
AMD: require(["esri/geometry/operators/alphaShapeOperator"], (alphaShapeOperator) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as alphaShapeOperator from "@arcgis/core/geometry/operators/alphaShapeOperator.js";
Object: esri/geometry/operators/alphaShapeOperator
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

Calculates the alpha shape of 2D points (concave hull). Alpha shapes are used to generalize bounding polygons containing sets of points or multipoints. Using this operator on other geometry types will produce results, however it is probably not what you are expecting.

Property Overview

Name Type Summary Object

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.


Property Details


supportsCurves Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the operator supports input geometries that contain curves.

Default Value:false

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Calculates the alpha shape on the input geometry.


Calculates the alpha shape on a set of geometries with the option to aggregate the result.


Method Details


execute(geometry, alpha){ExecuteResult}

Calculates the alpha shape on the input geometry.

geometry GeometryUnion

The input geometry. Only geometry vertices are used to compute the alpha shape.

alpha Number

Controls the level of detail and concavity of the boundary. The value represents the square of the alpha radius for the alpha shape. Values of 0.0 or small positive numbers will yield an empty alpha shape. A negative number or NaN will lead to the alpha shape being computed with the minimal alpha value necessary to produce a connected result.

Type Description
ExecuteResult Returns an object containing a polygon of the alpha shape and the calculated alpha value. The result polygon is not guaranteed to be simple in the sense that it may contain very short segments.
// Calculate the alpha shape of a multipoint geometry
const result = alphaShapeOperator.execute(geometry, 100);


executeMany(geometries, alpha, options){Array<(Polygon|null|undefined)>}

Calculates the alpha shape on a set of geometries with the option to aggregate the result.

geometries GeometryUnion[]

The input geometries. Only geometry vertices are used to compute the alpha shape. All the geometries must have the same spatial reference.

alpha Number

Controls the level of detail and concavity of the boundary. The value represents the square of the alpha radius for the alpha shape. Values of 0.0 or small positive numbers will yield an empty alpha shape. A negative number or NaN will lead to the alpha shape being computed with the minimal alpha value necessary to produce a connected result.

options Object

Additional options.

merge Boolean
Default Value: false

Indicates if the alpha shape polygons should be merged. Set to true to merge the polygons into a single polygon.

Type Description
Array<(Polygon|null|undefined)> Returns the polygons of the alpha shapes or null. The result polygons are not guaranteed to be simple in the sense that they may contain very short segments.

Type Definitions


Type Definition

Object returned by the executeMany() method.

alphaShape Polygon

The alpha shape polygon.

calculatedAlpha Number

The calculated alpha value used to generate the alpha shape.

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