IIMSAxlRequest Interface

Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS server.


Name Description
Method SendAxlRequest Sends an Axl request.
Method SendAxlRequestStream Sends an Axl request and returns a stream.
Method SendCommandRequest Sends a command request,i.e.: ConnectorPing.
Read-only property ServerVersion The ArcIMS server version.

IIMSAxlRequest.SendAxlRequest Method

Sends an Axl request.

IIMSAxlRequest.SendAxlRequestStream Method

Sends an Axl request and returns a stream.

IIMSAxlRequest.SendCommandRequest Method

Sends a command request,i.e.: ConnectorPing.

IIMSAxlRequest.ServerVersion Property

The ArcIMS server version.

Classes that implement IIMSAxlRequest

Classes Description
IMSMetadataServiceName ArIMS Metadata Service Name Object.
IMSServiceName The IMS Service Name.

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