
AMD: require(["esri/views/layers/CatalogFootprintLayerView"], (CatalogFootprintLayerView) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import CatalogFootprintLayerView from "@arcgis/core/views/layers/CatalogFootprintLayerView.js";
Class: esri/views/layers/CatalogFootprintLayerView
Inheritance: CatalogFootprintLayerView→LayerView→Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.30

Represents the LayerView of a CatalogLayer's footprintLayer after the CatalogLayer has been added to a Map in either a MapView or SceneView.

See also

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Watch for changes topic.
Show inherited properties Hide inherited properties
Name Type Summary Class

A list of attribute fields fetched for each feature including fields required for layer's rendererlabelingInfo, elevationInfo, and additional fields defined on the outFields properties.


Indicates whether the layer view is currently fetching new features.


The name of the class.


The featureEffect can be used to draw attention features of interest.


The attribute, geometry, and time extent filter.


Indicates whether the layer view contains all available features from the service.


This property helps determine if the layer view has successfully retrieved all relevant data for the current extent, even if no features are visible (for example, if the result is zero).


Indicates whether the layer view has geometries at full resolution.


Options for configuring the highlight.


The layer being viewed.


The maximum number of features that can be displayed at a time.


Signifies whether the maximum number of features has been exceeded.


Indicates if the spatialReference of the MapView is supported by the layer view.


Value is true if the layer is suspended (i.e., layer will not redraw or update itself when the extent changes).


Indicates if the layer view is making any updates that will impact what is displayed on the map.


A reference to the MapView or SceneView associated with the layer view.


When true, the layer is visible in the view.


When true, the layer is visible in the view at the current scale.


When true, the layer is visible in the view's timeExtent.


Property Details


availableFields String[]readonly

A list of attribute fields fetched for each feature including fields required for layer's renderer labelingInfo, elevationInfo, and additional fields defined on the outFields properties. The availableFields property is populated when the layerView has finished updating. The availableFields is used when filtering or querying features on the client-side.

const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);

// availableFields will become available once the
// layerView finishes updating
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

try {
  const results = await layerView.queryFeatures({
    outFields: layerView.availableFields,
    where: "DEW_POINT > 10"
  console.log(results.features.length, " features returned");
} catch(error) {
  console.log("query failed: ", error);


dataUpdating Booleanreadonly

Indicates whether the layer view is currently fetching new features. It becomes false once all layer queries have finished executing. Watch this property along with updating property to know when to re-execute client-side queries after an update cycle. For example, a query that returns the number of features available in the layer view should be executed when dataUpdating becomes false. It's important to note that dataUpdating can only be true when updating is also true.

// watch layer view updating and dataUpdating to get the count of features
// available in layer view. Only execute the query once new features are fetched.
let dataWasUpdated = lv.dataUpdating; => [lv.updating, lv.dataUpdating],
  ([updating, dataUpdating]) => {
  dataWasUpdated ||= dataUpdating;
  if (!updating && dataWasUpdated) {
   dataWasUpdated = false;
      console.log("number of features in layerView", results);


declaredClass Stringreadonly
Inherited from Accessor

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.


featureEffect FeatureEffect |null |undefinedautocast

The featureEffect can be used to draw attention features of interest. It allows for the selection of features via a filter, and an includedEffect and excludedEffect are applied to those features that respectively pass or fail the filter requirements.

If the featureEffect is set on the layer, it will be inherited by layerView.featureEffect unless the developer overrides it on the layerView. The layerView.featureEffect will take precedence over layer.featureEffect if both properties are set.

Known Limitations

// gray out features that fall outside of the 3 mile buffer of the mouse's location
// by setting feature effect on excluded features
layerView.featureEffect = new FeatureEffect({
  filter: new FeatureFilter({
    geometry: filterGeometry,
    spatialRelationship: "intersects",
    distance: 3,
    units: "miles"
  excludedEffect: "grayscale(100%) opacity(30%)"
// Apply a drop-shadow feature effect to the features that intersect the borough boundaries,
// while applying blur and brightness effects to the features that are excluded from filter criteria.
// The resulting map will make it easier to spot if the residents are more likely to experience deprivation
// if they live on a borough boundary.
const featureFilter = new FeatureFilter({
  where: "BoroughEdge='true'"
layerView.featureEffect = new FeatureEffect({
  filter: featureFilter,
  includedEffect: "drop-shadow(3px, 3px, 3px, black)",
  excludedEffect: "blur(1px) brightness(65%)"


filter FeatureFilter |null |undefinedautocast

The attribute, geometry, and time extent filter. Only the features that satisfy the filter are displayed on the view.

// display rain gauges where their water percent is over 30%
// and if the gauges are completely contained by the 10-mile
// buffer around the filter geometry
featureLayerView.filter = new FeatureFilter({
  where: "percentile >= 30",
  geometry: filterPolygon,
  spatialRelationship: "contains",
  distance: 10,
  units: "miles"


hasAllFeatures Booleanreadonly

Indicates whether the layer view contains all available features from the service. In a 2D MapView, it returns true for point feature layers when all points have been loaded by the application. Similarly, in a 3D SceneView, it returns true for point, line, and polygon feature layers if all available features have been successfully loaded. Otherwise, it returns false. This property should be checked only once after the layer has finished loading and fetching its data.


hasAllFeaturesInView Booleanreadonly

This property helps determine if the layer view has successfully retrieved all relevant data for the current extent, even if no features are visible (for example, if the result is zero). When true, you can use the layer view's query functions to investigate the features currently displayed on the map. If false, you may need to query the layer and its service directly to get accurate results. The hasAllFeaturesInView property will be false if some queries failed to execute, or when the layer contains a large number of features and is configured with a display filter. This filter is sent along with the layer's definitionExpression during each feature tile query.


hasFullGeometries Booleanreadonly

Indicates whether the layer view has geometries at full resolution. This property returns true only if the layer has loaded all geometries at full resolution without quantization. In a 2D MapView, it returns true for point feature layers when all points have been loaded by the application. Similarly, in a 3D SceneView, it returns true for point, line, and polygon feature layers if all available features have been successfully loaded. Otherwise, it returns false. This property should be checked only once after the layer has finished loading and fetching its data.


highlightOptions HighlightOptions |null |undefinedautocast

Options for configuring the highlight. Use the highlight() method on the layer view to highlight a feature. The layer view's highlightOptions will take precedence over a 2D MapView's highlights.

Known Limitations

// Features in the layerview will be highlighted with bright
// yellow colors in the map.
const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
layerView.highlightOptions = {
  color: [255, 255, 0, 1],
  haloOpacity: 0.9,
  fillOpacity: 0.2


layer Layerreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

The layer being viewed.


maximumNumberOfFeatures Number

The maximum number of features that can be displayed at a time. This setting currently only applies to SceneView. By default, the maximum number of features is estimated automatically depending on the symbology, geometry complexity, memory consumption and display quality profile.

Changing this setting to a higher value may lead to a significant decrease in performance and increase in memory usage.

Known Limitations

The maximumNumberOfFeatures is only supported in 3D SceneViews.


maximumNumberOfFeaturesExceeded Boolean

Signifies whether the maximum number of features has been exceeded. Not all features could be displayed when this value is true. This setting currently only applies to SceneView.

Known Limitations

The maximumNumberOfFeaturesExceeded is only supported in 3D SceneViews.


spatialReferenceSupported Booleanreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

Indicates if the spatialReference of the MapView is supported by the layer view. When false layer view will be suspended.

See also


suspended Booleanreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

Value is true if the layer is suspended (i.e., layer will not redraw or update itself when the extent changes).


updating Booleanreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

Indicates if the layer view is making any updates that will impact what is displayed on the map. For example, this value is true when renderer, definitionExpression, filter or effect is changed or if the layer view is in the process of the fetching data.

Watch dataUpdating property instead to only know when the data has been updated (e.g. to run statistics query on all feature available in the layer view).

Default Value:false
// Check for the first time layerView.updating becomes false. Then query for
// features that are visible within the view associated with the layer view.
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);
const query = layerView.createQuery();
query.geometry = layerView.view.extent;
const result = layerView.queryFeatures(query);


view MapView |SceneViewreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

A reference to the MapView or SceneView associated with the layer view.

// Check for the first time layerView.updating becomes false. Then query for
// features that are visible within the view associated with the layer view.
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);
const query = layerView.createQuery();
query.geometry = layerView.view.extent;
const result = layerView.queryFeatures(query);


visible Boolean
Inherited from LayerView

When true, the layer is visible in the view. Value of this property is inherited from the layer.visible unless the developer overrides it. The layerView.visible will take precedence over layer.visible if both properties are set.

Default Value:true


visibleAtCurrentScale Booleanreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

When true, the layer is visible in the view at the current scale. This applies to layers that have minScale and maxScale properties set.

Known Limitations

  • This property is not supported in 3D SceneView tiled layers.
Default Value:true
See also


visibleAtCurrentTimeExtent Booleanreadonly
Inherited from LayerView

When true, the layer is visible in the view's timeExtent. This applies to layers that have a visibilityTimeExtent.

Default Value:true
See also

Method Overview

Show inherited methods Hide inherited methods
Name Return Type Summary Class

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object.


Creates query parameter object that can be used to fetch aggregate features as they are being displayed.


Creates a query parameter object that can be used to fetch features as they are being displayed.


Returns true if a named group of handles exist.


Highlights the given feature(s) in a layer view using the named HighlightOptions from the view's highlights collection.


isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).


isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected.


isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved.


Executes a Query against aggregate features (i.e.


Executes a AttributeBinsQuery against features available for drawing, which groups features into bins based on ranges in numeric or date fields, and returns a FeatureSet containing the series of bins.


Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns the Extent of features that satisfy the query.


Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns the number of features that satisfy the query.


Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns a FeatureSet.


Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns array of the ObjectIDs of features that satisfy the input query.


Removes a group of handles owned by the object.


when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created.


Method Details


addHandles(handleOrHandles, groupKey)
Inherited from Accessor

Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. The handles will be removed when the object is destroyed.

// Manually manage handles
const handle = reactiveUtils.when(
  () => !view.updating,
  () => {
    wkidSelect.disabled = false;
  { once: true }


// Destroy the object
handleOrHandles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]

Handles marked for removal once the object is destroyed.

groupKey *

Key identifying the group to which the handles should be added. All the handles in the group can later be removed with Accessor.removeHandles(). If no key is provided the handles are added to a default group.



Creates query parameter object that can be used to fetch aggregate features as they are being displayed. It sets the query parameter's outFields property to ["*"] and returnGeometry to true. The output spatial reference outSpatialReference is set to the spatial reference of the view.

Type Description
Query The query parameter object.
See also



Creates a query parameter object that can be used to fetch features as they are being displayed. It sets the query parameter's outFields property to ["*"] and returnGeometry to true. The outSpatialReference is set to the spatial reference of the view. Parameters of the filter currently applied to the layer view are also incorporated in the returned query object. The results will include geometries of features and values for all fields.

Type Description
Query The query object
const query = csvLayerView.createQuery();
query.where = "magnitude > 4";
csvLayerView.queryFeatures(query).then(function(results) {
.catch(function(error) {


Inherited from Accessor

Returns true if a named group of handles exist.

groupKey *

A group key.

Type Description
Boolean Returns true if a named group of handles exist.
// Remove a named group of handles if they exist.
if (obj.hasHandles("watch-view-updates")) {


highlight(target, options){Handle}

Highlights the given feature(s) in a layer view using the named HighlightOptions from the view's highlights collection. If no name is provided, the feature will use the default highlight options. The layer view's highlightOptions will take precedence over a 2D MapView's highlights.

Release-specific changes:

  • As of version 4.32, the highlight method accepts an options parameter which can be used to provide a name to apply specific HighlightOptions. If no name is provided, the default highlight options will be used.
  • As of version 4.23, the highlight() method was added to ImageryLayerView, supported only in a 2D MapView.

The feature(s) to highlight. When passing a graphic or an array of graphics, each feature must have a valid objectID. You may alternatively pass one or more objectIDs as a single number, string, or an array of numbers or strings.

options Object

An object with the following properties.

name String

The name of the highlight options from the view's highlights collection. If a name is provided, the corresponding highlight options will be applied to the feature(s). Otherwise, the default highlight options will be used.

Type Description
Handle Returns a highlight handler with a remove() method that can be called to remove the highlight.
// Highlight features based on a query result

// Add a new set of highlight options to the view's highlights collection
  name: "oaks",
  color: "forestgreen",
  haloOpacity: 0.8,
  fillOpacity: 0.3

// A handler can be used to remove any previous highlight when applying a new one
let highlight;

// Query for particualar features in a layer and then highlight them with the specified options
view.whenLayerView(treesLayer).then((layerView) => {
  let query = treesLayer.createQuery();
  query.where = "type = 'Quercus'";

  treesLayer.queryFeatures(query).then((result) => {
    // Remove any previous highlight, if it exists
    // Apply the "oaks" highlight options to the corresponding tree features
    highlight = layerView.highlight(result.features, {name: "oaks"});
// Use the default highlights collection to apply a highlight to features when you hover over them

// A handler can be used to remove any previous highlight when applying a new one
let hoverHighlight;

view.on("pointer-move", (event) => {
  // Search for the first feature in the featureLayer at the hovered location
  view.hitTest(event, { include: layer }).then((response) => {
    if (response.results[0]) {
      const graphic = response.results[0].graphic;
      view.whenLayerView(graphic.layer).then((layerView) => {
        // Remove any previous highlight, if it exists
        // Highlight the hit features with the temporary highlight options, which are pre-configured for this use case
        hoverHighlight = layerView.highlight(graphic, { name: "temporary" });


Inherited from LayerView

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).


Inherited from LayerView

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.


Inherited from LayerView

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved, true will be returned.

Type Description
Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.


queryAggregates(query, options){Promise<FeatureSet>}

Executes a Query against aggregate features (i.e. clusters or bins) available for drawing in the layerView and returns a FeatureSet. If query parameters are not provided, all aggregates available for drawing are returned along with their attributes that are available on the client. Fields referenced in statistic queries or in the where clause must first be defined as aggregate fields.

Known Limitations

This method currently does not support spatial queries (i.e. the Query.geometry option and its related properties).

query Query autocast
Autocasts from Object

Specifies the parameters of the query. Leave this parameter empty to query all aggregates in the view.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<FeatureSet> When resolved, returns a FeatureSet containing an array of aggregate features.
// clustered point layer
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
  featureReduction: { type: "cluster" }

const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

// features represents all the clusters in the view
const { features } = await layerView.queryAggregates();


queryAttributeBins(binsQuery, options){Promise<AttributeBinsFeatureSet>}
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.32 CatalogFootprintLayerView since 4.30, queryAttributeBins added at 4.32.

Executes a AttributeBinsQuery against features available for drawing, which groups features into bins based on ranges in numeric or date fields, and returns a FeatureSet containing the series of bins. Please refer to the AttributeBinsQuery document for more detailed information on how to configure the bin parameters.

Binned data can condense complex information into meaningful insight. This query allows you to classify data into meaningful categories and summarize the data within each bin with summary statistics. Binned data can be effectively visualized in histograms (or bar charts), providing clearer insights into data distributions and trends. It can reveal underlying patterns that might be obscured in raw data. For example, bins can show concentrations of values in common ranges.


Autocasts from Object

Specifies the parameters of the queryAttributeBins() operation. The binParameters property must be set.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<AttributeBinsFeatureSet> When resolved, returns a AttributeBinsFeatureSet containing a series of bins. Each feature in the FeatureSet represents a bin. The attributes of each feature contains statistics summarizing the data in the bin, including count, average, standard deviation, etc.
// Query the temperature field in the feature layer and create a histogram
// Analyze temperature data over a year, create 100 bins for different temperature ranges
// to assess frequency and identify patterns.
const binQuery = new AttributeBinsQuery({
  where: "UnitTop = 0",
  binParameters: new AutoIntervalBinParameters({
    bins: 100,
    field: "temp",
    start: 0, // lowest temp value to be included in the bin query
    end: 30 // highest temp value to be included

layer.queryAttributeBins(query).then((results) => {
  const bins = => {
    return {
      minValue: bin.attributes.lowerBoundary,
      maxValue: bin.attributes.upperBoundary,
      count: bin.attributes.temperature_count,

  // get the lower boundary of the first bin
  const min = results.features[0].attributes.lowerBoundary;
  // get the upper boundary of the last bin
  const max = results.features[results.features.length - 1].attributes.upperBoundary;
  // calculate the average for the bins
  const average = results.features[0].attributes.lowerBoundary + results.features[results.features.length - 1].attributes.upperBoundary) / 2;

  const histogram = new Histogram({
    container: "histogramDiv",
    bins: bins,
    min: min,
    max: max,
    average: average,
    barCreatedFunction:(index, element) => {
      element.setAttribute("fill", "#FFA500");
      element.setAttribute("opacity", 0.5);
    labelFormatFunction: (value, type) => {
      return (Math.round(value)).toLocaleString();
    dataLines: [{
      value: histogram.min,
      label: histogram.min.toLocaleString()
    }, {
      value: histogram.average,
      label: histogram.average.toLocaleString()
    }, {
      value: histogram.max,
      label: histogram.max.toLocaleString()


queryExtent(query, options){Promise<Object>}

Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns the Extent of features that satisfy the query.

Known Limitations

  • Spatial queries have the same limitations as those listed in the projection engine documentation.
  • Spatial queries are not currently supported if the layerView has any of the following SpatialReferences:
    • GDM 2000 (4742) – Malaysia
    • Gusterberg (Ferro) (8042) – Austria/Czech Republic
    • ISN2016 (8086) - Iceland
    • SVY21 (4757) - Singapore
query Query autocast
Autocasts from Object

Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. When no parameters are passed to this method, all features in the client are returned. To only return features visible in the view, set the geometry parameter in the query object to the view's extent.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<Object> When resolved, returns the extent and count of the features that satisfy the input query. See the object specification table below for details.
Property Type Description
count Number The number of features that satisfy the input query.
extent Extent | null The extent of the features that satisfy the query.
let layer = new CSVLayer({
  url: csvUrl  // URL to a csv file

const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

const results = await layerView.queryExtent()
view.goTo(results.extent);  // go to the extent of all the graphics in the layerView
// Expand the extent so that a feature (i.e. point feature)
// won't be off screen after the end of goTo animation.
const { extent } = await layerView.queryExtent()
const zoomScale = 16000;
extent.expand((zoomScale / view.scale) * view.resolution);


queryFeatureCount(query, options){Promise<Number>}

Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns the number of features that satisfy the query. If query parameters are not provided, the count of all features available for drawing is returned.

Known Limitations

  • Spatial queries have the same limitations as those listed in the projection engine documentation.
  • Spatial queries are not currently supported if the layerView has any of the following SpatialReferences:
    • GDM 2000 (4742) – Malaysia
    • Gusterberg (Ferro) (8042) – Austria/Czech Republic
    • ISN2016 (8086) - Iceland
    • SVY21 (4757) - Singapore
query Query autocast
Autocasts from Object

Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. When no parameters are passed to this method, all features in the client are returned. To only return features visible in the view, set the geometry parameter in the query object to the view's extent.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<Number> When resolved, returns the number of features satisfying the query.
view.on("click", (event) => {
  let query = new Query();
  query.geometry = event.mapPoint;  // obtained from a view click event
  query.spatialRelationship = "intersects";

  const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
  await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

  const count = await layerView.queryFeatureCount(query);
  console.log(count);  // prints the number of the client-side graphics that satisfy the query
const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
const count = await layerView.queryFeatureCount()
console.log(count);  // prints the total number of client-side graphics to the console


queryFeatures(query, options){Promise<FeatureSet>}

Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns a FeatureSet. If query parameters are not provided, then a default query is created using createQuery() method and all features that pass the layer view filter are returned along with their attributes that are available on the client. For client-side attribute queries, relevant fields should exist in availableFields list for the query to be successful.

To execute a query against all the features in a layer rather than only those in the client, you must use the queryFeatures() method on the layer.

Known Limitations

  • Attribute values used in attribute queries executed against layerViews are case sensitive.
  • Spatial queries are executed against quantized geometries in the layerView. The resolution of layerView geometries, is only as precise as the scale resolution of the view. Therefore, the results of the same query could be different when executed at different scales. This also means that geometries returned from any layerView query will likewise be at the same scale resolution of the view.
  • Spatial queries have the same limitations as those listed in the projection engine documentation.
  • Spatial queries are not currently supported if the FeatureLayerView has any of the following SpatialReferences:
    • GDM 2000 (4742) – Malaysia
    • Gsterberg (Ferro) (8042) – Austria/Czech Republic
    • ISN2016 (8086) - Iceland
    • SVY21 (4757) - Singapore
query Query autocast
Autocasts from Object

Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. When this parameter is not passed to queryFeatures() method, then a default query is created using createQuery() method and all features that pass the layer view filter are returned along with their attributes that are available on the client. To only return features visible in the view, set the geometry parameter in the query object to the view's extent.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<FeatureSet> When resolved, a FeatureSet containing an array of graphic features is returned.
let layer = new FeatureLayer({
  url: fsUrl  // points to a Feature Service layer url

let query = new Query();
query.geometry = new Extent({
 xmin: -9177811,
 ymin: 4247000,
 xmax: -9176791,
 ymax: 4247784,
 spatialReference: 102100
query.spatialRelationship = "intersects";

const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

const results = await layerView.queryFeatures(query);
console.log(results.features);  // prints the array of client-side graphics to the console
let layer = new FeatureLayer({
  url: fsUrl  // points to a Feature Service layer url

// returns all the graphics from the layerView
const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer);
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

const results = await layerView.queryFeatures()
console.log(results.features); // prints all the client-side graphics to the console
  geometry: mapPoint,
  // 6 pixels around a point at the view resolution to query around a finger.
  distance: view.resolution * 6,


queryObjectIds(query, options){Promise<Array<(number|string)>>}

Executes a Query against features available for drawing in the layerView and returns array of the ObjectIDs of features that satisfy the input query. If query parameters are not provided, the ObjectIDs of all features available for drawing are returned.

Known Limitations

  • Spatial queries have the same limitations as those listed in the projection engine documentation.
  • Spatial queries are not currently supported if the layerView has any of the following SpatialReferences:
    • GDM 2000 (4742) – Malaysia
    • Gusterberg (Ferro) (8042) – Austria/Czech Republic
    • ISN2016 (8086) - Iceland
    • SVY21 (4757) - Singapore
query Query autocast
Autocasts from Object

Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. When no parameters are passed to this method, all features in the client are returned. To only return features visible in the view, set the geometry parameter in the query object to the view's extent.

options Object

An object with the following properties.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

Type Description
Promise<Array<(number|string)>> When resolved, returns an array representing the ObjectIDs of the features satisfying the query.
view.on("click", async (event) => {
  let query = new Query();
  query.geometry = event.mapPoint;  // obtained from a view click event
  query.spatialRelationship = "intersects";

  const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(layer)
  await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerView.updating);

  const ids = await layerView.queryObjectIds(query);
  console.log(ids);  // prints the ids of the client-side graphics to the console=
// returns all the Ids from the graphics in the layerView
  return layerView.queryObjectIds()
  console.log(ids);  // prints the ids of all the client-side graphics to the console


Inherited from Accessor

Removes a group of handles owned by the object.

groupKey *

A group key or an array or collection of group keys to remove.

obj.removeHandles(); // removes handles from default group



when(callback, errback){Promise}
Inherited from LayerView

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: a callback function and an errback function. The callback executes when the instance of the class loads. The errback executes if the instance of the class fails to load.

callback Function

The function to call when the promise resolves.

errback Function

The function to execute when the promise fails.

Type Description
Promise Returns a new promise for the result of callback that may be used to chain additional functions.
// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use when() in the same way
let view = new MapView();
  // This function will execute once the promise is resolved
}, function(error){
  // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error

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