
Tiles are presentational components, useful for presenting consequential information in a compact, consistent format.


Tiles can contain supportive icons, a heading, and a description, and offer support for slotted, non-interactive content.


  • Display of key content or information
  • Selection workflows
  • Primary navigational actions


Best practices

While visually similar to the Card, a Tile has distinct capabilities and intended use cases.


TileThis component
Best used to represent one of a limited number of options, actions, or choices.
The component is wholly focusable - it may not contain slotted focusable elements.
Most often used to represent a single entity or item that is part of a group.
Can contain custom content and supports multiple slotted focusable elements.


A Tile is a single focusable element and should not contain slotted interactive elements, whereas Cards may contain one or many individually focusable elements. Because the entire element is interactive, avoid placing focusable elements within the Tile to ensure users can interact with the Tile as a single entity.

Correct Tile Select groups
Do use Tiles in groups as categorical identifiers.
Avoid Tile Select primary actions
Avoid using Tiles for user actions.

Writing and copy

Text for Tiles should be on the shorter side, and as concise as possible.

  • Use sentence case for heading and description
  • End description with proper punctuation
  • Avoid forming questions in Tiles
  • Recommended heading character maximum: 50
  • Recommended description character maximum: 175

API reference






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