
Tooltips are small text-based components that when triggered by a reference element provide context to the user.


Tooltips float over other elements in the z-axis and provide text to quickly assist the user to understand context, actions, and other elements. A Tooltip can be a helpful UX device to give the user clarity before committing to an action. Avoid relying heavily on Tooltips, as you should prefer headers and labels that accurately describe a workflow. Tooltip positioning can be automatic or manually set to avoid clipping in the interface.

It is recommended to place Tooltips shallowly in the DOM.

To support interactive content, consider Popover.

For more advanced floating workflows, refer to Dialog.


  • General helper text
  • Succinct action hints


2 samples
    <calcite-link id="tooltip-button">Data disclaimer</calcite-link>
    <calcite-tooltip reference-element="tooltip-button">
        <span>This data was collected over a 24 hour period</span>

Best practices

Below are important guidelines on using the Tooltip component.

Correct Tooltip directional
Do use directional props based on the placement of the item generating the Tooltip.
Avoid Tooltip directional
Avoid using directional props that could make the Tooltip fall off of the interface.


It is strongly recommended to house the component's content in an element, such as a span or p, providing context to assistive technologies when accessed.

Keyboard navigation

TabMoves focus to access the component's contents from its reference element. If the current focus is the reference element, focus will leave the element.
Tab and ShiftMoves focus to access the component's contents from its reference element. If the current focus is the reference element, focus will leave the element.

Writing and copy

Correct Tooltip content length
Do use Tooltips as brief text helpers. Prefer brevity.
Avoid Tooltip content length
Avoid using Tooltips with more than one sentence or 75 characters. Prefer Popover or Modal for more content.
Correct Tooltip helpful
Do use actionable verbiage when applicable.
Avoid Tooltip not helpful
Avoid being vague or baiting with Tooltips.
Correct Tooltip punctuation
Do put helpful statements in Tooltips.
Avoid Tooltip punctuation
Avoid having questions in Tooltips.
Correct Tooltip add
Do use Tooltips to properly describe a contextual problem.
Avoid Tooltip add
Avoid redundancy with Tooltips.
  • Tooltip text should be succinct and straight to the point
  • Periods are not necessary for ending Tooltip text
  • Avoid contractions such as "you're", "aren't", "don't", and "can't" to avoid confusion and to assist with internationalization
  • For longer content, please consider Popover
  • Recommended character maximum: 75

API reference


closeOnClickclose-on-clickCloses the component when the referenceElement is clicked.booleanfalse
deprecatedNo longer necessary. Overrides the context of the component's description, which could confuse assistive technology users.
Accessible name for the component.
offsetDistanceoffset-distanceOffset the position of the component away from the referenceElement.number6
offsetSkiddingoffset-skiddingOffset the position of the component along the referenceElement.number0
openopenWhen true, the component is open.booleanfalse
overlayPositioningoverlay-positioningDetermines the type of positioning to use for the overlaid content. Using "absolute" will work for most cases. The component will be positioned inside of overflowing parent containers and will affect the container's layout. The "fixed" value should be used to escape an overflowing parent container, or when the reference element's position CSS property is "fixed"."absolute" | "fixed""absolute"
placementplacementDetermines where the component will be positioned relative to the referenceElement."auto" | "auto-end" | "auto-start" | "bottom" | "bottom-end" | "bottom-start" | "leading" | "leading-end" | "leading-start" | "left" | "left-end" | "left-start" | "right" | "right-end" | "right-start" | "top" | "top-end" | "top-start" | "trailing" | "trailing-end" | "trailing-start""auto"
referenceElementreference-elementThe referenceElement to position the component according to its "placement" value. Setting to the HTMLElement is preferred so the component does not need to query the DOM for the referenceElement. However, a string ID of the reference element can be used.Element | VirtualElement | string


default (unnamed)A slot for adding text.


--calcite-tooltip-background-colorSpecifies the component's background color.
--calcite-tooltip-border-colorSpecifies the component's border color.
--calcite-tooltip-corner-radiusSpecifies the component's corner radius.
--calcite-tooltip-text-colorSpecifies the component's text color.
--calcite-tooltip-z-indexSpecifies the z-index value for the component.


calciteTooltipBeforeCloseFires when the component is requested to be closed and before the closing transition begins.bubblescomposed
calciteTooltipBeforeOpenFires when the component is added to the DOM but not rendered, and before the opening transition begins.bubblescomposed
calciteTooltipCloseFires when the component is closed and animation is complete.bubblescomposed
calciteTooltipOpenFires when the component is open and animation is complete.bubblescomposed


componentOnReadyCreate a promise that resolves once component is fully loaded.componentOnReady(): Promise<void>
repositionUpdates the position of the component.reposition(delayed?: boolean): Promise<void>

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