IRESTServerObjectAdmin Interface

Provides access to methods adminstrating AGS rest services.


Name Description
Read-only property AdminVersion Returns the version of the server's admin API.
Method GetConfigurationInfos The configuration infos within a folder (use empty string for root).
Method GetItemInfo The ItemInfo of a service.
Method GetMetadata The metadata of a service.
Method PutItemInfo Add or update the ItemInfo of a service.
Method PutMetadata Add or update the metadata of a service.

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.AdminVersion Property

Returns the version of the server's admin API.

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.GetConfigurationInfos Method

The configuration infos within a folder (use empty string for root).

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.GetItemInfo Method

The ItemInfo of a service.

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.GetMetadata Method

The metadata of a service.

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.PutItemInfo Method

Add or update the ItemInfo of a service.

IRESTServerObjectAdmin.PutMetadata Method

Add or update the metadata of a service.

Classes that implement IRESTServerObjectAdmin

Classes Description

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