IServerMachine3 Interface

Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators.


Name Description
Read/write property AdminURL The admin URL of the server machine.
Read/write property Capacity The number of desired concurrently available configurations (the capacity) of the ArcGIS Server.
Read/write property Description The description of the host machine.
Read/write property Name The name of the machine that can host server objects for the GIS server.
Read/write property Platform The platform of the server machine.
Read-only property PortCount The total count of ports.
Read-only property PortNames The port names.
Read-only property PortNumber The port number of a port.

IServerMachine3.AdminURL Property

The admin URL of the server machine.

Public Property AdminURL As String
public string AdminURL {get; set;}

IServerMachine3.Platform Property

The platform of the server machine.

Public Property Platform As String
public string Platform {get; set;}

IServerMachine3.PortCount Property

The total count of ports.

Public ReadOnly Property PortCount As Integer
public int PortCount {get;}

IServerMachine3.PortNames Property

The port names.

Public ReadOnly Property PortNames As IEnumBSTR
public IEnumBSTR PortNames {get;}

IServerMachine3.PortNumber Property

The port number of a port.

Public Function get_PortNumber ( _
    ByVal Name As String _
) As Integer
public int get_PortNumber (
    string Name

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IServerMachine2 Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators.
IServerMachine Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators.

Classes that implement IServerMachine3

Classes Description
ServerMachine The ServerMachine object which provides information about the ServerMachine.

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