Tile Select Group

deprecated in v2.9.0Refer to the Tile Group component documentation.
Learn more


Tile Select Group is used to house a number of Tile Selects in a layout. This component includes helpful properties for layout and switching between radio-style and checkbox-style selections.


  • Onboarding experiences
  • Visually prominent radio-style selection
  • Visually prominent checkbox-style selections


Best practices

Refer to Tile Select for best practices.


Keyboard navigation

Arrow leftMoves focus and selection to the previous calcite-tile-select. If the current focus and selection is the first calcite-tile-select, focus and selection will cycle to the last calcite-tile-select.
Arrow rightMoves focus and selection to next calcite-tile-select. If the current focus and selection is the last calcite-tile-select, focus and selection will cycle to the first calcite-tile-select.
Arrow downMoves focus and selection to the previous calcite-tile-select. If the current focus and selection is the first calcite-tile-select, focus and selection will cycle to the last calcite-tile-select.
Arrow upMoves focus and selection to next calcite-tile-select. If the current focus and selection is the last calcite-tile-select, focus and selection will cycle to the first calcite-tile-select.
TabMoves focus in and out of component.
Tab and ShiftMoves focus in and out of component.

Writing and copy

Refer to Tile Select for writing and copy guidelines.

API reference



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