What's new


The updates and changes described below are effective at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4.

Feature services

The updates and changes below apply to feature services.

General updates

The updates below have been added, in general, for hosted feature services and reference feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases).

  • The service- and layer-level Apply Edits operations now support pbf as an upload format.
  • A new service-level operation, Get Estimates, has been added. This new operation can be called on multiple layers at once, as compared to the layer-level Get Estimates operation that can only be performed on one layer at a time.
  • In addition to the existing windows based time zone properties, IANA time zone properties have been added at 11.4.
  • The service-level fullExtent property, and layer-level extent property, can now include m and z values (when applicable).

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to reference feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases).

  • An option has been added to include applicable attribute rules in the mobile geodatabase generated by the Create Replica operation. For more information, see Using syncDataOptions
  • The SharedTemplateEditing capability has been added for editing shared templates using the REST API.
  • The layer-level Query operation now supports an option to return envelopes for features instead of geometries.
  • Support has been added for applying edits and returning query results as pbf with control points.

Hosted feature services

The following updates apply, in general, to hosted feature services:

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Full text search indexes can be created for hosted feature services using the Add to Definition operation. These indexes can then be used to perform full text queries using the layer-level Query operation.
  • Subtypes can now be added and edited using the layer-level Add To Definition, Update Definition, and Delete From Definition administrative operations.
  • The layer-level Append operation supports a new dateFieldsTimeReference property, which describes the time zone of the date data values that will be appended. The value is set inside the appendSourceInfo parameter and is used to convert the values to UTC when stored by a feature service.

Linear Referencing Service

The following enhancements have been made:

Map services

The updates and changes below apply to map services.

  • The service- operation supports highlighting selected features.
  • String based unique IDs are supported at 11.4 for query layers published from enterprise databases. Additional information are available inside a new property named uniqueIdInfo in layer resources.
  • In addition to the existing windows based time zone properties, IANA time zone properties have been added at 11.4.
  • Two new properties maxUniqueIDCount, maxSelectionCount are added to layer resources.

The updates and changes below apply to map services.

  • Print service now allows turning on or off dynamic-legend behavior for legend elements.
  • Response from Get Layout Template Infos includes dynamicLegends property for legend elements for each layout template.

Publishing tools

Three new operations have been added at this release:

  • Export Service: This operation exports the service definition for a map service (both by-reference and by-value) or a hosted feature service. The resulting service definition can then be published to a new ArcGIS Enterprise organization. When publishing the service definition to the new organization, users will have the option to preserve the service's itemID values.
  • GetServiceDatastoreInfo: This operation lists the data stores a service uses, and how specifically the service uses the data stores. This operation is only applicable to map services. Before exporting a map service's service definition, this operation should be performed, as the response can be used to retrieve the full set of data store connection information for each data store the map service uses.
  • Is Datastore Registered: This operation should be performed in the receiving organization where the exported map service definition will be published. The operation checks whether a specific data store has been registered with an organization. An exported map service definition cannot be published in the receiving organization if its associated data stores are not also registered with the organization.

Raster analysis tasks

The Geographic Transformation environment has been added to all raster analysis tasks that honor the outSR environment.

The following raster analysis tasks have been enhanced:

  • The DistanceAccumulation, DistanceAllocation, OptimalPathAsLine and OptimalPathAsRaster tasks can now properly handle the edge of the projection at a global extent, when using either a cylindrical projection or a geographic output coordinate system and the geodesic method.
  • Cost raster values that are negative or zero are invalid but will now be treated as small positive values, previously they were treated as NoData in the DistanceAccumulation, DistanceAllocation and OptimalRegionConnections tasks.

Topographic Production Service

The following enhancements have been made:

  • The Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Topographic Map (MTM) map product is supported at a 1:25,000 map scale.
  • Standalone ArcGIS Server deployments are supported.
  • The SelectionOperation operation can update multiple feature selections at once.
  • You can publish a service definition (.sd) shared from ArcGIS Pro without the service already enabled.
  • You can extract a raster to different raster types when using the generateProduct operation.
  • REST endpoint returned errors support HTML.

Validation Service

The writeErrorsWithSketchGeometries is a new capability for the writeErrors operation. The writeErrors operation has the new property, objectIdSketchGeometryPairs for the errors parameter to enhance support for writing different types of sketched geometries to their corresponding GDB_Validation*Errors table.


The updates and changes described below are effective at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3.

Feature services

The updates and changes below apply to feature services.

General updates

The updates below have been added, in general, for hosted feature services and reference feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases):

  • Support has been added for the sync capability on services with 64 bit objectID fields and Utility Network data. The sync capability is not supported on services without Utility Network layers when 64 bit objectID fields are present.
  • The esriFieldTypeTimeOnly, esriFieldTypeDateOnly, esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset, and esriFieldTypeBigInteger field types have exited beta and are now supported. The sync capability is not supported when these field types are present other than for services with Utility Network data. Note that esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset is not supported with hosted feature services from a relational data store or PostgreSQL geodatabases in ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • The feature service REST API now supports one-way feature service-to-feature service sync workflows.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to reference feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases):

  • An option has been added for taking a subset of a full model Utility Network offline and syncing.
  • Reference feature services expose a new REST API for querying shared templates that have been authored in your back-end enterprise geodatabase.
  • Service webhooks can now be configured for services with branch versioned data.
  • Reference feature services supports applying edits and returning query results in JSON with control points.
  • The Query Analytic operation has been expanded to support performing the operation asynchronously.
  • Reference map services and feature services can be published with explicit relationship ids starting in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.

Hosted feature services

The following updates apply, in general, to hosted feature services:

  • Hosted feature services support a new layer-level operation, Query Bins. This operation returns an array of results divided into bins based on numeric or date fields. The response includes statistical aggregations for each bin, such as a count or average for returning aggregated query results.
  • Support has been added for appending content from one feature service layer to another within the same organization.
  • The layer-level Query operation supports a new parameter, defaultSR.
  • The layer-level Query operation now supports querying for either null or not null shapes using a “shape is not null” or “shape is null” WHERE clause.

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Joined views can be created from source layers with editor tracking enabled.
  • The layer-level Query operation supports an option to return envelopes instead of geometries for features.

Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW) feature services

Support for geography type shape fields has been added for a Snowflake data source in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3.

Raster analysis tasks

The following raster analysis tasks are new:

  • Geodesic Viewshed—Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features using geodesic methods.
  • Tabulate Area—Calculates cross-tabulated areas between two datasets and outputs a table.
  • Zonal Geometry As Table—Calculates the geometry measures (area, perimeter, thickness, and the characteristics of an ellipse) for each zone in a dataset and reports the results as a table.
  • Zonal Statistics—Summarizes the values of a raster within the zones of another dataset.

The following raster analysis tasks have been enhanced:

  • The DistanceAccumulation and DistanceAllocation raster analysis tasks have two new Vertical Factor options added, HIKING_TIME and BIDIR_HIKING_TIME. The performance has also been improved when using the Geodesic method or Vertical or Horizontal parameters.
  • Summarize Raster Within—Four new statisticType options are added, MAJORITY_COUNT, MAJORITY_PERCENT, MINORITY_COUNT, and MINORITY_PERCENT.

Routing services

Last Mile Delivery is a new network analysis service that focuses on the subset of vehicle routing problems associated with delivering packages to their final customers.

Utility network service

The applyEdits operation now supports the ability to bypass validation when creating associations using a configuration option in the applyEditsOptions property.

The exportSubnetwork operation now supports the pbf response format.

The trace and create (Trace Configurations) operations contain two new properties: useDigitizedDirection and synthesizeGeometries.

  • The useDigitizedDirection parameter specifies whether the direction of flow will be based on the digitized direction of the line, From global ID and To global ID of the edge object in the association, and the Flow direction attribute. A new supportsFlowDirections capability broadcasts support for this property.

  • The synthesizeGeometries parameter specifies whether geometries will be inferred and created (synthesized) for associations and edge objects traversed during a trace operation. A new supportsTraceSynthesizeGeometries capability broadcasts support for this property.

Version Management service

The differences operation no longer requires a read session. Additionally, the sessionId parameter is now optional.

Organization members must be assigned a license for the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension for the following operations:

The post operation now supports the inclusion of objectIds from utility network classes in the rows parameter when posting a subset of edits from a version.

Geoprocessing service

GPArealUnit is supported when you publish your geoprocessing service starting from ArcGIS Pro 3.3.

Validation Service

The supportsWriteErrors is a new capability for the writeErrors operation which supports the ability to write errors to GDB_Validation*Errors tables.


The updates and changes described below are effective at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2.

Feature Service

The updates and changes below apply to feature services.

General updates

The updates below have been added, in general, for both hosted feature services and nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • Feature services now support oriented imagery layers.

  • WKT2 projections are now supported. For WKT2 values, see the Using spatial references documentation.

  • A keyword, current_user , has been added to WHERE clauses that reference the connected federated Enterprise user.

  • The service-level Query Related Records operation now supports the orderBy and returnCountOnly parameters.

  • Support has been added for 64 bit objectID fields, as well as high precision date fields. High precision date fields are capable of returning values with millisecond precision although some clients may not use the full precision for querying or editing.

  • Four new field types have been added as beta features: esriFieldTypeTimeOnly , esriFieldTypeDateOnly , esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset and esriFieldTypeBigInteger . The beta only applies to feature services that include these fields.

  • A one-way feature service-to-feature service sync workflow has been introduced as a beta feature at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2.

Image Service

The updates and changes below apply to image services.

  • A new property meanPixelSize was added that returns the value of mean pixel size, the unit is converted in "meters." It is calculated from the pixel size X, pixel size Y, and unit of the spatial reference.

  • A new property inspectionCapabilities was added that indicates if the image service supports inspection ("Nadir, Oblique"), supports inspection with depth map ("Nadir, Oblique, Hero"), or not at all (""). Image service inspection operations include: Find (Image Service), Get Image Url, Image to Map, Image to Map Multiray, Map to Image, and Measure from Image.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The updates below have been added for nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • An option has been added for taking a subset of a full model parcel fabric offline and syncing.
  • An option has been added for downloading a subset of a full model utility network.
  • The service-level Query Related Records operation now supports pagination. Support is indicated when the layer-level supportsQueryRelatedPagination property, under advancedQueryCapabilities , is set to true .

Hosted feature services

The updates below have been added, in general, for hosted feature services:

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Contingent values are now supported.

  • Subtypes are now supported.

  • Join views now include attachments from the left table in the join.

  • The layer-level Append operation now includes a truncateExisting parameter, which allows existing rows to be removed prior to appending new rows.

  • The Extract Changes operation now supports the returnDeletedFields parameter.

  • The Truncate operation supports the async and attachmentOnly parameters.

  • Response cache has been added for hosted feature services on ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes.

Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW) feature services

Feature services that reference cloud data warehouses can now be published from an Amazon Redshift data source in ArcGIS Enterprise.

GeoAnalytics Tools

GeoAnalytics Tools have the following enhancements:

  • Aggregate Points now includes the option to create and aggregate into H3 bins.
  • Join Features now includes the includeDistance parameter. Specify this parameter as True to calculate the spatial distance and/or temporal difference between target and joined features.

Licensing updates

The ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension is new at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 and provides access to advanced geodatabase functionality and frameworks. This user type extension replaces the ArcGIS Utility Network, ArcGIS Parcel Fabric and ArcGIS Trace Network user type extensions that were licensed at previous releases.

Linear Referencing service

The following enhancements have been made:

  • A Geometry to Referent operation has been added to convert a coordinate location, route, or measure along a route into a referent and offset.
  • A Referent to Geometry operation has been added to convert one or more point referent locations into geographic locations along a set of routes.
  • A new loadField parameter has been added to the Append Routes operation to specify whether route ID or route name will be used as target network records are loaded into the network feature class.

Maritime Chart Service

The following operations (applicable for Maritime Chart Service 10.9 and later) have been documented:

  • find—This operation can be performed on a map service resource used to discover features based on their OBJNAM and NOBJNM attribute values as well as searching for datasets in your map service.
  • notes—This operation can be used to display the file associated with the S-57 or S-63 attributes TXTDSC, NTXTDS, and PICREP.
  • mcsServiceStatus—This operation can be used to discover if the map service is ready for use and the cataloging process is complete.

The following enhancements have been made:

  • The contains and layers parameters are deprecated from the find operation.
  • The rotation parameter is exposed for the export operation.

Topographic Production service

The following enhancements have been made:

Validation service

Organization members must be assigned a license for the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension for the evaluate operation.

Version Management service

Organization members must be assigned a license for the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension for the following operations:

Geoprocessing service

You can schedule a geoprocessing service using the createTask request in the ArcGIS Portal Directory REST API.

GPComposite is supported when you publish your geoprocessing service starting from ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

Inputs and outputs with a 64-bit objectID, esriFieldTypeDateOnly, esriFieldTypeTimeOnly, and esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset field types are supported.


The updates and changes described below are effective at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1.

Feature service

The updates and changes below apply to feature services.

General updates

The updates below have been added, in general, for both hosted feature services and nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • Organization members assigned either the feature service privilege or the default administrator role can now create and manage feature service webhooks using the ArcGIS Server Administrator API. To learn how to create feature service webhooks, see Create (Webhooks)in the Server Admin API publication. For more information about the types of webhooks that are supported in ArcGIS Enterprise, see Webhooks in ArcGIS Enterprise.

  • Feature services now support 3D object feature layers. The following topics have been added, or updated, to support 3D object feature layers:

  • The service- and layer-level supportedExportFormats properties have been expanded to include CSV and GeoJSON as supported formats for exported data.

  • The createReplica operation does not require the geometry parameter when the syncModel parameter is set to none . This will cause all records to be included for the feature layer unless other filters are set. However, the geometry parameter is required if syncModel values other than none are used.

  • Both the service- and layer-levelapplyEdits operations now include the editsUploadId parameter. This parameter references an upload ID from an uploaded file containing service edits and allows you to upload edits to ArcGIS Server and reference them rather than providing the edits in-line with the edits parameter. Support for the new parameter is indicated when the service- and layer-level supportsApplyEditsbyUploadID properties, under advancedEditingCapabilities , are set to true .

Image Service

  • A new property, storageInfo , was added that specifies the storage format and packet size of cached map services.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The updates below have been added for nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • The w parameter is now supported for qualifying nonhosted feature services. The w parameter returns attachments resized to a pixel width based on the value set for w . A nonhosted feature service's support for the w parameter is indicated when the service-level supportsAttachmentsResizing property is set to true .
  • Performance improvements have been made when accessing a Layer resource with the returnAdvancedSymbols parameter set to true in the request.
  • Controller layer types (such as Parcel Fabric, Topology, Utility Network, and Trace Network layers) can now include sync in their list of capabilities.
  • The catalogID property has been added to the relationships array returned by the Relationships resource. The catalogID property is a universal identifier from the backend data store.
  • Asynchronous requests for the service- and layer-levelapplyEdits operations now use a geoprocessing service, which allows for longer running operations.
  • The extractChanges operation includes support for the returnDeletedFeatures parameter. This parameter allows you to specify whether the full information for a deleted feature is returned, or only the feature's identifier.

Hosted feature services

The updates below have been added, in general, for hosted feature services:

  • A layer's extent property can be updated by an owner or organization administrator using the updateDefinition operation with the layer's spatial index.
  • A field's default value is now applied when a row is added with no provided value when using either the applyEdits or append operations.
  • A layer's allowGeometryUpdates property can be updated on a per-layer basis using the updateDefinition operation.
  • A service owner or organization administrator can now update a layer's definitionQuery property when running the updateDefinition operation.
  • A service's administrative resource now returns a list of supported options for service admin operations (serviceAdminOperationsOptions property) and supported options for layer admin operations (layerAdminOperationsOptions property).
  • A layer's administrative resource now returns a list of supported options for layer admin operations (layerAdminOperationsOptions property).

The updates below have been added to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Catalog layers can be published as hosted feature services.

  • Both the service- and layer-levelappend operations feature the following enhancements:

  • The append capability can now be set for qualifying hosted feature services to allow nonservice owners and nonorganization administrators with access to the feature service to run the Append operation. In earlier releases, the append capability could not be set for hosted feature services, limiting the scope of those who could use the append operation on a given hosted feature service.

  • The esriFieldTypeBlob field type is now supported.

  • Qualifying hosted feature services now support pagination with the queryRelatedRecords operation. Support for pagination is indicated when the layer-level supportsQueryRelatedPagination property, under advancedQueryCapabilities , is set to true .

  • The Relationships resource is now supported for qualifying hosted feature services. Support for this is indicated when the service-level supportsRelationshipsResource property is set to true .

For hosted feature services running on a spatiotemporal data store, the queryDateBins operation now supports setting the output boundary field by setting a binBoundaryAlias input property.

Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW) feature services

For feature services that reference cloud data warehouses, feature services can now be published from a Snowflake data source in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Utility Network service

The following operations have a new parameter, outSR , which defines the output spatial references for returned geometries in the JSON object:

Validation service

The Evaluate operation now includes evaluation statistics as part of the JSON response.

Version Management service

The Conflicts and Differences operations have a new parameter, outSR , which defines the output spatial references for returned geometries in the JSON object.

Raster analysis tasks

The DistanceAccumulation and DistanceAllocation raster analysis tasks have been enhanced. The algorithm for horizontal and vertical factors was rewritten to be nondistorted instead of 8 directional. Performance was enhanced and space optimizations were made when calculating straight-line distance.

Raster function objects

The new SurfaceParamFunction raster function object determines the parameters of a raster surface such as aspect, slope, and several types of curvatures using geodesic methods.


The updates and changes described below are effective at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

Data Reviewer Map Service

The ArcGIS Data Reviewer ArcMap runtime-based server object extension (SOE) is deprecated. Consider using Data Reviewer capabilities enabled using ArcGIS Pro and integrated in the Validation Server.

Feature service

The updates and changes described below are for feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

General updates

The following general updates have been made for hosted feature services and nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • The supportedExportFormats property for the feature service and feature service layer resources has been expanded to include shapefile as a supported value.
  • Feature services published for ArcGIS Indoors have the isIndoorsService property set to true included in their service resource.
  • A file geodatabase extracted from a feature service using the createReplica operation with the syncModel parameter set to none now includes a GDB_ServiceItems table. This table contains the service and layer resource JSON of the service from which it was generated.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabase data) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • The extractChanges operation now supports the following changes to its parameters:

    • A new parameter, fieldsToCompare has been added. This parameter is supported on feature services when the supportsFieldsToCompare service-level property, under extractChangesCapabilities , is set to true .
    • Eligible feature services that perform this operation now return an asynchronous response for features, rather than IDs only, when the returnIdsOnly parameter is set to false . Support for this is indicated when the supportsFeatureReturn service-level property, under extractChangesCapabilities , is set to true .
    • A new parameter, serverGens has been added. This parameter provides the range of serverGens for all layers. This parameter can be used instead of the existing layerServerGens parameter. Support for this parameter is indicated when the supportsServerGens service-level property, under extractChangesCapabilities , is set to true .
    • Eligible feature services that perform this operation now return attachment differences when the returnAttachment parameter is set to true . Support for attachment differences is indicated when the supportsReturnAttachments service-level property, under extractChangesCapabilities , is set to true .
  • The createReplica operation's replicaOptions parameter's SyncDataOptions accepted property values have been expanded as indicated by the feature service's supportedSyncDataOptions service-level properties listed below:

    • The syncDataOptionsIncludeMissingUtilityNetworkLayers property is set to 128 . When this property is set along with the syncDataOptionIncludeUtilityNetworkSystem property set to 16 , additional utility network system tables are included.
    • syncDataOptionsPreserveTrueCurves is set to 256 . When set, the true curves are preserved when taking data offline and syncing.
  • The synchronizeReplica operation includes a new parameter, reconcileBranchVersion . When it's set to true , the replica branch version is automatically reconciled with the default branch on synchronization. This parameter applies to replicas created from branch versioned data when the service has the versionPerDownloadedMap setting.

Hosted feature services

The following changes apply to hosted feature services:

  • At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, the ability to configure a hosted feature service to provide server-side caching was temporarily removed. Response caching is once again supported with the release of Enterprise 11.0. Organizations using Enterprise 10.9, 11.0, or later can cache queries made by services with response caching enabled. Organizations using a 10.9.1 deployment can still use services that support response caching, but queries will not be cached. For more information about enabling response caching on hosted feature service layers, see the Feature Layer topic.
  • Hosted feature services now support setting capabilities on a per-layer basis using the updateDefinition administrative operation. Feature layers support this new functionality when the services include the service- and layer-level property, supportsLayerOverrides , set to true .
  • Both the feature service and feature service layer applyEdits operations support the async parameter. The async parameter is supported when the service- and layer-level supportsAsyncApplyEdits property, under advancedEditingCapabilities , is set to true .

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Hosted feature services now support the async parameter for the queryAnalytic operation. The async parameter is supported when the layer-level supportsAsync property, under advancedQueryAnalyticCapabilities , is set to true .

  • The ChangeTracking capability can now be enabled on a feature service resource. Adding the ChangeTracking capability exposes the extractChanges operation. Having both the Sync and ChangeTracking capabilities enabled at the same time on a hosted feature service is not currently supported.

  • The feature service and feature service layer applyEdits operation has a new parameter, returnEditsResults . When set to false , applyEdits only returns a response of the following form:

    {"success": <true|false>}

    The returnEditsResults parameter can be set to false only when the rollbackOnFailure parameter is set to true . This new parameter is supported by feature services that have the service- and layer-level supportsReturnEditResults property, under advancedEditingCapabilities , set to true .

CDW feature services

Feature services can now be published from a Google BigQuery data source.

Geodata services

You can publish geodata services from ArcGIS Pro 3.0 to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later on both Windows and Linux versions.

GeoAnalytics Tools

GeoAnalytics Tools have the following enhancements:

  • A new tool, Snap Tracks, matches time-enabled points (tracks) to nearby lines.
  • Summarize Within now includes the rateFields parameter, which enables specifying the summary statistic fields containing rate type quantities. By default, all statistics will be calculated assuming summary statistic fields contain count type quantities.
  • Group By Proximity now includes the attributeRelationship parameter. Use this parameter to define how features are grouped based on a defined attribute relationship. ArcGIS Arcade expressions are supported as input.

Symbol service

A new service, Symbol service (SymbolServer ), was introduced at this release. Symbol service is an ArcGIS Server utility service that provides access to operations to build and generate images for Esri symbols to be used by internal and external web applications. The SymbolServer service provides access to the generateImage and generateSymbol operations, which can be used to generate (extract) images from a 2D or dictionary web style and convert Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images to Cartographic Information Model (CIM) symbols, respectively.

Topographic Production service

The following apply to the topographic product service:

  • The delete operation can delete jobs that have been run or canceled so that they no longer appear in queries or occupy server space.
  • Secured services are supported.
  • The generateProduct operation's outputType parameter supports PDF or TIFF output and the outputSettings parameter allows you to specify either a preset product file or the JSON structure for PDF or TIFF output.
  • Map products have been enabled to use image services.

Geoprocessing service

GPValueTable is supported when you publish your geoprocessing service starting from ArcGIS Pro 3.0.


The updates and changes below are effective at 10.9.1.

Coordinate systems and transformations

Using spatial references now hosts PDFs of ArcGIS Enterprise supported coordinate systems and transformations (such as datum transformations). The PDFs specify the name, WKID, and well-known textual definitions (WKT1 and WKT2) for each coordinate system or transformation.

Feature service

The updates and changes below are effective for feature services at 10.9.1.

General updates

The following general updates have been added for hosted feature services and nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabases) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • A layer-level getEstimates operation has been added. The operation efficiently returns up-to-date approximations for feature extent and row count.
  • A supportedExportFormats property has been added to both the service and layer resources. This property describes the output formats supported when calling createReplica with the syncModel parameter set to none (meaning it performs a data copy or export).
  • A supportedSpatialRelationships property has been added to the layer resource. This property describes the spatial relationships supported when querying the layer.
  • Nonspatial table templates authored in ArcGIS Pro can now be published to a feature service.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to nonhosted feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data and are published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • The applyEdits service-level and layer-level operations now include an option to process requests asynchronously. This is ideal for longer-running edit operations that may time out otherwise.
  • The queryAnalytic operation has been added for returning analytic function results. This includes options for calculating linear regressions. This operation was first introduced at 10.9 for hosted feature services. For more information, see Query Analytic.

Hosted feature services

The following updates are for hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • The attachment resource supports the w parameter, which returns attachments resized to a pixel width matching the w parameter's value.
  • The queryAttachments operation now supports a returnCountOnly parameter for getting the count of attachments per feature.
  • The queryAnalytic operation has been extended to support linear regression.
  • The ability to configure a hosted feature service to provide server-side response caching, introduced with 10.9, has been removed temporarily with 10.9.1. Services with response caching enabled will continue to function after upgrading to 10.9.1, but queries will no longer be cached.

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a spatiotemporal data store:

  • A queryDateBins operation has been added for returning aggregated results based on time buckets.
  • The "isLocationTrackingLayer: true" property is provided for location tracking layers.

GeoAnalytics Tools

GeoAnalytics Tools have the following enhancements:

  • A new tool,Group by Proximity, groups features that are within spatial or spatiotemporal proximity of each other.
  • Summarize Within now supports weighted variance and standard deviation calculations.

Image service

The following image service task is new in 10.9.1:

  • Compute Angles —Computes the rotation angle of a raster for a user-specified angle direction, and optionally, a user-specified rotation point and user-specified spatial reference.

The following image service task enhancements were added in 10.9.1:

  • Histograms —The new renderingRule parameter was added.
  • Statistics —The new renderingRule parameter was added.

Raster Analysis service

The following raster analysis tasks are new in 10.9.1:

  • LocateRegions identifies the best regions, or groups of contiguous cells, from an input utility (suitability) raster that satisfy a specified evaluation criterion and that meet identified shape, size, number, and interregion distance constraints.
  • PredictUsingRegressionModel —Predicts data values using the output from the TrainRandomTreesRegressionModel tool.
  • SummarizeCategoricalRaster —Generates a table containing the pixel count for each class, in each slice of an input categorical raster.
  • TrainRandomTreesRegressionModel —Models the relationship between explanatory variables (independent variables) and a target dataset (dependent variable).

The following raster analysis tasks have been enhanced:

  • Three new parameters were added to the AggregateMultidimensionalRaster task: the Percentile option was added to the aggregation_method parameter, which enables the new percentile_value and the percentile_interpolation_type parameters. The dimensionless parameter specifies whether the layer will have dimension values.
  • Two new parameters were added to the ComputeChangeRaster task: the fromClassnameField and toClassnameField parameters used to update field names accounting for class transitions. Additionally, the Use Color Method parameter was changed to Define Transition Colors.

Routing service

  • The synchronous mode of the Route and ClosestFacility services support parameters that can be used to return the elements traversed during the solve.
  • The synchronous mode of the Route , ClosestFacility , ServiceArea , and ODCostMatrix services now support additional parameters to specify the output geometry precision for x, y, and z coordinates and the value of m.

Spatial Analysis Tools

The output of some Spatial Analysis Tasks can now overwrite an existing feature service. You can overwrite an existing feature service by providing the itemID of the existing feature service and setting the overwrite property as True in the outputName parameter. As described in the Feature output topic, you must be either the owner of the feature service or have administrative privileges to perform the overwrite.

The following tools now support overwrite:

  • AggregatePoints
  • CalculateDensity
  • ChooseBestFacilities
  • ConnectOriginsToDestinations
  • CreateBuffers
  • CreateDriveTimeAreas
  • CreateViewshed
  • CreateWatersheds
  • DeriveNewLocations
  • FindCentroids
  • FindExistingLocations
  • FindNearest
  • GenerateTessellations
  • InterpolatePoints
  • JoinFeatures
  • MergeLayers
  • OverlayLayers
  • PlanRoutes
  • SumarizeNearby
  • SummarizeWithin
  • TraceDownstream

Topographic production service

You can calculate a custom area of interest (AOI) for a specified product and version.

Trace Network service

The following updates apply to feature services that include a trace network:

  • Updates have been made to the Trace operation:

    • A new value, Connectivity , has been added for the resultTypes parameter to support the output of trace results as a connectivity graph.
  • The Trace Network service now supports the supportsConnectivityAsTraceResult capability.

Utility Network service

The following updates apply to feature services that include a utility network:

  • Updates have been made to the Trace operation:

    • A new value, Connectivity , has been added for the resultTypes parameter to support the output of trace results as a connectivity graph.
  • Updates have been made to the Export Subnetwork operation:

    • A new parameter of includeDomainDescriptions has been added to enable the export of domain value mapping for network features.
  • A new parameter of async has been added to the following operations to support the request as an asynchronous job:

  • The Utility Network service now supports the following capabilities:

    • supportsConnectivityAsTraceResult
    • supportsExportSubnetworkIncludeDomainDescriptions
    • supportsAsyncExportSubnetwork
    • supportsAsyncUpdateIsConnected
    • supportsAsyncTrace
    • supportsAsyncEnableTopology
    • supportsAsyncDisableTopology
    • supportsAsyncLocationsQuery

Version Management service

The following updates apply to feature services that reference branch versioned enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The Version Management service now supports the following capabilities:

    • supportsDifferencesWithLayers
    • supportsAsyncReconcile
    • supportsAsyncPost
    • supportsAsyncDifferences
  • The Differences operation has a new parameter, layers , to support filtering differences by layer.

  • The Reconcile, Post, and Differences operations have a new parameter, async , to support asynchronous processing.


The updates and changes below are effective at 10.9.

Image service

New Image service operations are listed below:

  • computeMultidimensionalInfo constructs a multidimensional info object for an image service of a mosaic dataset based on its catalog table.
  • DownloadRaster is used to download an entire or partial image at a designated resolution.

The identify operation now supports multidimensional raster data, and can be configured with the new processAsMultidimensional parameter.

Raster Analysis service

The following raster analysis operations are new in 10.9:

  • ComputeAccuracyForObjectDetection
  • ComputeChangeRaster
  • MergeMultidimensionalRasters
  • AnalyzeChangesUsingLandTrendr

The following raster analysis operations are enhanced in 10.9:

  • The deep learning inferencing operations all support .dlpk inputs from a raster store or raster store subfolder.
  • The BuildMultidimensionalTranspose operation has a new parameter deleteTranspose .
  • The CalculateDensity operation has a new parameter input_barrier_features that can be used to alter the influence of a feature when calculating the density.
  • The CalculateDistance , DistanceAccumulation , DistanceAllocation , and OptimalRegionConnections operations have performance enhancements when PLANAR is used as the distanceMethod .
  • The CalculateTravelCost , DetermineOptimalTravelCostNetwork , and DetermineTravelCostPathAsPolyline operations have performance enhancements.
  • The DetectChangeUsingChangeAnalysisRaster operation supports a change analysis raster generated by the new AnalyzeChangesUsingLandTrendr operation.
  • The ExportTrainingDataForDeepLearning operation now supports the MultiLabeled_Tiles and Export_Tiles options for the output metadata format.
  • The GenerateTrendRaster operation supports testing for the presence of trends using the Mann-Kendall and Seasonal Mann-Kendall methods, available in the trendLineType parameter.
  • The TrainDeepLearningModel operation now automatically uses the GPU unless otherwise specified. Additionally, three new model types were added: YOLOV3 , DEEPLAB , FASTERRCNN . The backbone model option DARKNET53 is also supported in 10.9.
  • The SummarizeRasterWithin and ZonalStatisticsAsTable operations now support the MEDIAN and PERCENTILE statistics type for floating point value rasters. A new parameter, percentile_interpolation_type , is added to these operations to determine the type of percentile interpolation when the number of values from the input value raster to be calculated are even. These operations now also support multidimensional processing for inputs with different dimensions.
  • Additional options were added to the context parameter for the following raster analysis operations: BuildMultidimensionalTranspose , DetectChangeUsingChangeAnalysisRaster , GenerateMultidimensionalAnomaly , GenerateTrendRaster , PredictUsingTrendRaster , and Sample .
  • Additional options were added to the context parameter for the following ortho mapping operations: ComputeControlPoints , ComputeSeamlines , ComputeSensorModel , GenerateDEM , GenerateOrthomosaic , and MatchControlPoints

Topographic Production Service

A new Topographic Production Service resource that represents a topographic production server object extension (SOE) and serves as the entry point for all functionality related to creating topographic products in ArcGIS Server has been added.

It supports the following operations at 10.9:

  • addProduct —Adds a definition of a map product to the service that can be used to generate a map.

  • generateProduct —Automates the process of producing a layout or map based on a standard specification.

  • removeProduct —Removes a product from the Topographic Production Service resource.

  • updateProduct —Updates the properties of an existing product.

  • products —Gets the products that the Topographic Production Service supports.

    • product —Gets a single product from the products that the Topographic Production Service supports.
  • jobs —Serves as a container for the cancel , job , and query operations.

    • cancel —Cancels a job submitted through the generateProduct REST operation.
    • job —Tracks the status of a job from the generateProduct REST operation. Returns the status, start date, last modified date, and messages for the job.
    • query —Tracks the status of jobs from the generateProduct REST operation. Returns the status, start date, last modified date, and messages for a set of jobs.

Licensing updates

Starting at 10.9, Trace Network functionality can be accessed by users that have been assigned the appropriate user type extensions. The Trace Network extension is included in the GIS Professional Standard and GIS Professional Advanced user types. The Trace Network extension is compatible with all user types. Users who are not assigned a user type that includes the extension, or who have not been assigned the extension as an add-on application, can't access some of the Trace Network endpoints.

GeoAnalytics Tools

The following new GeoAnalytics Tools are available at 10.9:

  • The Calculate Motion Statistics tool enriches your time-enabled point data with statistics such as speed, acceleration, and bearing.
  • The Trace Proximity Events tool analyzes time-enabled point features representing moving entities. The tool will follow entities of interest in space (location) and time to see which other entities the entities of interest have interacted with. The trace will continue from entity to entity to a configurable maximum degrees of separation from the original entity of interest.
  • The Summarize Center and Dispersion tool can be used to find central features and directional distributions and to calculate mean and median locations from your point data.

The following new enhancements have been made:

  • New Arcade expressions to calculate speed, acceleration, and distance on tracks are available in the following tools: Reconstruct Tracks, Calculate Field, and Detect Incidents.
  • Reconstruct Tracks—Options have been added for how to represent split tracks, including the option to use an Arcade expression. You can determine how tracks are drawn and summarized using the split type parameter.
  • Join Features—An option has been added to keep all target features (known as an outer left join).
  • Summarize Attributes—You can now apply time stepping to summarized results.
  • Run Python Script—You can now use the userParameters parameter to specify a JSON object that will be automatically loaded into the script environment as a dictionary.

Utility Network service

The following updates apply to feature services that include a utility network:

  • The Trace operation has a new parameter, traceConfigurationGlobalId .

  • Updates have been made to the Validate Network Topology operation:

    • A new parameter of validationSet has been added.
    • A new value forceRebuild has been added for the validationType parameter.
  • Associations is a new resource that allows you to query and traverse the associations table.

  • The Utility Network service has the following new capabilities:

    • supportsTraceConfigurations
    • supportsDiagnostics
    • supportLocations
    • supportsAssociations
    • supportsQueryAssociations
    • supportsTraverseAssociations
    • supportsTraceAllowIndeterminateFlow
    • supportsTraceValidateLocatability
    • supportsValidationTypeRebuild
    • supportsValidationTypeForceRebuild

Version Management service

The following updates apply to feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The Version Management service now supports the supportsPartialPost and the supportsDifferencesFromMoment capabilities.
  • The Post operation has a new parameter, rows , to support partial posting.
  • The Differences operation has a new parameter, fromMoment , to support obtaining the differences between two moments.

Feature services

The updates and changes below are effective for feature services at 10.9:

General updates

The following general updates have been added for hosted feature services and nonhosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabase) published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • Sync-enabled feature services support bidirectional server-to-server sync. Hosted feature services are automatically configured to support this when sync is enabled. Nonhosted feature services require nonversioned archiving or branch versioned data with replica tracking enabled. Bidirectional server-to-server sync is used by distributed collaboration.
  • A preferred time zone can be set to define the time zone the service author intends clients to use when working with date field values.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to nonhosted feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data and are published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • The createReplica syncDataOptions has expanded to include options for the following:

    • Utility Network information—Supports a subset Utility Network system information including Utility Network metadata, associations, rules, and subnetworks.
    • Full Annotation—This option is to be used by clients implementing the full high-quality annotation data model including feature-linked annotation behavior.
  • Trace Network layers are a new type of layer that is created when Trace Networks are published as feature services.

  • ExtractChanges includes an option to return whether or not the changes have geometry updates.

  • The time zone of date field values can be defined as unknown.

  • Layer queries support the "mode": "edit" setting of the quantization parameter.

  • Layers whose feature classes have had feature binning enabled are published with lodInfo provided in the feature layer resource. These layers also support returning bins through the layer query LOD parameter.

  • Attachments can be upgraded in the geodatabase to include a keywords column. Keywords can be set when adding or updating attachments using a feature service with upgraded attachments.

  • BLOB column values can be queried and edited with a nonhosted feature service.

Hosted feature services

The following updates apply to hosted feature services:

  • The append operation is supported for both relational- and spatiotemporal-based hosted feature services.

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a relational data store:

  • Developers can configure a hosted feature service to provide server-side response caching. Response caching improves performance and scalability for certain types of queries.
  • Hosted feature service views can be created from joins of layers and tables.
  • Query expressions can be used with outFields , groupByFieldsForStatistics , orderByFields , and outStatistics layer query parameters.
  • A queryAnalytic operation has been added for returning analytic function results.

The following updates apply to hosted feature services running on a spatiotemporal data store:

  • The calculate operation is now supported with spatiotemporal-based hosted feature services.


The updates and changes below are effective at 10.8.1.

Network Service

The name of the Network Service documentation has been changed to Routing Service.

Synchronous mode for Origin Destination Cost Matrix service

The Origin Destination Cost Matrix service now supports synchronous mode. For more information, see Origin Destination Cost Matrix service with synchronous execution.

Feature Services

The updates and changes below are effective for feature services at 10.8.1:

General updates

The updates below have been added, in general, for hosted feature services and non-hosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabase) published from ArcGIS Pro.

  • The layer resource now returns the attachmentFields property. This property lists fields that can be submitted as values in the Query Attachments operation through the attachmentsDefinitionExpression parameter.
  • The layer resource property attachmentProperties now includes fieldname information, which corresponds to the name of an attachment returned in the attachmentFields property.
  • The queryAttachment operation now returns both property names and field names

Enterprise geodatabase data

These updates have been added for non-hosted feature services (referencing enterprise geodatabase data) published from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.

  • Feature services running in federated services now include the serviceItemID property.
  • Non-versioned data with archiving layers can be trimmed in the geodatabase using the Trim Archive History GP tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.6. However, this is limited to the oldest last sync date of any replica referencing the layer.

The following updates apply to non-hosted feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data and published from ArcGIS Pro:

  • Sync with branch versioned data now supports syncing to a named branch version. To enable this, you must set the** Create a version for each downloaded map** option on the service. For more information, see Work with offline maps and branch versioned data and Prepare data for offline use.
  • You can choose to expose your topology layer with branch versioned data.
  • The layer Query operation supports percentile as a statisticType when using outStatistics .
  • Multipatch data can be queried with the externalizedTextures parameter and the format (f ) set to pbf .
  • The replicas resource has new operations for listing the last sync date, the replica version (branch versioned data), or finding a replica based on a branch version name.
  • A hasBranchVersionedData service property is true when service layers are branch versioned.

Hosted feature services

The updated below apply to hosted feature services:

  • Hosted feature services running on a relational data store support layer Queries with the LOD parameter.
  • Hosted feature services on relational and spatiotemporal data stores now support the Append operation
  • Hosted feature service attachments on a relational data store now support the keywords and exif column, which is set when adding or updating an attachment.
  • Hosted feature services on relational and spatiotemporal data stores in Enterprise support edit mode for quantization.
  • Extended spatial reference properties are included in the REST resources for hosted feature services on a relational that are published from ArcGIS Pro 2.6.

GeoAnalytics Tools

The following changes to GeoAnalytics Tools are new at 10.8.1:

Image Services

The Image Service resource supports the following operations at 10.8.1:

  • Compute Cache Info—Computes and generates new image service tile cache schemes for image services.
  • Compute Multidimensional Info—The operation is performed on an image service of a mosaic dataset. It is used for constructing a multidimensional info object based on its catalog table.
  • Image Support Data—Returns image support data of the NITF based raster catalog item
  • Slices—Returns the sliceId and multidimensional information for requested dimensional slices of the source dataset. It applies to image services of multidimensional datasets only.
  • Statistics—Returns statistics of the image.

Additionally, existing raster analytics tools were enhanced with new parameters, as listed below.

  • Export Image

    • The new sliceId parameter is for image services of multidimensional datasets with raster tiles enabled on top. Each dimensional slice has its own image tile at a specific level, row, and column combination. The sliceId of a dimensional slice can be queried from image service slices resource.
  • Histograms

    • The new variable parameter can be used to request histograms for each variable in a multidimensional dataset.
  • Image Tile

    • The new sliceId parameter is for image services of multidimensional datasets with raster tiles enabled on top. Each dimensional slice has its own image tile at a specific level, row, and column combination. The sliceId of a dimensional slice can be queried from image service slices resource.
  • Query (Image Service)

    • The new rasterQuery parameter allows you to make a query based on key properties of each raster catalog item.

Raster Analytics (Tasks)

The following Raster Analytics tasks are new at 10.8.1:

  • Analyze Change Using CCDC—Evaluates changes in pixel values over time using the CCDC algorithm, and generates a multidimensional raster containing the model results.
  • Detect Change Using Change Analysis Raster—Generates a raster containing pixel change information using the output change analysis raster from the Analyze Changes Using CCDC tool.
  • Distance Accumulation—Calculates straight-line distance or the least accumulative cost distance for each cell to the source over a cost surface, while optionally accounting for the surface distance and the horizontal and vertical factors.
  • Distance Allocation—Calculates distance allocation for each cell to the provided sources based on straight-line distance, cost distance, true surface distance, as well as vertical and horizontal cost factors.
  • Manage Multidimensional Raster—Edits a multidimensional raster by adding or deleting variables or dimensions.
  • Optimal Path As Line—Calculates the optimal path from a source to a destination as a feature.
  • Optimal Path As Raster—Calculates the optimal path from a source to a destination as a raster.
  • Optimal Region Connections—Calculates the optimal connectivity network between two or more input regions.
  • Publish Deep Learning Model—Publishes a model package of a deep learning model (.dlpk ) containing the files and data required to run deep learning inferencing tools for object detection or image classification to your portal as a DLPK item.
  • Zonal Statistics As Table—Summarizes the cells of a raster within the boundaries of zones defined by another dataset.

Additionally, existing raster analytics tasks were enhanced with new parameters, as listed below.

  • Convert Raster to Feature

    • The new createMultipartFeatures parameter specifies whether the output polygons will consist of single-part or multipart features.
    • The new maxVerticesPerFeature parameter specifies the vertex limit used to subdivide a polygon into smaller polygons.
  • Export Training Data For Deep Learning

    • Now supports output to a fileshare data store path.
    • The new referenceSystem parameter specifies the type of reference system to be used to export the image tiles.
    • The new processAllRasterItems parameter specifies how raster items in an image service will be processed.
    • The new blackenAroundFeature parameter specifies whether to blacken the pixels around each object or feature in each image tile.
    • The new fixChipSize parameter specifies whether to crop the exported tiles such that they are all the same size.
  • Generate Multidimensional Anomaly

    • The calculationInterval parameter, which specifies the temporal interval that will be used to calculate the mean, now supports an EXTERNAL_RASTER option.
    • The new referenceMeanRaster parameter specifies the reference raster dataset that contains a previously calculated mean for each pixel. The anomalies will be calculated in comparison to this mean.
  • Generate Trend Raster

    • The new trendLineType parameter specifies the type of line to be used to fit to the pixel values along a dimension.
    • The new cycleLength parameter specifies the length of periodic variation to model.
    • The new cycleUnit parameter specifies the time unit to be used for the length of a harmonic cycle.
    • The new RMSE parameter specifies whether the root mean square error (RMSE) of the trend fit line will be calculated.
    • The new R2 parameter specifies whether the R-squared goodness-of-fit statistic for the trend fit line will be calculated.
    • The new slopePValue parameter specifies whether the p-value statistic for the slope coefficient of the trend line will be calculated.
  • Summarize Raster Within

    • The new processAsMultidimensional parameter specifies how the input rasters will be processed if the are multidimensional.
    • A new option PERCENTILE was added to the statisticType parameter.
    • The new percentileValue parameter specifies the percentile value to calculate.
  • Train Deep Learning Model

    • The outputName parameter provides an option to write the deep learning model package to a fileshare datastore location.
    • The new backboneModel parameter supports several preconfigured neural network to be used as an architecture for training the new model. These include DENSENET121 , DENSENET161 , DENSENET169 , DENSENET201 , MOBILENET_V2 , MASKRCNN50_FPN , RESNET18 , RESNET34 , RESNET50 , RESNET101 , RESNET152 , VGG11 , VGG11_BN , VGG13 , VGG13_BN , VGG16 , VGG16_BN , VGG19 , VGG19_BN
    • The new validationPercent parameter specifies the percentage (in %) of training sample data that will be used for validating the model.
    • The new pretrainedModel parameter specifies the pretrained model to be used for fine tuning the new model. It is a deep learning model package (dlpk) portal item.
    • The new stopTraining parameter specifies whether early stopping will be implemented.
    • The new freezeModel parameter specifies whether to freeze the backbone layers in the pretrained model, so that the weights and biases in the backbone layers remain unchanged.

Raster function objects

Six new raster function objects were added at 10.8.1:

  • MultidimensionalRaster—Function adds a multidimensional dataset, such as netcdf , grib , hdf files, multidimensional mosaic dataset, or multidimensional CRF to a multidimensional raster.
  • MultidimensionalRasterFilter—Function filters multidimensional raster along defined variables and dimensions.
  • ProcessRasterCollection—Function processes each slice in a multidimensional raster or each item in a mosaic raster using different functions. This function can also aggregate multiple slices into a single slice.
  • SpectralUnmixing—Function performs subpixel classification and calculates the fractional abundance of different land cover types for individual pixels.
  • Trend—Function computes a forecasted multidimensional raster layer using the output trend raster from the Generate Trend function or Generate Trend Raster geoprocessing tool.
  • TrendAnalysis—Function estimates the trend for each pixel along a dimension for one or more variables in a multidimensional raster.

Utility Network Service

The following updates apply to feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The Utility Network service now exposes a capabilities property to return capabilities that the service supports.

  • The Trace operation has the following new properties:

    • The TraceLocations parameter has a new isFilterBarrier property. This property is helpful to treat physical barriers as a filter barrier.
    • The traceConfiguration parameter has a new property includeUpToFirstSpatialContainer . This property is used in conjunction with the includeContainers property to limit the containers returned to include only those encountered up to, and including, the first spatial container for each network element in the trace results.

Validation service

The following updates apply to feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The Validation service now exposes a capabilities property to return capabilities that the service supports.
  • The Update Errors operation has a new property for the errorFeatures parameter. The property of ruleType is new to support update errors for topology.

Version Management service

The following updates apply to feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The Version Management service now exposes a capabilities property to return capabilities that the service supports. The supportsConflictDetectionByAttribute capability is available.
  • The Reconcile operation has a new parameter, conflictDetection .


The updates and changes below are effective at 10.8.

Licensing updates

Starting at 10.8, Utility Network and Parcel Fabric functionality can be accessed by users that have been assigned the appropriate user type extensions. The Utility Network and Parcel Fabric extensions are included in the GIS Professional Standard and GIS Professional Advanced user types. The Parcel Fabric extension can be included as an add-on for user types with the capability to view and edit data, such as Editor, Field Worker, Creator, and GIS Professional Basic user types. The Utility Network extension is compatible with all user types. Users who are not assigned a user type that includes these extensions, or who have not been assigned these extensions as an add-on application, can't access some of the Utility Network and Parcel Fabric service endpoints.

Feature service

The updates and changes below are effective for Feature Services at 10.8

General updates

The updates below have been added for feature services in general.

The feature service layer query operation now supports the following:

  • Returning results in RFC7946 GeoJSON format.
  • A parameter, datumTransformation , that sets the datum transformation that will be applied when returning results.
  • A property, standardMaxRecordCountNoGeometry , that defines the max record count. This applies when returnGeometry is false and resultType is standard.

Feature services that support calculate have the option to run the operation asynchronously.

Enterprise geodatabase data

The following updates apply to feature services that reference enterprise geodatabase data:

  • The appropriate user type extension is required when editing feature services that contain Utility Network layers or Parcel Fabric layers. The user type extensions are not required to query Utility Network layers and Parcel Fabric layers through the feature service.
  • The Feature Service Apply Edits operation includes the returnServiceEditsInSourceSR parameter that can be used when the returnServiceEditsOption is set to originalAndCurrentFeatures .

Hosted feature services

The updates below apply to hosted feature services.

The hosted feature service layer query operation supports the following:

  • Protocol buffer (pbf ) as an accepted value for the format (f ) parameter.
  • Using the outStatisticFieldName from outStatistics with the orderByFields parameter.

Hosted feature services now allow you to define and persist default datum transformations to be applied when returning query results.

A new field property, description , has been added for storing value types and descriptions with fields in a layer.

Relational data sources

The following updates apply to hosted feature services on relational data sources:

  • System-maintained Area and Length columns are now exposed on feature service layers.
  • The layer query operation supports percentile as a statistcType when using outStatistics .
  • The Query Attachments operation is now supported on feature service layers.
  • When editor tracking is disabled, you can make updates to editor tracking field values and, later on, re-enable editor tracking.

Parcel Fabric service

At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8, the ArcGIS REST API now supports Parcel Fabric Server API resources. Beginning at 10.7.1, Parcel Fabric Servers allowed organizations to leverage the parcel fabric to manage, edit, and share parcel data in multiuser environments. The Parcel Fabric service supports the following operations:

  • Assign Features to Record—Assigns a specified parcel feature to a specific record.
  • Build—Creates a parcel from polygons or lines by creating missing parcel features.
  • Change Parcel Type—Changes the type and subtype of a specified parcel.
  • Clip—Creates remainder parcels from parcel overlays that split existing parent parcels.
  • Copy Lines to Parcel Type—Copies selected lines to a specific parcel type and record.
  • Create Seeds—Creates parcel seeds for closed loops of lines associated with a specific record.
  • Delete Parcels—Deletes parcels and updates the associated record polygon.
  • Duplicate Parcels—Duplicates parcels to a specified parcel type and subtype.
  • Merge—Creates a new parcel from two or more existing parcels in the parcel fabric.
  • Update Parcel History—Sets the specified parcel feature to either current or historic using the specified record.

Version Management service

The Version resource now supports the Restore rows operation. This allows the client to restore rows from the common ancestor version that were deleted in the edit session.

The Version resource has a new property of previousAncestorDate.

GeoAnalytics Tools

The following changes to GeoAnalytics Tools are new at 10.8:

Image services

The Image Service resource supports the following operations at 10.8:

  • Aggregate Multidimensional Raster can be used to generate a .CRF multidimensional raster dataset and image service by aggregating existing multidimensional dataset variables along a dimension.
  • Build Multidimensional Transpose transposes a multidimensional raster dataset, which divides the multidimensional data along each dimension to optimize performance when accessing pixel values across all slices.
  • Classify Objects Using Deep Learning is used to classify objects based on overlaid imagery data using the designated deep learning model and generate a feature service with a new assigned label for each object.
  • Find Argument Statistics is used to extract the dimension value or band index at which a given statistic is attained for each pixel in a multidimensional or multiband raster.
  • Generate Multidimensional Anomaly is used to compute the anomaly for each slice in a multidimensional raster to generate a multidimensional raster. An anomaly is the deviation of an observation from its standard or mean value.
  • Generate Trend Raster allows you to estimate the trend for each pixel along a dimension for one or more variables in a multidimensional raster.
  • Linear Spectral Unmixing performs subpixel classification and calculates the fractional abundance of end members for individual pixels.
  • Predict Using Trend Raster is used to compute a forecasted multidimensional raster using the output trend raster from the Generate Trend Raster tool.
  • Subset Multidimensional Raster creates a subset of a multidimensional raster by slicing data along defined variables and dimensions.
  • Train Deep Learning Model is used to train a deep learning model using the output from the Export Training Data for Deep Learning tool. It generates the deep learning model package (.dlpk ) and adds it to your enterprise portal.

Raster Analysis tools

The following tools are new at 10.8:


ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 introduces the following:

Raster analytics

A new Cost Path As Polyline task was added.

A new parameter was added to the Determine Travel Cost Path As Polyline task, destinationField .

Three new parameters were added to the Calculate Distance task, distanceMethod , inputBarrierRasterOrFeatures , and outputBackDirectionName .

Four new parameters were added to the Export Training for Deep Learning task, classValueField , bufferRadius , inputMaskPolygons , rotationAngle .

Version Management Service

The following new properties are added to the Version resource for the Version Management Service:

  • versionId
  • hasUninspectedConflicts

Feature services

  • Feature services published from ArcGIS Pro that reference registered data include the following updates:

  • New properties are exposed on the feature layer including supportsQueryAttachments and supportsQueryAttachmentsWithReturnUrl .

Parcel Fabric Server

At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, organizations may leverage the parcel fabric to manage, edit, and share parcel data in multiuser environments. At this release, parcel fabric layers may be published as feature services and edited through ArcGIS Pro.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
