Versioning policy

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics for Microsoft Fabric releases will be versioned using semantic versioning guidelines starting with 1.0.0. Each version includes three numbers representing the major version, minor version, and patch version in the format Major.Minor.Patch. For Microsoft Fabric preview release, the version number of GeoAnalytics for Microsoft Fabric is 1.0.0b0.

VersionExampleNew functionality addedInstallation and compatibility considerations
Major1.0.0YesSignificant new code to support new functionality is introduced. Backward-breaking changes may be made to support Microsoft Fabric runtime(s).
Minor1.1.0YesSignificant new code to support new functionality is introduced. Support may be added for new versions of Microsoft Fabric.
Patch1.1.1NoMinimal code changes are made to fix bugs and address security vulnerabilities.

You can check the version within a PySpark session using the version function geoanalytics_fabric.version().

Major releases

Major releases introduce changes that are not backward compatible. These include dropped or added support for certain versions of Spark, Scala, Java, and Python. They also introduce breaking API changes to the geoanalytics_fabric module. Major releases of GeoAnalytics for Microsoft Fabric are infrequent and you should plan ahead to ensure smooth migration of workflows when upgrading. Major releases also include code to fix bugs, address security vulnerabilities, and improve performance.

Minor releases

Minor releases deliver new functionality but should not break existing workflows. Because minor releases contain significant code changes in support of new functionality, you may want to roll them out in a limited testing environment before deploying them widely. Minor releases include added support for certain versions of Spark, Scala, Java, and Python. They also include code to fix bugs and address security vulnerabilities.


All changes introduced by patches are both backward compatible and forward compatible. Because patches only fix bugs and security vulnerabilities, upgrading to a patch version is generally regarded as safer than not installing it. As with minor releases, patches do not break existing workflows.

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