Feature services are data sources that are hosted online. This tutorial shows how to read from and manage feature service datasets. You can create Spark DataFrames from feature service data sources and use them with any operations supported on a DataFrame.
In this tutorial you will learn how to access public and protected feature services. You will create DataFrames from feature services and perform basic queries.
In your notebook, import
._fabric Python Python Scala import geoanalytics_fabric
Read from a public feature service
Read a public feature service into a DataFrame and query for countries where the average population of the listed cities are greater than 50,000.
Read a feature service containing major world cities and create a DataFrame.
Python Python Scala myFS="https://services.arcgis.com/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Cities/FeatureServer/0" myFSDataFrame = spark.read.format('feature-service').load(myFS)
Group the DataFrame by country and find the average population per country.
Python Python Scala group = myFSDataFrame.selectExpr("CNTRY_NAME", "POP").groupBy("CNTRY_NAME").avg("POP")
Query for countries where the average population of major cities is greater than 50,000.
Python Python Scala group.where("avg(POP) > 50000").show()
Result+-------------+------------------+ | CNTRY_NAME| avg(POP)| +-------------+------------------+ | Brazil|1536742.7333333334| | Argentina|1014038.2222222222| | Peru| 614617.5| | Bolivia| 487888.8888888889| | Chile| 684300.4285714285| | Ecuador| 276217.55| | Colombia| 627823.90625| | Uruguay| 72796.57894736843| |United States| 577661.3978494623| | Canada| 548105.2307692308| | Mexico| 1670713.138888889| | Guatemala| 75000.0| | Cuba| 317952.0| | Costa Rica| 172696.2857142857| | Panama| 52301.2| | Venezuela| 369595.625| | Nicaragua| 74500.0| | Honduras|111499.16666666667| | El Salvador| 189369.7142857143| | Haiti| 319333.3333333333| +-------------+------------------+ only showing top 20 rows
Read from a protected feature service
Feature services that are protected can be read by either registering a GIS using the register
or by passing a token. Below is a tutorial to show how to get access to Subscriber content
in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World with an organizational subscription account.
Register a GIS to get access to a secured layer
You can define a GIS name (for example,
), which will be used as a reference when loading feature service layers. Pass the username and password of your account to log in to ArcGIS Online.GIS Python Python Scala geoanalytics_fabric.register_gis("myGIS", "https://arcgis.com", username="User", password="p@ssw0rd")
Read in a service using the registered GIS to create a DataFrame. After loading the secured feature service layer into a DataFrame, the data can be used for further analysis using GeoAnalytics tools and functions.
Python Python Scala # Example layer: United States ZIP Code Boundaries 2021 url = r"https://services.arcgis.com/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Boundaries_2021/FeatureServer/0" df = spark.read.format("feature-service") \ .option("gis", "myGIS") \ .load(url)
Unregister a GIS. You can unregister the GIS after the feature service layer is loaded.
Python Python Scala geoanalytics_fabric.unregister_gis("myGIS")
Use a token to get access to a secured layer
- Read a service in with an example token. The URL and token below are for example only and will need
to be updated to reflect your feature service URL and a valid token
from your organization.
Python Python Scala # Example layer: United States ZIP Code Boundaries 2021 url = r"https://services.arcgis.com/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Boundaries_2021/FeatureServer/0" token = 'ABC123deFghIJKlmNOPQrs456' df = spark.read.format('feature-service') \ .option('token', token) \ .load(url)
What's next?
Learn about how to read in other data types or analyze your data through SQL functions and analysis tools: