
AMD: require(["esri/geometry/operators/polygonSlicerOperator"], (polygonSlicerOperator) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as polygonSlicerOperator from "@arcgis/core/geometry/operators/polygonSlicerOperator.js";
Object: esri/geometry/operators/polygonSlicerOperator
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

Performs a topological operation for slicing a 2D polygon into smaller polygons.

Property Overview

Name Type Summary Object

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.


Property Details


supportsCurves Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.

Default Value:true

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Finds positions of the sliced strips for a given polygon given the number of equal area parts to slice the polygon into.


Slices the given polygon into equal area parts, not necessarily strips.


Slices the given polygon into strips.


Method Details


findSlicesByArea(polygon, partCount, remainingArea, options){Number[]}

Finds positions of the sliced strips for a given polygon given the number of equal area parts to slice the polygon into.

polygon Polygon

The input polygon.

partCount Number

The number of parts to slice into.

remainingArea Number

The size of the remaining piece of the uncut polygon. Pass zero, if you want to slice the whole polygon. Unless the unit option is set, the default is the spatial reference unit of polygon.

options Object

Additional options.

transform Transformation

The affine transformation to apply to the polygon before slicing. When applying the transformation, the slicing starts from the bottom and proceeds to the top. The default is the identity transformation. For horizontal slices, use Transformation.setIdentity(). To slice vertically, apply Transformation.setSwapCoordinates() that swaps x and y coordinate values, and for an arbitrary angle, use Transformation.rotate().

unit AreaUnit

The area unit of the remaining area.

Type Description
Number[] Returns the y-coordinate set for the slice positions sorted in increasing y-order. The set can be used as input to the sliceIntoStrips() method.
// Find the slice positions for a polygon
const slicePositions = polygonSlicerOperator.findSlicesByArea(polygon, 3, 0);


recursiveSliceEqualArea(polygon, partCount, options){Polygon[]}

Slices the given polygon into equal area parts, not necessarily strips. The slicing is done recursively, each time slicing the polygon into two parts along the larger dimension (height or width).

polygon Polygon

The input polygon to slice.

partCount Number

The number of equal area parts to slice the polygon into.

options Object

Additional options.

transform Transformation

The affine transformation to apply to the polygon before slicing.

Type Description
Polygon[] Returns the array of polygons that are the result of the slicing. The number of output polygons will not necessarily match the number of requested slices. For example, if some of the slices became degenerate, they may not be output. The method uses topological operations that rely on the tolerance value in the input spatial reference. These operations may shift vertices in a way that affects result areas.
// Slice a polygon into equal area parts
const slicedPolygons = polygonSlicerOperator.recursiveSliceEqualArea(polygon, 3);


sliceIntoStrips(polygon, ySlices, options){Polygon[]}

Slices the given polygon into strips.

polygon Polygon

The input polygon to slice.

ySlices Number[]

The array of y coordinates, sorted in ascending order. The polygon will be transformed with the transform, and then it will be sliced horizontally at each y coordinate. That is, the ySlices are given in the coordinates after transform is applied to the polygon.

options Object

Additional options.

transform Transformation

The affine transformation to apply to the polygon before slicing.

Type Description
Polygon[] Returns the array of polygons that are the result of the slicing. The number of output polygons will not necessarily match the number of requested slices. For example, if some of the slices became degenerate, they may not be output. The method uses topological operations that rely on the tolerance value in the input spatial reference. These operations may shift vertices in a way that affects result areas.
// Slice a polygon into strips
const slicedPolygons = polygonSlicerOperator.sliceIntoStrips(polygon, [100, 200, 300]);

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