
The IMS Service Name.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IIMSAxlRequest Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS server.
IIMSServiceDescription Provides access to members to get IMS connection properties and get the specified service child.
IIMSUserRole Provides access to members to get the IMS role of the currently logged in user.
IMetadata (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that manage and update metadata.
IMetadataEdit (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that provide information about whether metadata can be edited.
IName (esriSystem) Provides access to members that work with Name objects.
IPersist (esriSystem)
IPersistStream (esriSystem)
ITestConnection (esriSystem) Provides access to members that test connection for a preset configuration.

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