Card Group

Card Group provides consistent spacing, accessible keyboard navigation, and selection modes to multiple Cards.


Card Group supports workflows and patterns using more than one Card. Cards within the Card Group are keyboard navigable and visually aligned. Through the use of opt-in selection modes, Card Group can facilitate interactive workflows with Cards.


  • Selection workflows
  • Filtering patterns
  • Representing projects within an organization
  • Representing content items within a group


Best practices

While similar to the Tile Group, a Card Group has distinct capabilities and intended use cases.

Card Groups often contain a variable quantity of Cards, whereas Tile Groups often contain a known quantity of Tiles.


The Card Group component is intended to be used in conjunction with the Card component. It is up to the consuming application to set and manage the width of the Card component's within the group. At times, it may be beneficial to adjust the width of the Card component based on the size of the viewport.

Do use Card Group to represent items in a set, such as projects within an organization.
Do ensure content within each Card within a Card Group is consistent and related to the item it represents.
Avoid using Cards to represent a known quantity of items, such as user preferences.


Keyboard navigation

TabWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the first focusable element slotted within the component, if one exists. If no focusable element exists, focus moves to the next calcite-card. If focus is on the last focusable element within the component, focus moves through the next calcite-card. If the current focus is the last calcite-card, or the last focusable element within the last calcite-card, focus will leave the component.
Tab and ShiftWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the previous calcite-card. If the current focus is the first calcite-card, focus will leave the component.
Arrow leftWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the previous calcite-card. If the current focus is the first calcite-card, focus will return to the last calcite-card.
Arrow rightWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the next calcite-card. If the current focus is the last calcite-card, focus will return to the first calcite-card.
SpaceWhen a calcite-card is focused, when selectionMode is not "none", selects the focused calcite-card.
EnterWhen a calcite-card is focused, when selectionMode is not "none", selects the focused calcite-card.
HomeWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the component's first calcite-card.
EndWhen a calcite-card is focused, moves focus to the component's last calcite-card.

API reference





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