
The ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript leverages the W3C Accessibility Standards to ensure the applications and experiences you create are usable by a wide range of audiences. We plan to continue to improve accessibility with each release.

Apps created with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript support keyboard navigation, alternative text, color contrast in dark and light themes, semantic structure, and additional design and feature considerations. This enables developers to create apps that are accessible to a broader audience as they take advantage of these capabilities.

While JavaScript Maps SDK and Calcite Design System are created with accessibility in mind, there are additional steps you can take to ensure a diverse audience can navigate, understand, and use the solutions you build. For accessibility best practices, visit Accessibility - Calcite Design System.

Keyboard navigation

Keyboard navigation is supported in both 2D and 3D.


When designing apps with color in mind, some considerations include:

  • To showcase your data, you can switch between dark and light themes.
  • Smaller fonts need larger contrast. For example, a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, while a larger text only need a contrast ratio of 3:1.
  • Data-driven styles for visualization, Smart Mapping, checks if your basemap is dark or light colored.
  • Default colors used in popup charts meet WCAG's Success Criterion 1.4.3 for color contrast ratio in both light and dark themes. Symbology can be set with these colors by using the "Olympic Sunset" color ramp.
  • Change the default view theme used by several widgets and tools.


Set the page locale to help assistive technologies know how to read it:

  • <html lang="sv">

or dynamically:

  • document.documentElement.lang = "sv"; // Swedish

Localize the strings used by the Maps SDK in your app:

  • intl.setLocale("ja"); // Japanese


For additional accessibility best practices, visit Accessibility - Calcite Design System.

For more information about Esri's commitment to accessible technology, visit Esri Accessibility. For legal information about accessibility, visit Esri Legal Accessibility.

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