
AMD: require(["esri/geometry/operators/multiPartToSinglePartOperator"], (multiPartToSinglePartOperator) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as multiPartToSinglePartOperator from "@arcgis/core/geometry/operators/multiPartToSinglePartOperator.js";
Object: esri/geometry/operators/multiPartToSinglePartOperator
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

Convert multipart 2D geometries to single part geometries.

Property Overview

Name Type Summary Object

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.


Property Details


supportsCurves Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.

Default Value:true

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Performs the multipart to single part operation on the input geometries.


Method Details


executeMany(geometries, options){GeometryUnion[]}

Performs the multipart to single part operation on the input geometries. Single part geometries will not be affected (i.e. they just get passed along) with the exception of multipoints, which always become points. By default, polygons will be simplified before producing single parts.

geometries GeometryUnion[]

The input geometries to be converted to single part geometries. All the geometries must have the same spatial reference.

options Object

Additional options.

simplifyPolygons Boolean
Default Value: true

When this parameter is set to false, the input polygons will not be simplified before converting them to single part geometries. Make sure the input polygons are topologically simple. Otherwise, the operation may assume incorrect ring orientation or order of rings.

Type Description
GeometryUnion[] Returns the single part geometries. For non-simple polygons, the output of the method is not guaranteed to be correct if the simplifyPolgons option is set to false. In that case, the method may either throw an error, or produce some output which is not guaranteed to be correct.
// Convert multipart geometries to single part geometries
const singlePartGeometries = multiPartToSinglePartOperator.executeMany(multiPartGeometries);

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