IUploadItem2 Interface

Provides access to upload item objects.


Name Description
Read/write property Committed Indicates if the upload item has been committed.
Read/write property ContentType The content type of the uploaded item.
Read/write property Date The date for the upload (in the server's time zone).
Read/write property Description The description of the uploaded item.
Read/write property FilePath The path of this uploaded item.
Read/write property ID The ID of the uploaded item.
Read/write property Name The name of the uploaded item.
Read/write property PathOnServer The path of this uploaded item on server.

IUploadItem2.ContentType Property

The content type of the uploaded item.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IUploadItem Provides access to upload item objects.

Classes that implement IUploadItem2

Classes Description
UploadItem The UploadItem object.

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