Radio Button

Radio Buttons are circular actions used to make single-choice decisions.


Radio Buttons are designed to take up small interface area, which can fit within a multitude of workflows. Radio Buttons always have one selected item, denoted with a filled Brand color. You can use Radio Button Group as a convenient utility for layout and group configurations.

For "yes" and "no" interactions, multiple selections, and interactions where a choice is optional, please consider Checkbox. The key difference between a checkbox and radio is that radios must always have something active, whereas a checkbox is optional.

For "on" and "off" or boolean interactions, please consider Switch.


  • Various interactions where a single choice needs to be made
  • Forms



Radio Button should be accompanied by a Label, which provides context of the intent to support assistive technologies.

Keyboard navigation

When Radio Buttons are presented with the same name property value, or contained in a Radio Button Group:

Arrow leftMoves focus and selection to previous item. If the current focus and selection is the first item, the focus and selection will cycle to the last item.
Arrow rightMoves focus and selection to next item. If the current focus and selection is the last item, the focus and selection will cycle to the first item.
Arrow downMoves focus and selection to previous item. If the current focus and selection is the first item, the focus and selection will cycle to the last item.
Arrow upMoves focus and selection to next item. If the current focus and selection is the last item, the focus and selection will cycle to the first item.
TabMoves focus in and out of component.
Tab and ShiftMoves focus in and out of component.

Writing and copy

Correct Radio Button content length
Do prefer brevity in Radio Buttons.
Avoid Radio Button content length
Avoid tying Radio Button choices to long sentences or paragraphs.
  • Keep labels for Radio Buttons simple and succinct
  • Do not use contractions (you're, aren't, can't, haven't) for Radio Button labels in order to reduce confusion
  • Avoid writing Radio Button text as questions.

API reference




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