Introduction to geometry analysis

One of the most common types of analysis is geometry analysis.

Geometry analysis

What is geometry analysis?

Geometry analysis is the process of using a client-side API to perform one or more operations on a point, polyline, or polygon to solve a geometric problem. You can use geometry operations to determine the spatial relationship between geometries, perform calculations such as creating a buffer, measure distance and area, and project geometries. The operation you use depends on the type of problem you are trying to solve.

Types of geometry operations

Geometry operations are grouped based on the type of calculation they perform and value returned.

To learn more, click on the categories below:

Spatial relationshipDetermine the relationship between geometries.contains, disjoint, intersects, overlaps, touches, withinboolean
Determine the intersection of two geometries with intersects.
Geometric calculationCalculate and create new geometries from an existing geometries.boundary, buffer, clip, convexHull, cut, densify, difference, extent, generalize, intersect, nearestCoordinate, nearestVertex, offset, relate, reshape, simplify, trim, uniongeometry
Buffer a line at 10 meters with buffer.
Length and areaMeasure length, area, or distance.area, distance, lengthnumber
Calculate the geodesic length of a line with length.
ProjectionProject to a new spatial reference.projectgeometry
Project a geometry to a new spatial reference with project.


Find spatial relationships

Determine the spatial relationship between two geometries.

Calculate geometries

Perform buffer, intersect, union, and other geometric operations.

Find length and area

Get the length of a line and the area of a polygon.

Display projected geometries

Project geometries to a new spatial reference in a map.

API support

Spatial relationshipGeometric calculationLength and areaProjection
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
ArcGIS API for Python
Esri Leaflet
MapBox GL JS
Full supportPartial supportNo support


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