IIMSServiceDescription Interface

Provides access to members to get IMS connection properties and get the specified service child.


Name Description
Read/write property ConnectionProperties True if the service is free.
Read/write property IsPrivate Indicates if the service is private (requires password).
Read/write property Name Service Name.
Read/write property Password Password for the specified service.
Read/write property SavePassword Indicates if the password should be saved.
Read/write property Security Type of security set on the service. Use a combination of acSecurityType constants.
Read/write property ServiceType Type of service.
Read/write property URL URL to ArcIMS server.
Read/write property UserName User name for the specified service.

IIMSServiceDescription.ConnectionProperties Property

True if the service is free.

IIMSServiceDescription.IsPrivate Property

Indicates if the service is private (requires password).

IIMSServiceDescription.Name Property

Service Name.

IIMSServiceDescription.Password Property

Password for the specified service.

IIMSServiceDescription.SavePassword Property

Indicates if the password should be saved.

IIMSServiceDescription.Security Property

Type of security set on the service. Use a combination of acSecurityType constants.

IIMSServiceDescription.ServiceType Property

Type of service.

IIMSServiceDescription.URL Property

URL to ArcIMS server.

IIMSServiceDescription.UserName Property

User name for the specified service.

Classes that implement IIMSServiceDescription

Classes Description
IMSMetadataServiceName ArIMS Metadata Service Name Object.
IMSServiceName The IMS Service Name.

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