Tab Nav

Child component of Tabs

API reference


messageOverridesUse this property to override individual strings used by the component.{ nextTabTitles?: string; previousTabTitles?: string; }
positionpositionSpecifies the position of calcite-tab-nav and calcite-tab-title components in relation to, and is inherited from the parent calcite-tabs, defaults to top. @internal"bottom" | "top""bottom"
selectedTitleread-onlySpecifies the component's selected calcite-tab-title.HTMLCalciteTabTitleElement
storageIdstorage-idSpecifies the name when saving selected calcite-tab data to localStorage.string
syncIdsync-idSpecifies text to update multiple components to keep in sync if one changes.string


default (unnamed)A slot for adding calcite-tab-titles.


calciteTabChangeEmits when the selected calcite-tab changes.bubblescomposed


componentOnReadyCreate a promise that resolves once component is fully loaded.componentOnReady(): Promise<void>

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