
AMD: require(["esri/geometry/operators/autoCompleteOperator"], (autoCompleteOperator) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as autoCompleteOperator from "@arcgis/core/geometry/operators/autoCompleteOperator.js";
Object: esri/geometry/operators/autoCompleteOperator
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

Fills the closed gaps between 2D polygons using polygon boundaries and polylines as the boundary for creating new polygons.

Property Overview

Name Type Summary Object

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.


Property Details


supportsCurves Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.

Default Value:true

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Fills the gaps between polygons using the polylines as additional boundaries.


Method Details


execute(polygons, polylines){Polygon[]}

Fills the gaps between polygons using the polylines as additional boundaries.

polygons Polygon[]

The polygons to fill.

polylines Polyline[]

The polylines to use as boundaries.

Type Description
Polygon[] Returns the new polygons that were created in the closed empty areas bounded by some of the edges of polygons and polylines. The newly created polygons do not overlap any existing polygons or polylines, and the boundary of a new polygon must contain at least one edge from polylines. Since only polygons that intersect polylines will be used, it may be necessary to prefilter the input.
// Auto complete a set of polygons using polylines as boundaries
const result = autoCompleteOperator.execute(polygons, polylines);

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