
The ServiceCatalog object, which implements the Service Catalog.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IRequestHandler (esriSystem) Provides access to members that control handing of request messages.
IServiceCatalog Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog.
IServiceCatalog2 Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog.
IServiceCatalogAdmin Provides access to members that control the contents of an ArcGIS Server web services catalog.
IServiceCatalogAdmin2 Provides access to members that control the contents of an ArcGIS Server web services catalog.


The ServiceCatalog object is intended only for use by the web service catalog template applications that are included as part of the Application Developer Framework for ArcGIS for Server. To learn more about these templates, refer to the ArcGIS for Server developer documentation.

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