
final _mapViewController = ArcGISMapView.createController();
// Create a service feature table.
late final ServiceFeatureTable _damageServiceFeatureTable;
// Create a feature layer.
late final FeatureLayer _damageFeatureLayer;
// Create a list of feature management options.
final _featureManagementOptions =
// Create a variable to store the selected operation.
FeatureManagementOperation? _selectedOperation;
// Create a list of damage type attribute options.
final _damageTypeAttributeOptions = <DropdownMenuItem<String>>[];
// Create a variable to store the attribute value of the selected damage type.
String? _selectedDamageType;
// Create a variable to store the selected feature.
Feature? _selectedFeature;
// A flag for when the map view is ready and controls can be used.
var _ready = false;
void initState() {
// Add each feature management operation to the list of dropdown menu options.
(operation) => DropdownMenuItem(
onTap: () => setState(
() => _selectedOperation == operation,
value: operation,
child: Text(getLabel(operation)),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
top: false,
child: Stack(
children: [
children: [
// Add a map view to the widget tree and set a controller.
child: ArcGISMapView(
controllerProvider: () => _mapViewController,
onMapViewReady: onMapViewReady,
onTap: onTap,
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5),
child: Column(
children: [
// Create a dropdown button to select a feature management operation.
hint: const Text(
'Select operation',
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple),
value: _selectedOperation,
icon: const Icon(
color: Colors.deepPurple,
elevation: 16,
style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple),
// Set the onChanged callback to update the selected operation.
onChanged: (operation) =>
setState(() => _selectedOperation = operation),
items: _featureManagementOptions,
// Display additional UI depending on the selected operation.
// Display a progress indicator and prevent interaction until state is ready.
visible: !_ready,
child: const SizedBox.expand(
child: ColoredBox(
color: Colors.white30,
child: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
void onMapViewReady() async {
try {
// Create and load a service geodatabase from a service URL.
const featureServiceUri =
final serviceGeodatabase =
await serviceGeodatabase.load();
// Get the feature table from the service geodatabase referencing the Damage Assessment feature service.
// Creating the feature table from the feature service will cause the service geodatabase to be null.
_damageServiceFeatureTable = serviceGeodatabase.getTable(layerId: 0)!;
// Load the table.
await _damageServiceFeatureTable.load();
// Get the required field from the table - in this case, damage type.
final damageTypeField = _damageServiceFeatureTable.fields
.firstWhere((field) => == 'typdamage');
// Get the domain for the field.
final domain = damageTypeField.domain! as CodedValueDomain;
// Update the dropdown menu with the attribute values from the domain.
// Create a feature layer to visualize the features in the table.
_damageFeatureLayer =
// Create a map with the ArcGIS Streets basemap.
final map = ArcGISMap.withBasemapStyle(BasemapStyle.arcGISStreets);
// Add the feature layer to the map's operational layers.
// Set the map to the map view controller.
_mapViewController.arcGISMap = map;
// Zoom to an initial viewpoint.
x: -10800000,
y: 4500000,
spatialReference: SpatialReference.webMercator,
scale: 3e7,
// Set the ready state variable to true to enable the sample UI.
setState(() => _ready = true);
} on ArcGISException catch (e) {
} on Exception {
'There was an error loading the data required for the sample.',
void onTap(Offset localPosition) async {
// Configure actions when a user taps on the map, depending on the selected operation.
if (_selectedOperation == FeatureManagementOperation.create) {
// Create a feature if create is selected.
await createFeature(localPosition);
} else if (_selectedOperation == FeatureManagementOperation.geometry &&
_selectedFeature != null) {
// If update geometry is selected, update the selected feature.
await updateGeometry(_selectedFeature!, localPosition);
} else {
// Otherwise attempt to identify and select a feature.
await identifyAndSelectFeature(localPosition);
Future<void> identifyAndSelectFeature(Offset localPosition) async {
// Disable the UI while the async operations are in progress.
setState(() => _ready = false);
// Unselect any previously selected feature.
if (_selectedFeature != null) {
setState(() {
_selectedFeature = null;
_selectedDamageType = null;
// Perform an identify operation on the feature layer at the tapped location.
final identifyResult = await _mapViewController.identifyLayer(
screenPoint: localPosition,
tolerance: 12.0,
maximumResults: 1,
if (identifyResult.geoElements.isNotEmpty) {
// If a feature is identified, select it.
final feature = identifyResult.geoElements.first as ArcGISFeature;
setState(() {
_selectedFeature = feature;
_selectedDamageType = feature.attributes['typdamage'];
// Re-enable the UI.
setState(() => _ready = true);
Future<void> createFeature(Offset localPosition) async {
// Disable the UI while the async operations are in progress.
setState(() => _ready = false);
// Create the feature.
final feature = _damageServiceFeatureTable.createFeature();
// Get the normalized geometry for the tapped location and use it as the feature's geometry.
final geometry = _mapViewController.screenToLocation(screen: localPosition);
if (geometry != null) {
final normalizedGeometry =
feature.geometry = normalizedGeometry;
// Set feature attributes.
feature.attributes['typdamage'] = 'Minor';
feature.attributes['primcause'] = 'Earthquake';
// Add the feature to the local table.
await _damageFeatureLayer.featureTable!.addFeature(feature);
// Apply the edits to the service on the service geodatabase.
await _damageServiceFeatureTable.serviceGeodatabase!.applyEdits();
// Update the feature to get the updated objectid - a temporary ID is used before the feature is added.
// Confirm feature addition.
showMessageDialog('Created feature ${feature.attributes['objectid']}');
} else {
showMessageDialog('Error creating feature, geometry was null.');
setState(() => _ready = true);
Future<void> deleteFeature(Feature feature) async {
// Disable the UI while the async operations are in progress.
setState(() => _ready = false);
// Delete the feature from the local table.
await _damageFeatureLayer.featureTable!.deleteFeature(feature);
// Sync the change with the service on the service geodatabase.
await _damageServiceFeatureTable.serviceGeodatabase!.applyEdits();
'Deleted feature ${feature.attributes['objectid']}.',
// Reset selected elements and re-enable the UI.
setState(() {
_selectedFeature = null;
_selectedDamageType = null;
_ready = true;
Future<void> updateGeometry(
Feature feature,
Offset localPosition,
) async {
// Disable the UI while the async operations are in progress.
setState(() => _ready = false);
// Get the normalized geometry for the tapped location and use it as the feature's geometry.
final newGeometry =
_mapViewController.screenToLocation(screen: localPosition);
if (newGeometry != null) {
final normalizedNewGeometry =
feature.geometry = normalizedNewGeometry;
// Update the feature in the local table.
await _damageFeatureLayer.featureTable!.updateFeature(feature);
// Sync the change with the service on the service geodatabase.
await _damageServiceFeatureTable.serviceGeodatabase!.applyEdits();
'Updated feature ${feature.attributes['objectid']}',
// Re-enable the UI and deselect the currently selected feature.
setState(() {
_selectedFeature = null;
_ready = true;
void updateAttribute(Feature feature, String damageType) async {
// Disable the UI while the async operations are in progress.
setState(() => _ready = false);
// Update the damage type field to the selected value.
feature.attributes['typdamage'] = damageType;
// Update the feature in the local table.
await _damageFeatureLayer.featureTable!.updateFeature(feature);
// Sync the change with the service on the service geodatabase.
await _damageServiceFeatureTable.serviceGeodatabase!.applyEdits();
'Updated feature ${feature.attributes['objectid']} to $damageType.',
// Re-enable the UI.
setState(() => _ready = true);
void configureAttributeDropdownMenuItems(CodedValueDomain domain) {
// Display a dropdown menu item for each coded value in the domain.
(value) => DropdownMenuItem(
onTap: () => setState(
() => _selectedDamageType ==,
child: Text(,
Widget buildOperationSpecificWidget() {
switch (_selectedOperation) {
case FeatureManagementOperation.create:
// Display instructions for creating a new feature.
return const Text('Tap on the map to create a feature.');
case FeatureManagementOperation.delete:
// Create a button to delete the selected feature.
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: _selectedFeature != null
? () => deleteFeature(_selectedFeature!)
: null,
child: const Text('Delete Selected Feature'),
case FeatureManagementOperation.attribute:
// Create a dropdown button for updating the attribute value of the selected feature.
return DropdownButton(
hint: const Text(
'Select attribute value',
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple),
disabledHint: const Text(
'Select a feature',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.grey,
value: _selectedDamageType,
icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down),
style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple),
iconEnabledColor: Colors.deepPurple,
iconDisabledColor: Colors.grey,
onChanged: _selectedFeature != null
? (String? damageType) {
if (damageType != null) {
setState(() => _selectedDamageType = damageType);
updateAttribute(_selectedFeature!, damageType);
: null,
items: _damageTypeAttributeOptions,
case FeatureManagementOperation.geometry:
// Display instructions for updating feature geometry.
return const Text('Tap on the map to move a selected feature.');
// Display default instructions.
return const Text('Select a feature management operation.');
String getLabel(FeatureManagementOperation operation) {
// Return a UI friendly string for each feature management operation.
switch (operation) {
case FeatureManagementOperation.create:
return 'Create feature';
case FeatureManagementOperation.delete:
return 'Delete feature';
case FeatureManagementOperation.attribute:
return 'Update attribute';
case FeatureManagementOperation.geometry:
return 'Update geometry';
return 'Select a feature management operation.';
void showMessageDialog(String message) {
// Show a dialog with the provided message.
context: context,
builder: (context) {
return AlertDialog(
content: Text(message),
// Create an enumeration to define the feature management options.
enum FeatureManagementOperation { create, delete, attribute, geometry }