
AMD: require(["esri/rest/support/PrintTemplate"], (PrintTemplate) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import PrintTemplate from "@arcgis/core/rest/support/PrintTemplate.js";
Class: esri/rest/support/PrintTemplate
Inheritance: PrintTemplateAccessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.20

Defines the layout template options used by print and the PrintViewModel.print() method to generate the print page.



new PrintTemplate(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Watch for changes topic.
Show inherited properties Hide inherited properties
Name Type Summary Class

When false, the attribution is not displayed on the printout.


The name of the class.


Define the map width, height and dpi.


When true, the feature's attributes are included in feature collection layers even when they are not needed for rendering.


The output format for the printed map.


When true, charts will be included in the printout request.


When true, tables will be included in the printout request.


The layout used for the print output.


A custom layout hosted as a portal item.


Defines the layout elements.


The optional map scale of the printed map.


The name of the report template.


A custom report template hosted as a portal item for report printing.


This object links the various report elements to their data source.


Define whether the printed map should preserve map scale or map extent.


When true, labels will be shown on the layout.


Property Details


attributionVisible Boolean

When false, the attribution is not displayed on the printout. This only applies when the layout value is map-only. Reference our policies on Licensing & Attribution for specific attribution requirements.

Default Value:true


declaredClass Stringreadonly
Inherited from Accessor

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.


exportOptions Object

Define the map width, height and dpi. Required when layout = 'map-only'. See the object specification table below for available options to set for exportOptions.

width Number

Map width. Default value is 800. If the dpi value is modified, then the width and height will be modified proportional to the dpi change. If the width value is modified independently, the dpi and height values will not be modified.

height Number

Map height. Default value is 1100. If the dpi value is modified, then the width and height will be modified proportional to the dpi change. If the height value is modified independently, the dpi and width values will not be modified.

dpi Number

Resolution in dots per inch. Default value is 96. If the dpi value is modified, then the width and height will be modified proportional to the dpi change.


forceFeatureAttributes Boolean

When true, the feature's attributes are included in feature collection layers even when they are not needed for rendering. By default they are removed to reduce the request size. Only applicable to custom print services which use the feature attributes, for example to display a table of features and their attributes.

Default Value:false


format String

The output format for the printed map.

Possible Values:"gif" |"jpg" |"png8" |"png32" |"tiff" |"pdf" |"svg" |"svgz" |"aix" |"eps"

Default Value:"png32"


includeCharts Boolean
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28

When true, charts will be included in the printout request. Charts are stored inside an operational layer definition.

Use this property with layoutOptions.elementOverrides. The required properties are: elementName, sourceChartId, sourceLayerId.

The elementName can be found from the Get Layout Templates Info task on the GPServer. The sourceChartId can be found in the id property of the charts property of the operational layer. The sourceLayerId can be found in the id property of the operational layer. The default value of the visible property can be found from the Get Layout Templates Info task on the GPServer. This must be set to true for the printed charts to display if the default is false. Lastly, the filterType property is read from the Get Layout Templates Info task on the GPServer and does not require a value, but it can also be overwritten. Possible values are: all, visible, and selected.

Known Limitations

  • The print template must be configured to support charts.
  • This capability is only available with ArcGIS Server version 11.2 or later.
  • Currently, charts can only be printed when published as part of a FeatureLayer hosted on ArcGIS Enterprise.
Default Value:false
See also
const template = new PrintTemplate({
  layout: "A4 Portrait with Chart",
  format: "png32",
  includeCharts: true,
  layoutOptions: {
    elementOverrides: {
       "line_chart_frame_1": {
          "sourceLayerId": "188dad6022b4-layer-2",
          "sourceChartId": "Chart 168786106706"
       "bar_chart_frame_2": {
          "sourceLayerId": "188dad6022b4-layer-2",
          "sourceChartId": "Chart 168786109405"


includeTables Boolean
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.26

When true, tables will be included in the printout request. A table is a non-spatial dataset in a feature service or map service.

Note that for the table to display in the printout, the print template must be configured to support tables.

Default Value:false
See also


layout String

The layout used for the print output. When the value is map-only or is empty, the output map does not contain any page layout surroundings (for example, title, legend, scale bar and so forth). The print service provides out-of-the-box templates listed in possible values. The server administrator can add additional templates to the print service.

Possible values are listed below:

Value Description
map-only Map does not contain any layout elements. Only map image is printed.
a3-landscape A3 Landscape
a3-portrait A3 Portrait
a4-landscape A4 Landscape
a4-portrait A4 Portrait
letter-ansi-a-landscape Letter ANSI A Landscape
letter-ansi-a-portrait Letter ANSI A Portrait
tabloid-ansi-b-landscape Tabloid ANSI B Landscape
tabloid-ansi-b-portrait Tabloid ANSI B Portrait

Possible Values:"map-only" |"a3-landscape" |"a3-portrait" |"a4-landscape" |"a4-portrait" |"letter-ansi-a-landscape" |"letter-ansi-a-portrait" |"tabloid-ansi-b-landscape" |"tabloid-ansi-b-portrait"

Default Value:"map-only"


layoutItem PortalItem
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25

A custom layout hosted as a portal item. To use this property, the print service must be hosted on an ArcGIS Server that is federated with the same portal as the portal item.

Known Limitations

This capability is only available with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later.

let item = new PortalItem({
  id: "affa021c51944b5694132b2d61fe1057"

// specify your own print service
const printURL = "";

const template = new PrintTemplate({
  layoutItem: item
const params = new PrintParameters({

print.execute(printURL, params).then(printResult, printError);


layoutOptions Object

Defines the layout elements. It's an object with the following properties:

titleText String|null|undefined

The text used for the map title if the specified layout contains a title text element.

authorText String|null|undefined

The text used for the author if the specified layout contains an author text element.

copyrightText String|null|undefined

The text used for the copyright if the specified layout contains a copyright text element.

scalebarUnit String|null|undefined
Default Value:Miles

The unit used for the scalebar.

Possible Values:"Miles"|"Kilometers"|"Meters"|"Feet"


An array of LegendLayer containing the ids of the layers that will be included in the legend. GraphicsLayer will not appear in the legend. If legendLayers is not specified, all layers where legendEnabled is true, except GraphicsLayer, will be present in the legend. To specify that no layers will be included in the legend, set legendLayer = [].

customTextElements Object[]|null|undefined

An array of name-value pair objects. Use this property to update the text for custom text elements on the page layout. Values must be strings. The custom text elements must exist in the print service. All out-of-the-box print service layout templates contain a text element named date that gets populated by default with the system date-time, but can be overwritten.

elementOverrides Object|null|undefined

An object containing optional elements from the print service that can be updated.

layoutOptions: {
  titleText: "My Print",
  authorText: "Sam",
  copyrightText: "My Company",
  scalebarUnit: "Miles",
  // the following text elements must
  // exist in the print service to appear
  customTextElements: [
    {"description": "My description"},
    {"location": "My Location"},
    {"date": "11/11/2020, 11:11:20 AM"}
  elementOverrides: {
    "North Arrow": {
      "visible": true


outScale Number

The optional map scale of the printed map. Only applies when scalePreserved is true. If outScale is 0, then the printed map will use the scale of the input map.

Default Value:0


report String
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28

The name of the report template. Also requires a value to be set for reportOptions to print. Typically, a report will be printed with a map in a multi-page pdf file, but the layout property must be set to something other than map-only for the map to be printed with the report.

There is no report_only template. To only print a report without a map, set the appropriate value for report, and either set layout to map-only, or do not set a value for layout. A value is not required for layout since it defaults to map-only.

When publishing a print service with reports, the print service provides possible names for out-of-the-box report templates. Possible values can be found from: the report template parameter at the Export Web Map task on the GPServer, the Get Report Templates Info task on the GPServer, or from a custom report template hosted as a portal item using reportItem. If reportItem property is set, report will be ignored.

Some possible values are listed below:

Value Description
attribute-list-letter-ansi-a-landscape "Attribute List Letter ANSI A Landscape"
attribute-list-letter-ansi-a-portrait "Attribute List Letter ANSI A Portrait"
attribute-list-with-group-letter-ansi-a-landscape "Attribute List With Group Letter ANSI A Landscape"
attribute-list-with-group-letter-ansi-a-portrait "Attribute List With Group Letter ANSI A Portrait"
page-per-feature-letter-ansi-a-landscape "Page per Feature Letter ANSI A Landscape"
page-per-feature-letter-ansi-a-portrait "Page per Feature Letter ANSI A Portrait"

Known Limitations

  • Currently, reports can only be printed in pdf format.
  • The print template and the print service must be configured to support reports.
  • This capability is only available with ArcGIS Server version 11.2 or later.

Possible Values:"attribute-list-letter-ansi-a-landscape" |"attribute-list-letter-ansi-a-portrait" |"attribute-list-with-group-letter-ansi-a-landscape" |"attribute-list-with-group-letter-ansi-a-portrait" |"page-per-feature-letter-ansi-a-landscape" |"page-per-feature-letter-ansi-a-portrait"

const template = new PrintTemplate({
  layout: "A4 Landscape",
  report: "Theme Parks A4 Landscape",
  format: "pdf",
  reportOptions: {}


reportItem PortalItem
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28

A custom report template hosted as a portal item for report printing. Also requires a value to be set for reportOptions to print.

To use this property, the print service must be hosted on an ArcGIS Server that is federated with the same portal as the portal item. If this property is set, it will take precedence over the report property.

Typically, a report will be printed with a map in a multi-page pdf file, but the layout property must be set to something other than map-only for the map to be printed with the report. To only print a report without a map, set the appropriate value for reportItem, and either set layout to map-only, or do not set a value for layout. A value is not required for layout since it defaults to map-only.

Known Limitations

  • Currently, reports can only be printed in pdf format.
  • The print template and the print service must be configured to support reports.
  • This capability is only available with ArcGIS Enterprise version 11.2 or later.
const template = new PrintTemplate({
  layout: "map-only",
  format: "pdf",
  reportItem: {id: "9a7aefd5bcd24bf7891264e0c5ecgbb8"},
  reportOptions: {}


reportOptions Object
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28

This object links the various report elements to their data source. To be used with a valid report or reportItem value.

This property requires the developer to know the names and values of the report elements and their data sources, as well as how they are organized in the report template.

Known Limitations

  • Currently, reports can only be printed in pdf format.
  • The print template and the print service must be configured to support reports.
  • This capability is only available with ArcGIS Server version 11.2 or later.
const template = new PrintTemplate({
  layout: "A4 Landscape",
  report: "Theme Parks A4 Landscape",
  format: "pdf",
  reportOptions: {
    "reportSectionOverrides": {
      "Related Report": {
        "fieldElements": {
          "Related Field 1":"AttractionName",
          "Related Field 2":"Description"
        "fieldLabelElements": {
          "Related Field Label 1":"Name",
          "Related Field Label 2":"Description"
         "groupSections": {
           "[related-report-name]: Group Header: [group-field-value]":"AttractionType"
      "Report Section":{
          "Field 1":"Website",
          "Field 2":"City",
          "Field 3":"State",
          "Field 4":"OpeningTime",
          "Field 5":"ChildPrice",
          "Field 6":"AdultPrice"
          "Group field: [group-field-value]":"Name"
        "name":"USA Theme Parks",
          "Count Statistic 1":"Name"


scalePreserved Boolean

Define whether the printed map should preserve map scale or map extent. If true, the printed map will use the outScale property or default to the scale of the input map. If false, the printed map will use the same extent as the input map and thus scale might change.

Default Value:true


showLabels Boolean

When true, labels will be shown on the layout.

Default Value:true

Method Overview

Show inherited methods Hide inherited methods
Name Return Type Summary Class

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object.


Returns true if a named group of handles exist.


Removes a group of handles owned by the object.


Method Details


addHandles(handleOrHandles, groupKey)
Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. The handles will be removed when the object is destroyed.

// Manually manage handles
const handle = reactiveUtils.when(
  () => !view.updating,
  () => {
    wkidSelect.disabled = false;
  { once: true }


// Destroy the object
handleOrHandles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]

Handles marked for removal once the object is destroyed.

groupKey *

Key identifying the group to which the handles should be added. All the handles in the group can later be removed with Accessor.removeHandles(). If no key is provided the handles are added to a default group.


Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25

Returns true if a named group of handles exist.

groupKey *

A group key.

Type Description
Boolean Returns true if a named group of handles exist.
// Remove a named group of handles if they exist.
if (obj.hasHandles("watch-view-updates")) {


Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25

Removes a group of handles owned by the object.

groupKey *

A group key or an array or collection of group keys to remove.

obj.removeHandles(); // removes handles from default group


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