
AMD: require(["esri/views/View2D"], (View2D) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import View2D from "@arcgis/core/views/View2D.js";
Class: esri/views/View2D
Inheritance: View2D→View→Accessor
Subclasses: LinkChartView , MapView
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

View2D is the base class for all 2D views. To construct 2D views see MapView and LinkChartView.

See also

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Watch for changes topic.
Show inherited properties Hide inherited properties
Name Type Summary Class

Collection containing a flat list of all the created LayerViews related to the basemap, operational layers, and group layers in this view.


Represents an ongoing view animation initialized by goTo().


The background color of the MapView.


Represents the view for a single basemap after it has been added to the map.


A convenience property used for defining the breakpoints on the height and width of the view.


Represents the view's center point; when setting the center, you may pass a Point instance or an array of numbers representing a longitude/latitude pair ([-100.4593, 36.9014]).


Specifies constraints to scale, zoom, and rotation that may be applied to the MapView.


The id or node representing the DOM element containing the view.


The name of the class.


Indicates whether displayFilters are honored across all layers in the view.


The extent represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of Extent.


A fatal error returned when the view loses its WebGL context.


Applies a display filter on the view for a specific set of floor levels.


Indicates if the browser focus is on the view.


Allows for adding graphics directly to the default graphics in the View.


The height of the view in pixels read from the view container element.


A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's height.


Options for configuring the highlight.


Represents a collection of HighlightOptions objects which can be used to highlight features throughout an application.


Options to configure input handling of the View.


Indication whether the view is being interacted with (for example when panning or by an interactive tool).


A collection containing a hierarchical list of all the created LayerViews of the operational layers in the map.


The magnifier allows for showing a portion of the view as a magnifier image on top of the view.


An instance of a Map object to display in the view.


Indication whether the view is being navigated (for example when panning).


Options to configure the navigation behavior of the View.


A convenience property indicating the view's orientation.


Use the padding property to make the center, and extent, etc.


A Popup object that displays general content or attributes from layers in the map.


Controls whether the popup opens when users click on the view.


When true, this property indicates whether the view successfully satisfied all dependencies, signaling that the following conditions are met.


Provides more granular information about the view's process of becoming ready.


Defines which anchor stays still while resizing the browser window.


Indicates if the view is being resized.


Represents the size of one pixel in map units.


The clockwise rotation of due north in relation to the top of the view in degrees.


Represents the map scale at the center of the view.


An array containing the width and height of the view in pixels, e.g.


The spatial reference of the view.


Indicates if the MapView's spatialReference can be changed after it is initialized.


Indication whether the view is animating, being navigated with or resizing.


Indicates if the view is visible on the page.


This property specifies the base colors used by some widgets and components to render graphics and labels.


The tiling scheme information of the view.


The view's time extent.


Defines the time zone of the view.


The dimension of the view.


Exposes the default widgets available in the view and allows you to toggle them on and off.


Indicates whether the view is being updated by additional data requests to the network, or by processing received data.


Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view.


The visibleArea represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of a Polygon.


The width of the view in pixels read from the view container element.


A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's width.


Represents the level of detail (LOD) at the center of the view.


Property Details


allLayerViews Collection<LayerView>readonly
Inherited from View

Collection containing a flat list of all the created LayerViews related to the basemap, operational layers, and group layers in this view.

See also


animation ViewAnimation |null |undefined

Represents an ongoing view animation initialized by goTo(). You may watch this property to be notified of the animation's state.

See also
  () => view.animation,
  (response) => {
    if(response?.state === "running"){
      console.log("Animation in progress");
    } else{
     console.log("No animation");


background ColorBackground |null |undefinedautocast

The background color of the MapView. If the view's map changes, the view's background is reset to the map's background, even if the user set it previously.

Default Value:null
let view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",
  map: map,
  background: { // autocasts new ColorBackground()
    color: "magenta" // autocasts as new Color()


basemapView BasemapView
Inherited from View

Represents the view for a single basemap after it has been added to the map.


breakpoints Object

A convenience property used for defining the breakpoints on the height and width of the view. The sizes specified here determine the values of the widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint properties depending on the view's size.

Setting up breakpoints can aid in responsive app design. It does this by watching width and height breakpoints. This is helpful as it removes the need for multiple @media calls. Instead of listening for the view's size and/or resizes property, you can set up a watch handler for either the widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint properties of the view.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

xsmall Number
Default Value:544

Sets the xsmall breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is smaller than this value, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be xsmall.

small Number
Default Value:768

Sets the small breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the xsmall property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be small.

medium Number
Default Value:992

Sets the medium breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the small property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be medium.

large Number
Default Value:1200

Sets the large breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the medium property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be large.

xlarge Number

Sets the xlarge breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is greater than the value of the large property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be xlarge.

See also
// Instead of watching the size or resizing properties => view.size, () => {}); => view.resizing, () => {});

// Set up a watch handle for breakpoint
  () => view.widthBreakpoint,
  (breakpoint) => {
    switch (breakpoint) {
      case "xsmall":
      // do something
      case "small":
      case "medium":
      case "large":
      case "xlarge":
      // do something else


center Pointautocast
Autocasts from Number[]|Object

Represents the view's center point; when setting the center, you may pass a Point instance or an array of numbers representing a longitude/latitude pair ([-100.4593, 36.9014]). Setting the center immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

The returned Point object is always in the spatial reference of the view and may be modified internally. To persist the returned object, create a clone using Point.clone().


  • If the spatial reference of center set in the constructor does not match the spatialReference of the view, then projection engine will be loaded dynamically.
  • At runtime, the projection engine must be loaded when setting the center to a spatial reference that doesn't match the view spatial reference. You can check if the projection engine is loaded prior to setting the center by calling projection.isLoaded(). If it is not yet loaded, you can call projection.load().
See also
// Sets the initial center point of the view to lon/lat coordinates
// lon/lat will be projected to match the spatial reference of the view
let view = new MapView({
  center: [-112, 38]
// Updates the view's center point to a pre-determined Point object
let pt = new Point({
  x: 12804.24,
  y: -1894032.09,
  spatialReference: {
    wkid: view.spatialReference  // wkid 2027
}); = pt;
const centerPoint = new Point({
  x: -8746995,
  y: 4352308,
  spatialReference: {
    wkid: 8857
if (!projection.isLoaded()) {
  // load the projection engine if it is not loaded
  await projection.load();
} = centerPoint;


constraints Accessorautocast

Specifies constraints to scale, zoom, and rotation that may be applied to the MapView. The constraints.lods should be set in the MapView constructor, if the map does not have a basemap or when the basemap does not have tileInfo. See Zoom and LODs section to learn more how MapView's zoom and LODs work. See the object specification below.


An array of LODs. If not specified, this value is read from the Map. It is possible to generate additional LODs via the TileInfo.create() method. This is useful in cases where the default amount of LODs provided are not sufficient. One example of when this is needed is when setting the view scale 1:1. Additionally, this property may be autocast.

The area in which the user is allowed to navigate laterally. Only Extent and Polygon geometry types are supported. Z-values are ignored. This property is honored by interactive MapView navigation and goTo(). This property may be autocast.

minScale Number

The minimum scale the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

maxScale Number

The maximum scale the user is allowed to zoom to within the view. Setting this value to 0 allows the user to overzoom layer tiles.

minZoom Number

The minimum zoom level the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

maxZoom Number

The maximum zoom level the user is allowed to zoom to within the view. Setting this value to 0 allows the user to over-zoom layer tiles.

snapToZoom Boolean
Default Value:true

When true, the view snaps to the next LOD when zooming in or out. When false, the zoom is continuous. This does not apply when zooming in/out using two finger pinch in/out.

rotationEnabled Boolean
Default Value:true

Indicates whether the user can rotate the map.

effectiveLODs LOD[]|null|undefined

A read-only property that specifies the levels of detail (LODs) read from the Map.

effectiveMinZoom Number

A read-only property that specifies the minimum zoom level the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

effectiveMaxZoom Number

A read-only property that specifies the maximum zoom level the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

effectiveMinScale Number

A read-only property that specifies the minimum scale the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

effectiveMaxScale Number

A read-only property that specifies the maximum scale the user is allowed to zoom to within the view.

See also
view.constraints = {
  geometry: { // Constrain lateral movement to Lower Manhattan
    type: "extent",
    xmin: -74.020,
    ymin:  40.700,
    xmax: -73.971,
    ymax:  40.73
  minScale: 500000, // User cannot zoom out beyond a scale of 1:500,000
  maxScale: 0, // User can overzoom tiles
  rotationEnabled: false // Disables map rotation
// This snippet shows how to set the MapView scale 1:1 while generating additional LODs for the MapView.constraints.
const spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
  wkid: 2154
const center = new Point({
  x: 0,
  y: 0,

// Create LODs from level 0 to 31
const tileInfo = TileInfo.create({
  numLODs: 32
const lods = tileInfo.lods;

let view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",
  scale: 1,
  constraints: {
    lods: lods,
    snapToZoom: false


container HTMLDivElement |null |undefinedautocast
Autocasts from String

The id or node representing the DOM element containing the view. This is typically set in the view's constructor.

// Sets container to the DOM id
let view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv"  // ID of the HTML element that holds the view
// Sets container to the node
let viewNode = document.getElementById("viewDiv");
let view = new SceneView({
  container: viewNode


declaredClass Stringreadonly
Inherited from Accessor

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.


displayFilterEnabled Boolean
Inherited from View
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.32 View since 4.0, displayFilterEnabled added at 4.32.

Indicates whether displayFilters are honored across all layers in the view. If false, display filters are ignored on all layers and all features are rendered. To ignore display filters on a per-layer basis, set the layer's displayFilterEnabled property to false.

Default Value:true


extent Extentautocast

The extent represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of Extent. Setting the extent immediately changes the view without animation. To animate the view, see goTo(). When the view is rotated, the extent does not update to include the newly visible portions of the map.

The returned Extent object is an internal reference which may be modified internally. To persist the returned object, create a copy using Extent.clone().


  • If the spatial reference of extent set in the constructor does not match the spatialReference of the view, then projection engine will be loaded dynamically.
  • At runtime, the projection engine must be loaded when setting the extent to a spatial reference that doesn't match the view spatial reference. You can check if the projection engine is loaded prior to setting the extent by calling projection.isLoaded(). If it is not yet loaded, you can call projection.load().
Default Value:null
See also
// the projection engine must be loaded in the app if the spatial reference
// of the view does not match the spatial reference of the extent
const extent = new Extent({
  xmin: -13056650,
  ymin: 6077558,
  xmax: -13055709,
  ymax: 6077938,
  spatialReference: new SpatialReference({wkid:3857})
view.extent = extent;  // Updates the view without animation


fatalError Error |null |undefined
Inherited from View

A fatal error returned when the view loses its WebGL context. Watch this property to properly handle the error and attempt to recover the WebGL context.

  () => view.fatalError,
  () => {
    console.error("Fatal Error! View has lost its WebGL context. Attempting to recover...");


floors Collection<string>autocast

Applies a display filter on the view for a specific set of floor levels. It can filter the map display on floor-aware layers by zero or more level IDs.


focused Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the browser focus is on the view.


graphics Collection<Graphic>autocast
Inherited from View

Allows for adding graphics directly to the default graphics in the View.

// Adds a graphic to the View;
// Removes a graphic from the View;


height Numberreadonly

The height of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

The view container needs to have a height greater than 0 to be displayed.

Default Value:0


heightBreakpoint String

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's height. This value is determined based on where the view's height falls in the ranges defined in the breakpoints property. See the table below for a list of possible values. Use the breakpoints property to override the default thresholds.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible Value Description Default thresholds (pixels)
xsmall The height of the view is smaller than the value set in the xsmall breakpoint. < 545
small The height of the view is between the values set in the xsmall and small breakpoints. 545 - 768
medium The height of the view is between the values set in the small and medium breakpoints. 769 - 992
large The height of the view is between the values set in the medium and large breakpoints. 993 - 1200
xlarge The height of the view is larger than the value set in the large breakpoint. > 1200

Possible Values:"xsmall" |"small" |"medium" |"large" |"xlarge"

  () => view.heightBreakpoint === "xsmall",
  () => {
    // clear the view's default UI components if
    // the app is used on a mobile device
    view.ui.components = [];


highlightOptions HighlightOptionsautocast
Deprecated since version 4.32. Use the highlights property instead.

Options for configuring the highlight. Use the highlight method on the appropriate LayerView to highlight a feature. The layerView's highlightOptions will take precedence over the MapView's highlightOptions if both properties are set.

const view = new MapView({
  map: map,
  highlightOptions: {
    color: [255, 255, 0, 1],
    haloOpacity: 0.9,
    fillOpacity: 0.2


highlights Collection<HighlightOptions>autocast
Inherited from View
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.32 View since 4.0, highlights added at 4.32.

Represents a collection of HighlightOptions objects which can be used to highlight features throughout an application. Highlighting works by applying highlight options to one or more features. You can configure these options (such as color or opacity) to define how a feature will be visually emphasized.

A maximum of six HighlightOptions objects are supported in the collection, and they can be added, removed, and reordered freely. Their order in the collection determines priority, with the last object having the highest priority. If you apply more than one highlight to a feature, the one that is last within the collection will be applied. The HighlightOptions object must be part of this collection in order to be applied to features.

To highlight a feature, use the highlight() method on the relevant LayerView instance. To apply specific HighlightOptions, include the name in the highlight() method's options parameter. If no name is provided, the feature will use the default highlight options.

In a 2D MapView, a layerView's highlightOptions will take precedence over the MapView's highlights if both properties are set.

The table below shows the default highlight options in the View's highlights collection if the collection has not been modified:

Highlight options name Description Default settings
default The default highlight options. Used when layerView.highlight() is called without specifying any particular highlight options. { name: "default", color: "cyan", haloOpacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.25, shadowColor: "black", shadowOpacity: 0.4, shadowDifference: 0.2}
temporary The temporary highlight options, pre-configured for common use cases such as hovering over a feature in the view. { name: "temporary", color: "yellow", haloOpacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.25, shadowColor: "black", shadowOpacity: 0.4, shadowDifference: 0.2 }
// Use the default highlights collection to apply a highlight to features when you hover over them

// A handler can be used to remove any previous highlight when applying a new one
let hoverHighlight;

view.on("pointer-move", (event) => {
  // Search for the first feature in the featureLayer at the hovered location
  view.hitTest(event, { include: featureLayer }).then((response) => {
    if (response.results[0]) {
       const graphic = response.results[0].graphic;
       view.whenLayerView(graphic.layer).then((layerView) => {
         // Remove any previous highlight, if it exists
         // Highlight the hit features with the temporary highlight options, which are pre-configured for this use case
         hoverHighlight = layerView.highlight(graphic, { name: "temporary"});
// Override the default highlights collection

const view = new MapView({
  map: map,
  container: "viewDiv",

  // Set the highlight options to be used in the view
  highlights: [
    { name: "default", color: "orange" },
    { name: "temporary", color: "magenta" },
    { name: "table", color: "cyan", fillOpacity: 0.5, haloOpacity: 0}
// Add highlight options to the collection after initialization

const selectionHighlightOptions = {
  name: "selection",
  color: "#ff00ff", // bright fuchsia
  haloOpacity: 0.8,
  fillOpacity: 0.2

// Add the options to the highlights collection at the first position
view.highlights.add(selectionGroup, 0);


input Inputreadonly
Inherited from View

Options to configure input handling of the View.

// Make gamepad events to emit independently of focus.
view.input.gamepad.enabledFocusMode = "none";


interacting Booleanreadonly
Inherited from View

Indication whether the view is being interacted with (for example when panning or by an interactive tool).

Default Value:false


layerViews Collection<LayerView>readonly
Inherited from View

A collection containing a hierarchical list of all the created LayerViews of the operational layers in the map.

See also


magnifier Magnifierreadonly
Inherited from View

The magnifier allows for showing a portion of the view as a magnifier image on top of the view.


map Mapautocast
Inherited from View

An instance of a Map object to display in the view. A view may only display one map at a time. On the other hand, one Map may be viewed by multiple MapViews and/or SceneViews simultaneously.

This property is typically set in the constructor of the MapView or SceneView. See the class description for examples demonstrating the relationship between the map and the view.

navigating Booleanreadonly
Inherited from View

Indication whether the view is being navigated (for example when panning).

Default Value:false
navigation Navigationautocast
Inherited from View

Options to configure the navigation behavior of the View.

// Disable the gamepad usage, single touch panning, panning momentum and mouse wheel zooming.
const view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "satellite"
  center: [176.185, -37.643],
  zoom: 13,
  navigation: {
    gamepad: {
      enabled: false
    actionMap: {
      dragSecondary: "none", // Disable rotating the view with the right mouse button
      mouseWheel: "none" // Disable zooming with the mouse wheel
    browserTouchPanEnabled: false,
    momentumEnabled: false,


orientation Stringreadonly

A convenience property indicating the view's orientation. See the table below for a list of possible values.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible Value Description
landscape The width of the view is greater than its height.
portrait The width of the view is equal to or smaller than its height.

Possible Values:"landscape" |"portrait"


padding Object
Inherited from View

Use the padding property to make the center, and extent, etc. work off a subsection of the full view. This is particularly useful when layering UI elements or semi-transparent content on top of portions of the view. See the view padding sample for an example of how this works.

left Number

The left padding (in pixels).

top Number

The top padding (in pixels).

right Number

The right padding (in pixels).

bottom Number

The bottom padding (in pixels).

Default Value:{left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}
See also
popup Popup |null |undefinedautocast

A Popup object that displays general content or attributes from layers in the map.

By default, the popup property is an empty object that allows you to set the popup options. A Popup instance is automatically created and assigned to the view's popup when the user clicks on the view and popupEnabled is true, when the openPopup() method is called, or when some widgets need the popup, such as Search. If popup is null, the popup instance will not be created.

// Set the view's popup to a new Popup instance.
// The popup will show anytime a popup is called such as when selecting features or displaying a Search result.
view.popup = new Popup();
// Set the popup to a PopupOptions object with popup properties set such as the dock options.
// The popup will show anytime a popup is called.
view.popup = {
 dockEnabled: true,
 dockOptions: {
   position: "top-left",
   breakpoint: false
// Set the popup to null. This disables the popup so it will never show up.
view.popup = null;


popupEnabled Boolean

Controls whether the popup opens when users click on the view.

When true, a Popup instance is created and assigned to view.popup the first time the user clicks on the view, unless popup is null. The popup then processes the click event.

When false, the click event is ignored and popup is not created for features but will open for other scenarios that use a popup, such as displaying Search results.

Default Value:true
See also
// Disable the popup from automatically appearing and
// open the popup manually using a click event.
view.popupEnabled = false;
view.on("click", (event)=> {
    // Set properties for the manually opened popup


ready Booleanreadonly
Inherited from View

When true, this property indicates whether the view successfully satisfied all dependencies, signaling that the following conditions are met.

When a view becomes ready it will resolve itself and invoke the callback defined in when() where code can execute on a working view. Subsequent changes to a view's readiness would typically be handled by watching view.ready and providing logic for cases where the map or container change.

Default Value:false
See also


readyState Stringreadonly
Inherited from View
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.32 View since 4.0, readyState added at 4.32.

Provides more granular information about the view's process of becoming ready. This property helps manage view properties when the view fails to become ready, such as when the basemap fails to load.

The following are the possible expected values and their descriptions:

Value Description
loading The view is currently loading information from the map.
ready The view is ready. This is similar to the ready property.
missing-map The view is missing a map. Set the view's map property.
missing-container The view is missing a container. Set the view's container property.
empty-map The view's map has no layers. Add layers to the map.
rendering-error The view failed to render. This is similar to the fatalError property.
map-content-error The view failed to find information from the map and couldn't derive the spatialReference. Verify that the map correctly loaded with the loadError property, as well as its basemap, and the first layer in the map's layers collection. Alternatively, set a valid center, scale, and spatialReference.

Possible Values:"loading" |"missing-map" |"missing-container" |"empty-map" |"map-content-error" |"rendering-error" |"ready"

Default Value:"loading"
// Watch the view's readyState immediately after its initialization.
  () => view.readyState,
  (state) => {
    switch (state) {
      case "missing-map":
        // Map is missing. Set a default map. = new Map({ basemap: "streets" });
    initial: true // fire the callback immediately after initialization.
const view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",

  map: new Map({
    basemap: {
    baseLayers: [
      new TileLayer({
        url: "my-failing-tiled-service"
}); => view.readyState, (state) => {
  switch (state) {
    case "map-content-error":
      // Defaults to a different map in case of failure = new Map({ basemap: "streets" });
    case "rendering-error":
      console.log("View is not ready:", state);


resizeAlign String

Defines which anchor stays still while resizing the browser window. The default, center, ensures the view's center point remains constantly visible as the window size changes. The other options allow the respective portion of the view to remain visible when the window's size is changed.

Possible Values:"center" |"left" |"right" |"top" |"bottom" |"top-left" |"top-right" |"bottom-left" |"bottom-right"

Default Value:"center"


resizing Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the view is being resized.

Default Value:false


resolution Numberreadonly

Represents the size of one pixel in map units. The value of resolution can be found by dividing the extent width by the view's width.


rotation Number

The clockwise rotation of due north in relation to the top of the view in degrees. The view may be rotated by directly setting the rotation or by using the following mouse event: Right-click + Drag. Map rotation may be disabled by setting the rotationEnabled property in constraints to false. See the code snippet below for an example of this.

Default Value:0
// Due north is rotated 90 degrees, pointing to the right side of the view
view.rotation = 90;
// Due north is rotated 180 degrees, pointing to the bottom of the view
view.rotation = 180;
// Due north is rotated 270 degrees, pointing to the left side of the view
view.rotation = 270;
// Due north is rotated 0 degrees, pointing to the top of the view (the default)
view.rotation = 0; // 360 or multiple of 360 (e.g. 720) works here as well.
// Disables map rotation
view.constraints = {
  rotationEnabled: false


scale Number

Represents the map scale at the center of the view. Setting the scale immediately changes the view. For animating the view, see goTo().

view.scale = 24000;  // Sets the map scale in the view's center to 1:24,000


size Number[]readonly

An array containing the width and height of the view in pixels, e.g. [width, height].


spatialReference SpatialReferenceautocast

The spatial reference of the view. This indicates the projected or geographic coordinate system used to locate geographic features in the map. Starting at version 4.23, you can change the spatialReference of the MapView after it is initialized by either directly changing this property, or by changing the basemap from the BasemapGallery or BasemapToggle widgets. Set spatialReferenceLocked property to true to prevent users from changing the view's spatial reference at runtime.

Prior to changing the spatial reference, check if the projection engine is loaded by calling projection.isLoaded(). If it is not yet loaded, call projection.load() method. If the projection engine is not loaded, the view's center will default to [0, 0] in the new spatial reference of the view and a console error will be thrown.


Default Value:null
See also
// check if the projection engine is loaded
if (!projection.isLoaded()) {
  // load the projection engine if it is not loaded
  projection.load().then(() => {
   // change the spatial reference of the view to equal earth projection
    view.spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
      wkid: 54035 //equal earth projection
} else {
  // the projection engine is already loaded.
  // change the spatial reference of the view to equal earth projection
  view.spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
    wkid: 54035 //equal earth projection
const basemap = await changeBasemap();
const spatialReference = await findSpatialReference(basemap);

// check if basemap has the same spatial reference as the view if they are not equal
// then check if the projection engine is loaded. load the projection engine if it is not loaded.
// If loaded, then simply change view.spatialReference to match the basemap spatialReference
if (spatialReference && !view.spatialReference.equals(spatialReference)) {
  if (!projection.isLoaded()) {
    // load the projection engine if it is not loaded
    await projection.load();
  view.spatialReference = spatialReference;

// change the basemap
map.basemap = basemap;

async function changeBasemap() {
  let basemap;
  if (map.basemap.title === "OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap (Blueprint - WGS84)"){
    basemap = new Basemap({
      portalItem: { // Spilhaus - one ocean basemap
        id: "5639ccf22d4c4830ab815c4f9c9319bb"
  } else {
    basemap = osm84;
  return basemap;

async function findSpatialReference(basemap) {
  await basemap.load();

  if (basemap.spatialReference) {
    return basemap.spatialReference;

  const layer =;

  if (!layer) {
    return null;

  await layer.load();

  return layer.spatialReference;


spatialReferenceLocked Boolean

Indicates if the MapView's spatialReference can be changed after it is initialized. The default is false indicating the view's spatialReference can be changed at runtime. When true, basemaps with spatial references that do not match the MapView's spatial reference will be disabled in BasemapGallery and BasemapToggle widgets and the view spatialReference cannot be changed at runtime.

Default Value:false
See also


stationary Booleanreadonly
Inherited from View

Indication whether the view is animating, being navigated with or resizing.


suspended Booleanreadonly

Indicates if the view is visible on the page. When true, the view is not visible and it stops rendering and updating data. Set to true when one of the following conditions are met:

  • if the view does not have a container,
  • if the view's height or width equal to 0,
  • if the view container's css style display is set to none (display:none).

When the view container's css style visibility is set to hidden, this property is set to false, and the view is hidden but it stills renders and updates data.

Default Value:true


theme Theme |null |undefinedautocast
Inherited from View

This property specifies the base colors used by some widgets and components to render graphics and labels. This only affects those components that would otherwise use the default orange pattern.

// Update the theme to use purple graphics
// and slightly transparent green text
view.theme = new Theme({
  accentColor: "purple",
  textColor: [125, 255, 13, 0.9]


tileInfo TileInfo |null |undefinedreadonly

The tiling scheme information of the view.


timeExtent TimeExtent |null |undefinedautocast
Inherited from View

The view's time extent. Time-aware layers display their temporal data that falls within the view's time extent. Setting the view's time extent is similar to setting the spatial extent because once the time extent is set, the view updates automatically to conform to the change.

Default Value:null
// Create a csv layer from an online spreadsheet.
let csvLayer = new CSVLayer({
  url: "",
  timeInfo: {
    startField: "SaleDate" // The csv field contains date information.

// Create a mapview showing sales for the last week of March 2019 only.
const view = new MapView({
  map: map,
  container: "viewDiv",
  timeExtent: {
    start: new Date("2019, 2, 24"),
    end:   new Date("2019, 2, 31")


timeZone String

Defines the time zone of the view. The time zone property determines how dates and times are represented to the user, but the underlying data is unchanged. Changing the time zone will have the following effect:

  • Arcade: Arcade expressions referencing date values in labels, renderers, and forms will represent dates by default in the time zone of the view. When the view time zone is changed, the output of Arcade expressions working with dates may change to match the time zone of the view. The user can use the ChangeTimeZone Arcade function (e.g. ChangeTimeZone($feature.dateField, "system")) to display dates in another time zone regardless of web map time zone. Alternatively they can construct Date values in the context of a specific time zone (e.g. Date(2013, 1, 1, 10, 00, 00, 00, "UTC")).
  • Widgets: Date values, including values from date and timestamp-offset fields, will be displayed in the view's time zone by default in the following widgets: Bookmarks, Editor, Feature, FeatureForm, Features, FeatureTable, Legend, Popup and TimeSlider.

The time zone can be set to one of the following values:

Possible Values

Value Description
system Dates and times will be displayed in the time zone of the device or browser.
unknown Dates and times will be displayed based on the time zone that has been defined for the layer. No adjustments are made to the display of date info. TimeSlider is disabled.
Specified IANA time zone Dates and times will be displayed in the specified IANA time zone. See wikipedia - List of tz database time zones.
Default Value:"system"
See also
// Date and time will be displayed in Pacific/Auckland (NZ) time zone
const view = new MapView({
  map: map,
  container: "viewDiv",
  timeZone: "Pacific/Auckland"


type Stringreadonly

The dimension of the view.

For View2D the type is always "2d".


ui DefaultUIautocast

Exposes the default widgets available in the view and allows you to toggle them on and off. See DefaultUI for more details.

let toggle = new BasemapToggle({
  view: view,
  nextBasemap: "hybrid"
// Adds an instance of BasemapToggle widget to the
// top right of the view.
view.ui.add(toggle, "top-right");
// Moves the zoom and BasemapToggle widgets to the
// bottom left of the view.
view.ui.move([ "zoom", toggle ], "bottom-left");
// Removes all the widgets from the bottom left of the view
// Removes the compass widget from the view
// Removes all default UI components, except Attribution.
// Passing an empty array will remove all components.
view.ui.components = [ "attribution" ];


updating Booleanreadonly
Inherited from View

Indicates whether the view is being updated by additional data requests to the network, or by processing received data.

Default Value:false


viewpoint Viewpointautocast

Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view. Setting the viewpoint immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

The returned Viewpoint object is an internal reference which may be modified internally. To persist the returned object, create a copy using Viewpoint.clone().


  • If the spatial reference of viewpoint set in the constructor does not match the spatialReference of the view, then projection engine will be loaded dynamically.
  • At runtime, the projection engine must be loaded when setting the viewpoint.targetGeometry to a spatial reference that doesn't match the view spatialReference. You can check if the projection engine is loaded prior to setting the viewpoint.targetGeometry by calling projection.isLoaded(). If it is not yet loaded, you can call projection.load().
See also


visibleArea Polygon |null |undefinedreadonly

The visibleArea represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of a Polygon. This is similar to the view extent but is a more accurate representation of the visible area especially when the view is rotated. An example use of the visible area is to spatially filter visible features in a layer view query.

See also


width Numberreadonly

The width of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

The view container needs to have a width greater than 0 to be displayed.

Default Value:0


widthBreakpoint String

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's width. This value is determined based on where the view's width falls in the ranges defined in the breakpoints property. See the table below for a list of possible values. Use the breakpoints property to override the default thresholds.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible Value Description Default thresholds (pixels)
xsmall The width of the view is smaller than the value set in the xsmall breakpoint. < 545
small The width of the view is between the values set in the xsmall and small breakpoints. 545 - 768
medium The width of the view is between the values set in the small and medium breakpoints. 769 - 992
large The width of the view is between the values set in the medium and large breakpoints. 993 - 1200
xlarge The width of the view is larger than the value set in the large breakpoint. > 1200

Possible Values:"xsmall" |"small" |"medium" |"large" |"xlarge"

  () => view.widthBreakpoint === "xsmall",
  () => {
    // clear the view's default UI components if
    // the app is used on a mobile device
    view.ui.components = [];


zoom Number

Represents the level of detail (LOD) at the center of the view. A zoom level or scale is a number that defines how large or small the contents of a map appear in a map view. Zoom level is a number usually between 0 (global view) and 23 (very detailed view) and is used as a shorthand for predetermined scale values. A value of -1 means the view has no LODs. When setting the zoom value, map view converts it to the corresponding scale, or interpolates it if the zoom is a fractional number. MapView can display maps with different projections at a full range of scales, and so use scale rather than zoom level.

Setting the zoom immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo(). Setting this property in conjunction with center is a convenient way to set the initial extent of the view.

view.zoom = 3;  // Sets the LOD to 3 (small map scale)
view.zoom = 18; // Sets the LOD to 18 (large map scale)
// Set the zoom level and center in the constructor
let view = new MapView({
  zoom: 10,
  center: [-120, 34],
  map: map

Method Overview

Show inherited methods Hide inherited methods
Name Return Type Summary Class

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object.


Closes the popup.


Destroys the view, and any associated resources, including its map, popup, and UI elements.


Emits an event on the instance.


Sets the view to a given target.


Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.


Returns true if a named group of handles exist.


isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).


isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected.


isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved.


Registers an event handler on the instance.


Opens the popup at the given location with content defined either explicitly with content or driven from the PopupTemplate of input features.


Removes a group of handles owned by the object.


Converts the given screen point to a map point.


Converts the given map point to a screen point.


Call this method to clear any fatal errors resulting from a lost WebGL context.


when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created.


Gets the LayerView created on the view for the given layer.


Method Details


addHandles(handleOrHandles, groupKey)
Inherited from Accessor

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. The handles will be removed when the object is destroyed.

// Manually manage handles
const handle = reactiveUtils.when(
  () => !view.updating,
  () => {
    wkidSelect.disabled = false;
  { once: true }


// Destroy the object
handleOrHandles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]

Handles marked for removal once the object is destroyed.

groupKey *

Key identifying the group to which the handles should be added. All the handles in the group can later be removed with Accessor.removeHandles(). If no key is provided the handles are added to a default group.



Closes the popup.

See also
// Closes the popup if it's open


Inherited from View

Destroys the view, and any associated resources, including its map, popup, and UI elements. These can no longer be used once the view has been destroyed. To prevent these components from being destroyed, remove them from the view before calling destroy().

// remove popup and legend from the view so that they are not destroyed
const popup = view.popup;
view.popup = null;

// unset map from the view so that it is not destroyed
const map =; = null;

// destroy the view and any remaining associated resources


emit(type, event){Boolean}
Inherited from View

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.

Type Description
Boolean true if a listener was notified


goTo(target, options){Promise}

Sets the view to a given target. The target parameter can be one of the following:

  • [longitude, latitude] pair of coordinates
  • Geometry (or array of Geometry[])
  • Graphic (or array of Graphic[])
  • Viewpoint
  • Object with a combination of target, center, scale and rotation properties (with target being any of the types listed above). The center property is provided as a convenience to animate the and is equivalent to specifying the target with the center Point.

This function returns a promise which resolves as soon as the new view has been set to the target. If the transition is animated, then the ongoing animation can be obtained using MapView.animation. If setting the view to the new target fails, the promise returned by the goTo() method rejects with an error. Use a catch statement, to handle the error:

  center: [-126, 49]
.catch(function(error) {
  if ( != "AbortError") {

If a tiled map service is used as the basemap and snapToZoom property is set to true in constraints, the goTo method will zoom in to fit the defined target. If snapToZoom property is set to false, the goTo method will zoom to the exact target.

Since 4.30: The goTo method now respects the user's preference for reduced motion. By default, goTo() will animate, but when the user expresses a preference for reduced motion, goTo() will navigate to the specified target without animation. It is possible to override the user's preference for reduced motion by configuring esriConfig.respectPrefersReducedMotion or on a per-call basis by specifying the animate property. However, if you override the user's preference for reduced motion, you should consider slowing down animations by adjusting the speedFactor or duration in the options parameter, or provide users with a way to slow down or stop the animation. Refer to implementing reduced motion in your applications for more information.

target GoToTarget2D

The target location/viewpoint to animate to. When using an object for target, use the properties in GoToTarget2D.

options GoToOptions2D

Animation options for controlling the duration and easing of the animation. See the properties defined in GoToOptions2D for object specifications.

Type Description
Promise A promise that resolves when the view's extent updates to the extent defined in target.
let pt = new Point({
  latitude: 49,
  longitude: -126

// go to the given point
let opts = {
  duration: 5000  // Duration of animation will be 5 seconds

// go to point at LOD 15 with custom duration
  target: pt,
  zoom: 15
}, opts);
// go to same point using center and zoom
  center: [-126, 49],
  zoom: 15


Inherited from View

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

Type Description
Boolean Returns true if the class supports the input event.


Inherited from Accessor

Returns true if a named group of handles exist.

groupKey *

A group key.

Type Description
Boolean Returns true if a named group of handles exist.
// Remove a named group of handles if they exist.
if (obj.hasHandles("watch-view-updates")) {


Inherited from View

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).


Inherited from View

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.


Inherited from View

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.


on(type, modifiersOrHandler, handler){Object}
Inherited from View

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener. See the Events summary table for a list of listened events.


The name of the event or events to listen for.

modifiersOrHandler String[]|Function

Additional modifier keys to filter events. Please see Key Values for possible values. All the standard key values are supported. Alternatively, if no modifiers are required, the function will call when the event fires.

The following events don't support modifier keys: blur, focus, layerview-create, layerview-destroy, resize.

handler Function

The function to call when the event is fired, if modifiers were specified.

Type Description
Object Returns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event.
Property Type Description
remove Function When called, removes the listener from the event.
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.

// Fires `pointer-move` event when user clicks on "Shift"
// key and moves the pointer on the view.
view.on("pointer-move", ["Shift"], function(event){
  let point = view2d.toMap({x: event.x, y: event.y});



Opens the popup at the given location with content defined either explicitly with content or driven from the PopupTemplate of input features. This method sets the popup's visible property to true. Users can alternatively open the popup by directly setting the visible property to true.

A Popup instance is created and assigned to popup the first time openPopup() is called, unless popup is null. The popup then processes the click event.

When calling this method, to prevent the popup from opening when clicking on the view, set popupEnabled to false to stop event propagation on the view.

The popup will only display if the view's size constraints in dockOptions are met or the location property is set to a geometry.

options Object

Defines the location and content of the popup when opened.

title String

Sets the title of the popup.


Sets the content of the popup.

location Point

Sets the popup's location, which is the geometry used to position the popup.

fetchFeatures Boolean
Default Value: false

When true, indicates the popup should fetch the content of this feature and display it. If no PopupTemplate exists, a default template is created for the layer if defaultPopupTemplateEnabled = true. In order for this option to work, there must be a valid view and location set.

features Graphic[]

Sets the popup's features, which populate the title and content of the popup based on each graphic's PopupTemplate.

promises Promise[]

Sets pending promises on the popup. The popup will display once the promises resolve. Each promise must resolve to an array of Graphics.

featureMenuOpen Boolean
Default Value: false

This property enables multiple features in a popup to display in a list rather than displaying the first selected feature. Setting this to true allows the user to scroll through the list of features returned from the query and choose the selection they want to display within the popup.

updateLocationEnabled Boolean
Default Value: false

When true, indicates the popup should update its location for each paginated feature based on the selectedFeature's geometry.

collapsed Boolean
Default Value: false

When true, indicates that only the popup header will display.

shouldFocus Boolean
Default Value: false

When true, indicates that the focus should be on the popup after it has been opened.

Type Description
Promise Resolves when the popup is opened. Calling openPopup() or closePopup() again rejects the Promise.
// Opens a popup manually depending on where the user clicks with specified title and content.
view.on("click", (event)=>{
   location: event.mapPoint,
   title: "You clicked here",
   content: "This is a point of interest"
// Opens popup at the location of the click event and displays
// content for the selected features if a popupTemplate is defined.
 view.on("click", (event)=>{
     location: event.mapPoint,
     fetchFeatures: true
// Opens popup with the properties specified at the location of the click event
// and updates the popup location based on the selected feature's geometry.
  title: "You clicked here",
  content: "This is a point of interest",
  location: event.mapPoint,
  updateLocationEnabled: true
// Opens popup with the specified array of graphics and displays the
// features in a list (feature menu) at the location of the first graphic in the array.
  features: graphics,
  featureMenuOpen: true,
  location: graphics[0].geometry


Inherited from Accessor

Removes a group of handles owned by the object.

groupKey *

A group key or an array or collection of group keys to remove.

obj.removeHandles(); // removes handles from default group




Converts the given screen point to a map point. The screen point represents a point in terms of pixels relative to the top-left corner of the view.

screenPoint ScreenPoint|MouseEvent

The location on the screen (or native mouse event) to convert.

Type Description
Point The map point corresponding to the given screen point.


toScreen(point, options){ScreenPoint |null |undefined}

Converts the given map point to a screen point. The screen point represents a point in terms of pixels relative to the top-left corner of the view.

point Point

A point geometry.


Options for controlling the toScreen() calculation. See the properties defined in ToScreenOptions2D for object specifications.

Type Description
ScreenPoint | null | undefined The screen point corresponding to the given map point.
// get the screen point for the specified map point.
const mapPoint = {
  x: -49.97,
  y: 41.73,
     wkid: 4326
const screenPoint = mapView.toScreen(mapPoint);


Inherited from View

Call this method to clear any fatal errors resulting from a lost WebGL context.

See also
  () => view.fatalError,
  () => view.tryFatalErrorRecovery()


when(callback, errback){Promise}
Inherited from View

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: a callback function and an errback function. The callback executes when the instance of the class loads. The errback executes if the instance of the class fails to load.

callback Function

The function to call when the promise resolves.

errback Function

The function to execute when the promise fails.

Type Description
Promise Returns a new promise for the result of callback that may be used to chain additional functions.
// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use when() in the same way
let view = new MapView();
  // This function will execute once the promise is resolved
}, function(error){
  // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error


Inherited from View

Gets the LayerView created on the view for the given layer. The returned promise resolves when the layer view for the given layer has been created, or rejects with an error (for example if the layer is not part of the view, or if the layer type is not supported in this view).

layer Layer

The layer for which to obtain its LayerView.

Type Description
Promise<LayerView> Resolves to an instance of LayerView for the specified layer.
// Create a feature layer from a url pointing to a Feature Service
let layer = new FeatureLayer(url);


    .then(function(layerView) {
      // The layerview for the layer
    .catch(function(error) {
      // An error occurred during the layerview creation

Event Overview

Show inherited events Hide inherited events
Name Type Summary Class
{target: View,native: Object}

Fires when browser focus is moved away from the view.

{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: 0|1|2,type: "click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a user clicks on the view.

{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: 0|1|2,type: "double-click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after double-clicking on the view.

{action: "start"|"added"|"update"|"removed"|"end",x: Number,y: Number,origin: Object,origin.x: Number,origin.y: Number,button: 0|1|2,buttons: Number,type: "drag",radius: Number,angle: Number,stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires during a pointer drag on the view.

{target: View,native: Object}

Fires when browser focus is on the view.

{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: 0|1|2,buttons: Number,type: "hold",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after holding either a mouse button or a single finger on the view for a short amount of time.

{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: 0|1|2,buttons: Number,type: "immediate-click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires right after a user clicks on the view.

{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: 0|1|2,buttons: Number,type: "immediate-double-click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Is emitted after two consecutive immediate-click events.

{repeat: Boolean,key: String,type: "key-down",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a keyboard key is pressed.

{type: "key-up",key: String,stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a keyboard key is released.

{layer: Layer,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after each layer in the map has a corresponding LayerView created and rendered in the view.

{layer: Layer,error: Error}

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

{layer: Layer,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after a LayerView is destroyed and is no longer rendered in the view.

{x: Number,y: Number,deltaY: Number,type: "mouse-wheel",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires when a wheel button of a pointing device (typically a mouse) is scrolled on the view.

{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse"|"touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-down",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse button is pressed, or a finger touches the display.

{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse"|"touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-enter",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse cursor enters the view, or a display touch begins.

{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse"|"touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-leave",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse cursor leaves the view, or a display touch ends.

{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse"|"touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-move",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after the mouse or a finger on the display moves.

{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse"|"touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-up",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse button is released, or a display touch ends.

{oldWidth: Number,oldHeight: Number,width: Number,height: Number}

Fires when the view's size changes.


Event Details


Inherited from View

Fires when browser focus is moved away from the view.

target View

The view that the browser focus is moved away from.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after a user clicks on the view. This event emits slightly slower than an immediate-click event to make sure that a double-click event isn't triggered instead. The immediate-click event can be used for responding to a click event without delay.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates the current mouse button state.

Value Description
0 left click (or touch)
1 middle click
2 right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

type String

The event type.

The value is always "click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

See also
// Set up a click event handler and retrieve the screen point
view.on("click", function(event) {
 // the hitTest() checks to see if any graphics in the view
 // intersect the given screen x, y coordinates
view.on("click", function(event) {
 // you must overwrite default click-for-popup
 // behavior to display your own popup
 view.popupEnabled = false;

 // Get the coordinates of the click on the view
 let lat = Math.round(event.mapPoint.latitude * 1000) / 1000;
 let lon = Math.round(event.mapPoint.longitude * 1000) / 1000;{
   // Set the popup's title to the coordinates of the location
   title: "Reverse geocode: [" + lon + ", " + lat + "]",
   location: event.mapPoint // Set the location of the popup to the clicked location
   content: "This is a point of interest"  // content displayed in the popup


Inherited from View

Fires after double-clicking on the view.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates the current mouse button state.

Value Description
0 left click (or touch)
1 middle click
2 right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

type String

The event type.

The value is always "double-click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

view.on("double-click", function(event) {
  // The event object contains the mapPoint and the screen coordinates of the location
  // that was clicked.
  console.log("screen point", event.x, event.y);
  console.log("map point", event.mapPoint);


Inherited from View

Fires during a pointer drag on the view.

action String

Indicates the state of the drag. The two values added and removed indicate a change in the number of pointers involved.

Possible Values:"start"|"added"|"update"|"removed"|"end"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

origin Object

Screen coordinates of the start of the drag.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked at the start of the drag. See MouseEvent.button.

Value Description
0 left mouse button (or touch)
1 middle mouse button
2 right mouse button

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "drag".

radius Number

The radius of a sphere around the multiple pointers involved in this drag. Or 0 while only a single pointer is used.

angle Number

Amount of rotation (in degrees) since the last event of type start.

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM MouseEvent.

view.on("drag", function(event){
 // Print out the current state of the
 // drag event.
 console.log("drag state", event.action);


Inherited from View

Fires when browser focus is on the view.

target View

The view that the browser focus is currently on.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after holding either a mouse button or a single finger on the view for a short amount of time.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the hold on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the hold on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was held down. See MouseEvent.button.

Value Description
0 left mouse button (or touch)
1 middle mouse button
2 right mouse button

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "hold".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

view.on("hold", function(event) {
  // The event object contains the mapPoint and the screen coordinates of the location
  // that was clicked.
  console.log("hold at screen point", event.x, event.y);
  console.log("hold at map point", event.mapPoint);


Inherited from View

Fires right after a user clicks on the view. In contrast to the click event, the immediate-click event is emitted as soon as the user clicks on the view, and is not inhibited by a double-click event. This event is useful for interactive experiences that require feedback without delay.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked. See MouseEvent.button.

Value Description
0 left click (or touch)
1 middle click
2 right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "immediate-click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain. Inhibits the associated click and double-click events.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

// Set up an immediate-click event handler and retrieve the screen point
view.on("immediate-click", function(event) {
 // the hitTest() checks to see if any graphics in the view
 // intersect the given screen x, y coordinates


Inherited from View

Is emitted after two consecutive immediate-click events. In contrast to double-click, an immediate-double-click cannot be prevented by use of stopPropagation on the immediate-click event and can therefore be used to react to double-clicking independently of usage of the immediate-click event.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked. See MouseEvent.button.

Value Description
0 left click (or touch)
1 middle click
2 right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "immediate-double-click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after a keyboard key is pressed.

repeat Boolean

Indicates whether this is the first event emitted due to the key press, or a repeat.

key String

The key value that was pressed, according to the MDN full list of key values.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "key-down".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.

// Zoom in when user clicks on "a" button
// Zoom out when user clicks on "s" button
view.on("key-down", function(event){
 console.log("key-down", event);

 if (event.key === "a"){
   let zm = view.zoom + 1;

     zoom: zm
 else if(event.key == "s"){
   let zm = view.zoom - 1;

     zoom: zm


Inherited from View

Fires after a keyboard key is released.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "key-up".

key String

The key value that was released, according to the MDN full list of key values.

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after each layer in the map has a corresponding LayerView created and rendered in the view.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the layerView was created.

layerView LayerView

The LayerView rendered in the view representing the layer in layer.

See also
// This function fires each time a layer view is created for a layer in
// the map of the view.
view.on("layerview-create", function(event) {
  // The event contains the layer and its layer view that has just been
  // created. Here we check for the creation of a layer view for a layer with
  // a specific id, and log the layer view
  if ( === "satellite") {
    // The LayerView for the desired layer


Inherited from View

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the view emitting this event failed to create a layer view.

error Error

An error object describing why the layer view failed to create.

See also
// This function fires each time an error occurs during the creation of a layerview
view.on("layerview-create-error", function(event) {
  console.error("LayerView failed to create for layer with the id: ",;


Inherited from View

Fires after a LayerView is destroyed and is no longer rendered in the view. This happens for example when a layer is removed from the map of the view.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the layerView was destroyed.

layerView LayerView

The LayerView that was destroyed in the view.


Inherited from View

Fires when a wheel button of a pointing device (typically a mouse) is scrolled on the view.

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

deltaY Number

Number representing the vertical scroll amount.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "mouse-wheel".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM WheelEvent.

view.on("mouse-wheel", function(event){
 // deltaY value is positive when wheel is scrolled up
 // and it is negative when wheel is scrolled down.


Inherited from View

Fires after a mouse button is pressed, or a finger touches the display.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "pointer-down".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after a mouse cursor enters the view, or a display touch begins.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "pointer-enter".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after a mouse cursor leaves the view, or a display touch ends.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "pointer-leave".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires after the mouse or a finger on the display moves.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "pointer-move".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

// Fires `pointer-move` event when user clicks on "Shift"
// key and moves the pointer on the view.
view.on('pointer-move', ["Shift"], function(event){
  let point = view.toMap({x: event.x, y: event.y});


Inherited from View

Fires after a mouse button is released, or a display touch ends.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

x Number

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

y Number

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

The event type.

The value is always "pointer-up".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain. Inhibits the associated immediate-click, click and double-click events.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Inherited from View

Fires when the view's size changes.

oldWidth Number

The previous view width in pixels

oldHeight Number

The previous view height in pixels

width Number

The new measured view width in pixels

height Number

The new measured view height in pixels

See also

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