Navigation Logo

Child component of Navigation


Navigation Logo is an interactive element that allows a user to identify their current application context.

Navigation Logo is designed to work within the Navigation component. Use the heading and description properties to provide a contextual landmark to the users of your application or experience.


  • To display the logo and name of your application.
  • With the active property to represent that a user is at the "root" of an experience.
  • For interactive maps and demonstrations, to display the title and a description of the experience.



Keyboard navigation

TabMoves focus to the next focusable element. If the currently focused element is the last, the focus will leave the component.
Tab and ShiftMoves focus to the previous focusable element. If the currently focused element is the first, the focus will leave the component.
EnterIf the component has an href property, will open the specified URL destination.

API reference




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